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[FIXED] Can't install ATI video driver - Printable Version

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[FIXED] Can't install ATI video driver - DragonRider - 05-28-2013


I have a problem with my PC... yet again.

In a nutshell- I re-isntalled my Windows XP.
Now I can't install the video driver for my ATI Radeon x1600/x1650 Series.
During the instalation i get the following message:

"Setup did not found a driver comatable with your current hardware or operating system"

Also, I installed the CPU driver before installing the video.

Any ideas how to get around this problem?

RE: Can't install ATI video driver - Just.Dave - 05-28-2013

Are you using the latest version for that driver or for a CD

RE: Can't install ATI video driver - Duvelske - 05-28-2013

that might help?

RE: Can't install ATI video driver - AeternusDoleo - 05-28-2013

Latest Catalyst drivers no longer support that model.

RE: Can't install ATI video driver - DragonRider - 05-28-2013

Quote:Are you using the latest version for that driver or for a CD

I don't have a CD.
I downloaded the driver from AMD's support site.
I had their installer on my computer and I used it 2 or 3 times with no problem. This time I didn't work.


that might help?

Nope. Same error message, plus one more right after the first one:

"Setup was unable to complete the instalation. Try to setup your display driver with a standard VGA driver before running setup"

What does that even mean?

Quote:Latest Catalyst drivers no longer support that model.

That is the one I used first. Doesn't work.

To add another thing. I got an idea. I removed the video card from the motheboard and put it back again. After I turned on the PC, I was able to install the video driver (the one I used before from the support site). After that it told me something like "You need to have .Net framefork 2.0 for Catalyst control center to work".
At that time I had .Net framework 4.0

But, although the video driver was installed, I was still getting the same screen effects, like the driver isn't working.
I re-started the PC and.... the driver was still not working...

Anyway, thanks for the support.
If you have any other seggestions, let me know.

Thank you.

RE: Can't install ATI video driver - Beauenheim - 05-29-2013

Fresh install of XP?

If you didn't do too much, just reformat and install again and everything should be fine. Customer brought in a 7 box with a dated motherboard (2005ish) with a fresh install done by himself, and he had the same problem as you. Since he didn't have anything on there, I just reinstalled Windows 7 and everything was perfect. I would've done more to fix the problem but since it was a fresh install, I just made it easier on me.

RE: Can't install ATI video driver - Trail - 05-29-2013

Well try following the net 2.0 thing

get it here

then try installing again and if it does / does not work upgrade back to the latest version. Shouldn't give you and PC problems afaik

also since your video card apparently isnt supported anymore (going by what AD said)

try and use this

unless you have already.

RE: Can't install ATI video driver - DragonRider - 05-29-2013

Well, I formatted and installed Win 7 Ultimate.
But it seems that there isn't a video driver for win 7.
The Win7 setup installed some kind of display driver, along with .NET framework 4.5
And now the graphics on the desktop are working fine, as if an actual video card driver is installed.

I went to Control Panel > Display > Screen Resolution > Advanced Settings > Properties

[Image: 97jj8g.jpg]

This "ATI FireGL V3400" thing is new.
I'm not sure of this is an actual video driver or something else.
Guess I should try out some games?
To see if they work.

Also, I'm new to Win7. Excuse me if I'm being too n00b.

RE: Can't install ATI video driver - Govedo13 - 05-30-2013

ATI FireGL series are high end cards made for graphic design,not for gaming like your card, it is strange that it is comparable at all.
Don't remove it, just take fraps and check your FPS in games that you used to play with this card- like Freelancer and others- if it run smooth then you are lucky and the drivers are compatible:
Both cards have the same amount of ram and the same type of ram also both are 256 bits.
Since V3400 is entry level it could be the same deal as entrly level intel Xeon CPUs using the same socket as customer CPUs- they take the customer grade CPU and brand it as server grade one- same thing only the name is different.
However in your case it really depends what kind of 1600 card do you have:
May be the different driver might lead to performance issues based on the different type of usage of cards memory.

In general any Catalyst between version 6 and 10 should run this card without problems, I guess that you do something wrong by their install, make sure you removed everything of the previous driver versions before you change them.

RE: Can't install ATI video driver - DragonRider - 05-30-2013

For now I have only tried Freelancer Discovery.
It runs smoothly like before - on the same FPS level.
However, the engines effects have lower quality.
But that doesn't bother me.

Well, seems like I got lucky with this driver.
So I should keep it that way?

But, I'm curious as to what caused this.

In my first post I didn't explain alot.
Here's the story.

I was using WinXP. I have reintalled this PC several times and it is working fine.
One day I was stupid enough to run a skype virus. Skype froze and started going buggy. After a minute it un-froze. After about 10 minutes skype did the same. This time I pushed the restart botton (not the one in the start menu). When Windowns started it was in 800x600 resolution.
For the record, I completely removed the skype virus at this point.
Then I started the setup for video driver, the exe I usualy use.
I got the error.
The internet didn't help me fix this, so I re-installed WinXp. Only to have the exact same problem.
Then I installed Win7.
And from here you know the story...