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Marine Royale Gallic - briambo - 06-29-2008

Marine Royale Gallique


When the French sleepership arrived in Sirius, unknown to the other houses, they started colonizing the first inhabitable planet they found. Using parts from their far more larger sleeper ship they were able to quickly establish a city to house the sleepership's inhabitants and build up a economy. Once they were fully settled they started to make ready for the exploration of their system and nearby systems to assess the possibilty of colonization and expanding their economics.

Soon after they had colonies and space stations in their capital system and their other systems, reports came in that pirates were attacking stations and colonies. Not really having a real army the Council decided to establish an official Naval force...the Marine Royal Gallique was born.

At first the MRG was able to hold off the pirates, but lacking the skill and the manpower the MRG was eventually pushed back. The Fleet Admiral of the MRG at that time saw this and decided that to win a war they had to destroy the enemy from within. This lead to the creation of the Directorate-Gallois de la S?curit? Ext?rieure or the DGSE, better known as the Gallic Secret Service, with at the head of it the Fleet Admiral of the MRG. Through this course the Gauls were able to quickly infiltrate the pirates, steal their technology and implement it for the good of the people of Gaul, learn the location of the pirate bases and fleets and most important of all know the location of the other Houses. Within a span of 6 months the GRN was able to drive back the pirates, through the information given by the DGSE spies.

After their own space was secured, the Fleet Admiral ordered the DGSE to spy on the other houses and companies in the Sirius Sector to collect data, technology and intel. Because of this the Gauls were able to set up their own Trade Lanes and Jump Gates between their systems, they made vast leeps in technology. Making them slowly but surely technologically superior to the other houses.

The Nomad War

During the course of centuries the Gauls lived in solitude, fending for themselves and plotting their course of action against the other houses who had abadonned them in Sol.

With the Nomads reappearing in Sirius, several disappearances of highly ranked persons of the four Houses occurred. Local law enforcements blamed these dasappearances on The Order but in fact these persons were spies of the DGSE who were called back so that the Nomads could not capture them and retrieve the information they carried on them. Once the war was over, new members of the DGSE infiltrated within the ranks of the four Houses.

Current Events

At this moment Fleet Admiral Jean-Pierre Desaudes is at the head of the MRG and the DGSE. He has developped several strategies to cripple the other Houses but The Council has not approved of them, because they would not prefer an all out war with the four Houses. The Marquis, the radical wing of the Council, have attempted several assasinations on Fleet Admiral Desaudes, but all of them were foiled by the MRG or the DGSE. Other skirmishes have taken place but none to serious. The Council and the MRG are at an unstable peace at best, but both can't risk a civil war at this time.


Fleet Admiral (1): Commander of the fleet. Can fly any ship we have.
Admiral (2): Helps the Fleet Admiral make choices. The one designated as "senior" steps in to command the fleet when the Fleet Admiral is away. Ships: LF, VHF, Bomber, GB, Cruiser, Battleship.
Vice Admiral (3): Commands a Fleet Division (Fighters, Bombers, Capships) Ships: LF, VHF, Bomber, GB, Cruiser.
Rear Admiral (4): Commands a Taskforce. Ships: LF, VHF, Bomber, GB, Cruiser
Colonel: (5) Can command a cruiser/destroyer. Ships: LF, VHF, Bomber, GB, Cruiser.
Lt. Colonel (6): Commands a GB squadron. ships: LF, VHF, Bomber, GB.
Commander: (12) Can command a Gunboat. Ships: LF, VHF, Bomber, GB.
Captain: (Unlimited) Leader of a fighter wing. Ships: LF, VHF, Bomber.
Lieutenant (Unlimited): You get more supervisory power. Right to fly a bomber. Ships: LF, VHF, Bomber.
Sergeant (Unlimited): Basic rank of the GRN. Ships: LF, VHF.
Corporal (Unlimited): First rank where you get any kind of supervisory power. Ships: LF, VHF.
Recruit: (Unlimited) Its a trial rank to make sure your not here for the PvP. Ships: HF

Command Structure

Captain will lead a fighter squadron of 5 to 10 people (depends on the number of members we have). A number will be handed to this squadon by Fleet command and the captain and his bunch of lt.'s, sgt.'s,... can decide on a name of that squadron. This name will have to be approved by Fleet command (so that we don't have any "Pimps o' the Hood" squardon flying around). Captain, Lt.'s and sgt. will be responsible for training recruits and such.

//OOC These squadrons will be formed according to the Time zone, so that we atleast some members for the larger part of the time.

These squadrons can be designated to a Rear Admiral for missions and or training exercises.

Directorate-Gallois de la S?curit? Ext?rieure

Players will be able to become one of this highley secretive and elite taskforce and will only recieve orders from the Fleet Admiral or the two Admirals. They will also have to explain their course of action to the Fleet Admiral or the two Admirals. Seeing as how this is elite and so, only a select few will be chosen to do this.

Names and Tags

These will of course have to be French, no Basil McFadding or Akira Mitsihumi or any other not french sounding name

Tag for Fighters: MRG-FirstName.LastName[SqdNr] or MRG-FirstName.LastName[SqdNme] //Still pending judgement
Tag for Cap Ships:MRG-Shipname

Marine Royale Gallic - Praetyre - 06-29-2008

Unless you wish to pull an RM, I would advise not picking such a name and position. Also, in case you are wondering, the name would be: "Marine Royale Gallique".

Marine Royale Gallic - bluntpencil2001 - 06-29-2008

' Wrote:Unless you wish to pull an RM, I would advise not picking such a name and position. Also, in case you are wondering, the name would be: "Marine Royale Gallique".

That would depend on whether translations are used or not... in fact, I believe that only two vanilla factions use their native tongues (excepting the Bretonians and Libertonians of course)... LWB and Hogosha. I may wrong, though.

A greater problem, however, would be the massive deposit required, and also that others have also expressed an interest in such a faction.

Marine Royale Gallic - Dopamino - 06-29-2008

Except everything is converted to English in Freelancer, so his is actually correct Praetyre.

Marine Royale Gallic - Praetyre - 06-29-2008

I know that, I was more informing him of the formal title.

@Adrian: That's probably an effect of inconsistent translation, perhaps the IU explanation being that the translation software has bugs in it when translating some words.

Marine Royale Gallic - bluntpencil2001 - 06-29-2008

' Wrote:I know that, I was more informing him of the formal title.

@Adrian: That's probably an effect of inconsistent translation, perhaps the IU explanation being that the translation software has bugs in it when translating some words.

It is more likely because having two Farmers' Alliances wouldn't go down right...

Marine Royale Gallic - Praetyre - 06-29-2008

Actually, on that note, would Sirius translators even cover the French? Not like anyone is likely going to speak it, even being generous and assuming English, Japanese, German, the numerous Commonwealth languages, Welsh, Gaelic, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Tibetan, Mongolian, Cambodian, Mugabe-knows how many African languages (the best possibility for French, along with the Canadians in Bretonia), Pakistani, Arabic, numerous Persian Gulf/Middle Eastern languages and Indian have all survived?

Marine Royale Gallic - briambo - 06-29-2008

edited some, since the secret service has it's name in French it wouldn't be entirly consisent with the rest so I changed it like Praetyre said

Marine Royale Gallic - Praetyre - 06-29-2008

Well, if you want to go down that route.. Fleet Admiral should be changed to Amiral de Gaul, Admiral to Amiral, Vice Admiral to Vice-amiral d'escadre, Rear Admiral to Vice-amiral, Colonel (which is an army rank) should be Captain- Capitaine de vaisseau, and as there's no naval equivalent to Lt. Colonel, just skip to Commander-Capitaine de fregate, Lieutenant Commander-Capitaine de corvette, and the rest you can probably find here, for the junior ranks:

Marine Royale Gallic - bluntpencil2001 - 06-29-2008

' Wrote:Well, if you want to go down that route.. Fleet Admiral should be changed to Amiral de Gaul.
Probably best not to continue much further down that route, actually.... eventually the whole post will be in Francais...