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To: ZA officials from The Order command - Printable Version

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To: ZA officials from The Order command - Omicron - 05-28-2013

[Image: T6FLPmo.png]
Good day, I am speaking on behalf of entire High Command right now in matters of high importance.

Several of our agents refueling on Zoner installations within Omicron 74 while in transit to either Kappa or Theta, found something which... unsettled our command. Confirmed now by several agents, your installation by name of Zoner Guard-74, located next to Omicron Kappa jumphole.

Furthermore, some pilot by name of Kirk which is believed to be part of your organisation was interrogated in Omicron Zeta. Reasons initially were unclear but suspicions were directed mostly at:
  • Possibility of Kirk selling nomad materials, including potentially lethal to unknown zoner buyer in Omegas.
  • Illegal development of dangerous Nomad based technology.
  • Should above be invalid, potential infestation of Zoner pilot.

Ship's hull integrity was dropped to zero in the end due to weapon's fire when Order patrol was convinced this individual might have been infected, Nomad influenced or otherwise be potentialy hostile element to The Order. Pod was not found however remnants of the ship (Osprey class fighter) have been salvaged and will be sent back to Omicron 74 should you require with nearest transport.

All evidence is submitted below.

(03-03-2011, 09:05 PM)Nomad materials directive Wrote:
Nomad materials directive

  1. All ships, which do not fly with correct Zoner or Order ID signals and are caught hauling nomad remains of any kind, will have their cargo confiscated.
  2. Ships signaling the correct Zoner ID are allowed to transport small nomad remains to research, but not more then 10 units.
  3. Transporting nomad remains of gunboat or even battleship size is off-limits to everyone outside the Order and will be confiscated if caught smuggling.
  4. If said bigger remains are needed, the Order High Command has to be contacted first for approval.
  5. Using weapons of nomad origin is off-limits to everyone outside the ranks of the Order. Should we find such a ship, the weapons will be confiscated on spot.
  6. Any ship which is caught violating these regulations and disobeys our commands will be destroyed without mercy!
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: The contact also has a variety of cloaking devices, guns and such
Order|Michal.Golanski: I see we get more evidence on ZA?
Order|Constantine": Alright... Let's try to get it clear what this guy wants.
Order|Jay.Zito.: He said he's selling remains to a contact in Omegas.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: He is onboard a base in one of the Omegas, if you are interested I can get you there.
Order|Hammer: Roger.
Order|Constantine": Zoner... What's up?
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Greetings.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I wish no harm, I'm just a zoner
Order|Jay.Zito.: What faction does this 'contact' belong to?
Order|Constantine": Just tell me what do you want.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I don't feel safe with everyone pointing your guns to me.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: The contact is a zoner.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I'm just exploring here, sir.
Order|Constantine": James.. I heard that you want to carry nomad remains... and you offer us nomad weapons...Is that it?
Order|Jay.Zito.: Does this person have a name?
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: If I am allowed to go through your space carrying remains and searching for them, we can make a deal.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: No, he deals arms.
Order|Constantine": Jay... I know what contact he means so... let me handle it.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: You do, sir?
Order|Constantine": I do. I know you people are selling nomad weapons in your base.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Not only that.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: There's more
Order|Constantine": The whole lot of you are guilty. Do you know who we are?
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: But calling us you people is quite offensive.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I know well who you are.
Order|Constantine": Uhuh. I'll get more offensive now.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I'm not looking for a fight.
Order|Constantine": Do you have any idea who we are and what we do?
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Zoners are peaceful, did you forget?
Order|Constantine": I don't care how peaceful you are, dude. Just answer me.
Order|Jay.Zito.: How come you are flying warships then?
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I have an idea, you are a secret organization origining from Liberty to protect Omegas
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: and Omicrons.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: This is a long rage escort
Order|Constantine": Well... Let me introduce myself... because you are wrong.
Order|Jay.Zito.: 'long rage'
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Enlighten me, please.
Order|Hammer: Jay, let Constantine do the talking. That guy can't answer all the questions.
Order|Constantine": We are the Order. We shoot anything that has nomad stuff.
Order|Amunet: Weapons online. Awaiting orders.
Order|Michal.Golanski: I see you have it covered.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I got a lot of answers if you plan on questioning.
Order|Constantine": Do you understand it? We are around here to take out the nomads and anything related to the nomads. That includes, nomad-
Order|Constantine": weapons, nomad remains, and nomad tech and remains smugglers.
Order|Constantine": YOU fit to that description.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Are you calling me a smuggler, sir?
Order|Constantine": Yes I do.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: *grins*
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I've never smuggled anything
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: This is a simple pickup mission
Order|Jay.Zito.: *cough*
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I was supposed to get 1 remain, other 2 nomads attacked me.
Order|Michal.Golanski: From logs I received you said you are smuggling nomad remains to SOMEONE in the Omegas?
Order|Constantine": And here you are asking nomad remains from us. You little confused thing...
Order|Jay.Zito.: Your cargo says that you are.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I'm not asking nomad remains from you, I asked if I could pass through this sector searching for them.
Order|Constantine": Drop those nomad remains now, dude. And then tell your friends not to come with a request like that again.
Order|Amunet: Don't talk all at once please. He's confused enough as it is.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Gentlemen, if you don't mind, I will answer to Mr. Constantine
Order|Constantine": Also, destroy those nomad weapons, or we will destroy them alongside yourself.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: That might be a hard thing to do and I don't wish to fight. Can we talk this?
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I don't have any relations to those weapons
Order|Michal.Golanski: There is no talk, there are actions.
Order|Constantine": We won't shoot you here right now, don't worry.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: And you've never heard of me, or this information. Alright?
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: To who shall I give the remains to?
Order|Constantine": My agents have seen your base full of nomad weapons. Zoner Guard-74 is the name of the base.
Order|Constantine": Your whole organization is guilty because of this.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I will not reveal any information more.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I am just a escort/explorer
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Do you see me wearing their weapons?
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Nope. I have the remains
Order|Constantine": Anyways, I realize you are not the one to talk about it. What you'll do now is dropping those nomad remains.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: done
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: So much of "research" you need them for.
Order|Constantine": And you'll swear that you'll never gather and carry nomad remains again.
Order|Hammer: I'd rather fry them with the Supernova, just to be sure, sir.
Order|Constantine": You'll NOT do research on nomads either.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I'm not the one you should be talking to.
Order|Constantine": I am talking to YOU. Swear on those to leave here alive.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I can not swear because nomads will attack me again.
Order|Constantine": Just don't carry nomad remains.
Order|Jay.Zito.: Then destroy them.
Order|Jay.Zito.: As simple is that.
Order|Constantine": Yup.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: So, you're telling me to give up 300k a piece ?
Order|Jay.Zito.: What
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: We ger 300 000 credits for a remain
Order|Hammer: Right... Constantine, if I may...
Order|Constantine": Yes. I tell you that.
Order|Jay.Zito.: What's more important to you? Money or your life?
Order|Amunet: Your denial might aswell be considered as a confession of you being infected.
Order|Constantine": Sure, go on ahaed, Hammer.
Order|Hammer: Zoner, have you ever been in Minor?
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Money, because I can be reborn. I am not infected.
Order|Hammer: No, James.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: One second, let me check my logs.
Order|Jay.Zito.: Vessel Nephlius, carry on.
Order|Jay.Zito.: Nothing to see here.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I've been to Iota, 99, 90 and some other nomad systems.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I've seen their bases and jump gates
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Some can't be found by radar.
Order|Hammer: *sighs* That's not the point...
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: You have to fly around until you find it.
Order|Hammer: Omicron Minor. Planet Toledo.
Order|Hammer: Have you *static* seen it?
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Never been there with this ship
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I have seen it, Hammer
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: It looks like a huge rock, unlike anything I have ever seen.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: And the radiation was too high for me to go on
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: My ship would've been torn apart
Order|Hammer: Then look at it again! Millions lived there. Only a few survived. All because of those jellies you want to make profit on!
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Some assassins jumped on me later on and I managed to get out of their spaces alive.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Well, you like me killing the buggers, don't you? You research on them, make guns?
Order|Hammer: Has anyone EVER made anything good out of nomad materials?
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Your scientist
Order|Hammer: And by good I mean something that creates rather than destroys.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: They made them able to wear on your ship?
Order|Hammer: So far I've seen only destruction coming from them.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Order wears nomad guns and yet you ask me if it creates.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Ask your scientists.
Order|Constantine": I don't think this guy's getting what's up still.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Try to equip a nomad gun on yourself.
Order|Constantine": Let's just be more clear.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I know what's up.
Order|Hammer: So, whenever you get a nomad remain and sell it to some unsavoury character, you participate in the murder.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Murder of who? The jelly?
Order|Constantine": James... Look. If we ever see you carrying nomad remains, nomad weapons, and if we hear that you are doing research on them-
Order|Constantine": I swear, we will destroy you.
Order|Constantine": Now move out towards Delta. On cruise.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I'm not so frightened, you know I can be reborn.
Order|Constantine": WHAT?
Order|Hammer: That *static* doesn't get my point!
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Genetic modification, isn't it a nice thing?
Order|Constantine": He's an idiot.
Order|Jay.Zito.: *opens a bottle of beer*
Order|Hammer: *sighs* A perfect speech wasted on a fool.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I've seen everything from the age of Sol, since the Alliance came here, since the wars.
Order|Constantine": Genetic modification that makes you reborn?
Order|Amunet: *Peers over at Constantine* I think we're done here. *tilts her head to the side slightly*
Order|Constantine": This guy might as well be one of those mind-share stuff things...
Order|Jay.Zito.: Well, it seems that ZA really shouldn't be in poession of nomad remains or weapons.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: My modifications will remain undiscluded, I have seen things you have not.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: No, I do not belong to a colective.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: I am one.
Order|Hammer: Right. Whatever... I'm done trying to talk sense into this guy.
Order|Jay.Zito.: Pilot of the Nephilus, jump already.
Order|Constantine": James... get lost... that's the last warning.
Order|Hammer: If he's smart enough, he'll listen to our warnings.
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Last warning? Wher'es the 1st one?
[ZA]James_T_Kirk: Where's*
Order|Jay.Zito.: That was the first and the last.
Order|Hammer: That's the only warning you get.
Order|Constantine": You go down, I am sorry about this pain you'll suffer.
Order|Jay.Zito.: *takes a sip of his beer*
Death: [ZA]James_T_Kirk was put out of action by Order|Constantine" (Gun)
Order|Jay.Zito.: Some people never learn...

As you may deduct from this quote, you are in potentially uncomfortable position towards The Order. Considering this is your first offense, we request simply to deposit your stolen prototypes and other dangerous nomad material to Order primary or Taskforce 141 vessel.

Golanski out.

RE: To: ZA officials from The Order command - Zoner-Trader - 05-29-2013

[Image: NbjtYYt.png?1]

< Zoner Alliance Communications Station Active....Sending Message... >

Kallsti Order High Command,

As you have shown once again little regard for a Zoner Alliance pilot who by all accounts, who complied with your pilots demands to drop the remains and weapons.

Yes he did act foolhardy after compliance, he will be spoken to regarding dealing with yourselves in the future.

As you will beaware the weapons your pilots spoke of, have been removed by yourselves.

As for research we will continue to do so in developing our own technology, as other Zoner groups which you seem to turn a blind eye to..also do such further discussion is required on this subject.

As for theft of said technology, i think your accusation is misplaced...these were collected in self-defence from Nomad/Alien attacks...the weapons do not work on Zoner ships as you are fully aware. Though through intelligence reports and scan, it seems that Order ships are capable of using said technology.

We hope you always watch the watchers for Nomad influence within your ranks as some do display a lack of regard towards our Alliance and a dis-regard for Zoner Independance!

Remember your law isnt ours! We comply out of friendship nothing more.

Attached is the image regarding said transfer.


Regards and Safe Flying

Tri Udent
Administrator of Freeport Sigma, ZA Comms Officer

***Transmission Lost***

< Zoner Alliance Communication Station Powering Down....Comms set to passive Alert >