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Is there an Aussie Clan on 24/7? - Printable Version

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Is there an Aussie Clan on 24/7? - Salvation - 05-29-2013

HEY guys,

Been looking around for a stable and frequent clan.
To possibly join if asked however most clans work funny hours.
All in different Time Zones and hard to get a hold off.
I was therefore interested to hear about 24/7 server factions who are around and active during GMT +10 hours.
A crew I could regularly hang with and chill.

Where are you Aussie Kangaroo Factions?

Are there New Zealand branches I could join if no Aussies exist?

Who owns Melbourne station in NY?

RE: Is there an Aussie Clan on 24/7? - Hone - 05-29-2013

Well; are you referring to a clan - group of players who talk together, but may have unrelated characters. Or a Freelancer faction - Group of characters using the same ID ingame? TBH disco kinda discourages people mixing their nationality into RP - hence the banning on shipnames based of RL nationality. However I am in NZ myself, and know how it can be difficult to find other gamers with the same timezone.

As for Melbourne station, I belive its owned by the SFC, A Liberty navy faction.

RE: Is there an Aussie Clan on 24/7? - Echo 7-7 - 05-29-2013

Welcome to Disco, fellow Anzlagger! Allow me to elaborate the above post.

Clan: A collected entity of gamers, usually banded together by common cause or interest and/or for organisational purposes. A clan, as an entity, has little meaning on its own within a roleplay environment.

Faction: A hierarchically organised group of characters that all share the same affiliation / alignment. They can be entirely independent groups (Freelancers) or represent divisions of larger NPC factions (military, corporate, pirate).

Since Discovery is a roleplaying server, the role of a player faction and a player clan is usually merged. A group of players come together under mutual agreement to roleplay out their membership of a particular faction. For example, you might have four players interested in roleplay a group of Bounty Hunters, and while every player is equal as a person, you agree that in-roleplay one person's character is the most senior Hunter, and thus the other characters defer to his or her judgement.

Official Factions are factions endorsed by the Server Administration, and are some of the largest factions active on the server, and generally wield some additional authority over players of the same alignment (for example, there is only one Fleet Admiral of the Liberty Navy).

Since players are therefore brought together by common interest in roleplaying a particular faction, groups are therefore not likely to cater to players at a given timezone. However, larger factions do end up having members in different time zones, so they can offer some kind of support to different players.

There is nothing preventing a group from being formed solely of players from just one time zone or nationality, provided that they maintain the integrity of the roleplaying environment (you are not permitted to tag or otherwise identify yourselves in-game with real world nationalities).

RE: Is there an Aussie Clan on 24/7? - Salvation - 05-29-2013

Hmm, what a detailed reply my friends.

Now I understand the difference between Faction and Clan.
I would like to understand find other like minder individuals who are of Australian / New Zealand origin.
So we can game together on Discovery 24/7 and/or other games as a Clan would.
However if a Faction as you have stated in 24/7 has an RP purpose and mission populated by players in my similar Time Zone.

If anyone is willing to extend a hand in friendship to a fellow Aussie or a brother from across the ditch then let me know.

Are there many Clans who do bring their Team members over to 24/7 and game amongst the many factions?

Reply to this Thread and perhaps we can talk in-game soon.

RE: Is there an Aussie Clan on 24/7? - Anaximander - 05-29-2013

Some do bring clans in from other servers and games, but generally clans are discouraged, where factions are encouraged. There is a heavy emphasis on roleplay on this server, which is why factions are put so much in the foreground. Also people play at odd timezones, I sometimes play at night (European time), and lots of other people do that too; so even at "Down Under" peak hours you will find that a lot of the players are Europeans.

If you want to find factions and groups that you can be sure are active in your timezone, just take a look at the online player list when you play, and keep an eye out for faction tagged ships (they usually have some stuff in brackets, like [LN], [RM], [ALG] and so on), and then apply to join one of them that suits you.

If you just want to hang out with like-minded people from your timezone, you can easily meet people in-game and work together; and form your own group from there. When it comes to playing other games together, generally the entire Disco community is a "clan" - people will post games and servers they play on here on the forum, and often people get together and play other games (like World of Tanks) and some even host servers for popular games like Minecraft.

I don't think timezone is that much of a problem when it comes to playing in a faction, but I might be wrong on that.

RE: Is there an Aussie Clan on 24/7? - Agmen of Eladesor - 05-29-2013

(05-29-2013, 10:45 AM)Anaximander Wrote: I don't think timezone is that much of a problem when it comes to playing in a faction, but I might be wrong on that.

The only issue that time zones have with playing in a faction is when events come up. A huge number of the members of my factions live in Europe, so they're available when I'm not - and vice-versa. But due to time zones, the guys that are ANZlaggers tend to be available when I'm on. It's amazing how time zones sort of average out - you guys with GMT+10, us here in the US at GMT -5 / -6. For you it's noon, for me it's 10 pm the previous day - and those poor Europeans are all sleeping.

So if you don't mind dealing with Americans (both North and South) - you should find a decent player count and faction activity around when you want to play. (Just use the clock function on your computer to set up multiple clocks, so you can see who is awake and when - it works wonders.)

Also skype is a great tool - once you get in a couple of factions, just leave it up and running if you can (due to always on internet, for example) and you can get messages and coordinate with your faction mates all the time.

RE: Is there an Aussie Clan on 24/7? - Narcotic - 05-29-2013

Rumors say that there is an Ossi clan.

RE: Is there an Aussie Clan on 24/7? - Salvation - 05-29-2013

An Aussie group of gamers playing on Discovery 24/7 huh?
Well, if that is true and those would be ANZ Laggers are reading this thread.
Then please reply to this Thread to confirm your existence.


You can send me a Private PM and perhaps we can meet sometime Online.

RE: Is there an Aussie Clan on 24/7? - n00bl3t - 05-30-2013

I am Australian and exist, somewhat.

I mostly play my Kishiro and West/Jame/other idiots like ourselves are online when I am.

Find out what sort of faction you want to join; pirate, navy, police, trader, et cetera and then ask around to see which one has the biggest amount of players that play when you do.

RE: Is there an Aussie Clan on 24/7? - The CELT - 05-31-2013


I am in touch with a fellow Aussie player. We have not formed a clan or faction as we just play independently since there is only 2 of us. If you are thinking of starting an Aussie clan we would be interested. We have a number of vessels already and wont mind changing 1 or 2 to suit any faction you are thinking of.

The Celt