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[ZA]Tri Udent...personal logs - Printable Version

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[ZA]Tri Udent...personal logs - Zoner-Trader - 05-29-2013

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Since my return from the pilgrimage, i have been constantly busy with little time to reflect on how our great Alliance has grown over the course of a year.

A few months ago on my return i was asked to become a tutor at a Academy for young Zoner's due to my experiences. At first i wasnt to sure of myself but as i trained the students in combat skills and ethics. It reminded me of my own hero, who had taught me...those people are long gone. But what has enspired me is that, while i was on a survey mission deep in the Omega's. I recieved a message from the Director of the Academy. In it he sent me some images of the young Zoners work, their subject their Leaders. They have shown me true honor, when i return to train them once again it will not seem so pointless. I can now see why my Hero also taught at the Academy, it wasnt for was to inspire the young, to show them to become more than they are.

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[Image: uQTKikl.jpg?1]

Lately i was tasked to put together files on all factions that we currently neighbour. The work has been hard, reading through reports and communications. There seem's to be some underlying plot against the Alliance, the more i delve into this the darker places i go. Its worrying that in some ways someone is working in the background to destroy us, i will continue the investigation.

RE: [ZA]Tri Udent...personal logs - Zoner-Trader - 06-02-2013

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Udent shifted his weight inside the air-duct, peering through the slits in the ducts cover he could make out that the emergency lighting was partially on.

Slowly he placed a circular disk on the cover, which magnetised and held its self in place. He pushed the cover off and it floated away, the disc had anti-grav properties so it faced up-wards. This in turn, turned the cover to face downwards and as it floated away it slowed down to a halt.

Udent slipped out of the duct slowly, lowering himself to the ground and dropped four feet, softly landing on his feet. He crouched, listening for any movement and scanning the area for anything that might be out of place.

The Black body suit which covered him from head to toe, ensured any sensors wouldnt pickup on his body heat, so staving off any intial ambush that might be waiting for him.

Moving cautiously towards the center of the storage bay, using the darkest shadows to hide his approach. The emergency lights flickered in the center, strange that they were only working there; he thought to himself.

His contact lay face down on the floor, a blood pool evident next to the body. Udent moved his gaze around the room, catching a flicker of movement and it seemed one figure was moving round to come up behind him. While two others crouched, peering over in the darkness from behind a storage container.

Time to move, Udent threw himself flat and log rolled to his left. Bringing him closer to the figure that made its way to come up behind him. He heard the shadow before he saw it, jumping out caused the assailant to lift and extend his right arm. Udent knocked the arm away, then incircled it with his own. His right hand darted forward, striking the shadows windpipe with a crushing blow. Stepping to the left, his right foot smashed diagonaly into knee joint with a crunch as the joint gave way causing the now gurgling, suffocating figure to lose balance. When this happened the weapon the shadow held, fired involutary due to reflex action. Udent then snapped the figures arm at the elbow, the weapon clattered to the floor as did the shadow. Rolling forward over the now dying assailant he tumbled several times then lay prone, listening for the other would be ambushers to approach.

He heard their footsteps then drew himself into a crouch, drawing his dagger slowly from its casing on his back; he flicked the power button on and brought it to the ready position. The pair opened fire randomly, trying to draw him out and by doing so gave their position away. Udent crept slowly round their flank, with only seven feet between him and the assailants. Udent rushed forward, his blade took the first on the left arm and the blade sprung to life. It ejected a plasma field around the eight inches of the already sharp blade. The dagger cut through the arm and Udent carried the cut across the body. The remaining assailant turned fast and lost his arm in the process, his screem at the sudden pain was high pitched. Udent took hold of the screeming figure, he buried his blade deep into its chest then cut upwards. The explosion of blood as the heart and chest were ripped apart covered Udent.

Crouching once again he moved away from the corpses, he made his way to small alcove between several containers.

Flicking his wrist comm-pad on "This is Udent, i need a clean up team and extraction"

RE: [ZA]Tri Udent...personal logs - Zoner-Trader - 06-06-2013

[Image: uorYuLW.jpg?1]

The cell was dark except for the light that came from the large security window, the blinking lights from passing prison patrol ships; lit the room for afew seconds then darkness returned.

Udent rolled onto his back, resting the back of his head on his own clasped hands.

Time was all he had, there was no rush to do the next job. There was nothing but his own thoughts, about why this had all happened. How had the Alliance been so un-prepared for the onslaught.
He had been so close to finding out the truth, if only to know who the true enemy were.
They had manipulated so many power's within the Omicrons from the Order, Zoners, Bounty Hunters, the list was endless.
To turn them into war-mongers, hell bent on the Alliance's destruction.

He hoped that his people would survive and continue.

Well it wasnt his job anymore to seek out the truth, his abduction and transfer to the remote prison had been swift.

Though he wasnt the only one, Striker had been captured.
Striker seemed content to let the days pass by, granted they both had money and even in prison you needed it for the comforts.

The Bar on the prison station was the only thing that really passed the time, though afew times trouble had erupted between groups on the station. Still they raged their wars here, the divisions were always clear no matter who you were. The only group's that Udent and Striker managed to get along with were the freelancers and Corsairs. Who by all accounts were the larger of all the groups and always seemed to be able to get anything you wanted even out here.

He reached under his pillow for the pic screen, his wife was pregnant and she had managed to get a small transmission to him. It was two picture's, one of herself and the other a scan of their yet unborn child.

Time would pass, the universe would continue without him and his child would be born without a father.

RE: [ZA]Tri Udent...personal logs - Zoner-Trader - 06-12-2013

[Image: uorYuLW.jpg?1]

Udent's eye's flickered as he lay on the floor, the brightness was overpowering at first. Adjusting his vision slowly he looked around at his surroundings. He was back on the bridge of the Falcon, he couldnt see any of his crew. His muscles ached, as he reached up to steady himself and slowly picked himself off the floor. Udent tried spitting the vile sour taste of dried fluid from his mouth to no avail. Steadily he made his way to the food dispenser on the bridge and punched in the number's for a glass of water. His hands shook as he sipped the liquid, which he then sloshed round his mouth then spat into the overflow of the dispenser to clear the acidic taste, that lingered from his deep sleep.

Udent walked over to the comm's station, then made a ship wide broadcast for anyone and after several minutes; when no reply came he sighed. He made his way to the tactical station and scanned the system, damn im in Omicron-99 he realised.

Back then to the comm's station, he recorded a message and fired the long range communication's Buoy. The Buoy made its way to Omicron Zeta and started transmitting the en-coded message. It would also act as a temporary communication's satellite, using the relay station in Omicron-Delta to reach out through the star's to his brother's and sister's in the Alliance.

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Sitting in the Captains chair eating from a ship ration-foil, he waited for the reply and looking out at the mystery that was Omicron-99.

[Image: 6OHEu38.jpg?1]

RE: [ZA]Tri Udent...personal logs - Zoner-Trader - 06-23-2013

[Image: uorYuLW.jpg?1]

Udent walked through the station's corridors from the docking bay, avoiding the busy enginners as they fought to keep the station operational.

The Falcon had recieved damage but nothing that couldnt be repaired over the next sixteen hours. The excursion out into the war zone had met with success, what remained of three Order battleships a testament of the Falcon's struggle. The lift in the siege allowed for medical, supply and personal ships to dock. The base had heldout for four days and there seemed no end to the seige.

As he made his way, his thoughts drifted to the former fellow Alliance officer Dvir. Why had he betrayed the Alliance, he had done it to save his own neck...Udent shook his head. Mow had looked gravely at him on the last meeting, he still recalled his words.

"Dvir has betrayed us, we managed to intercept coded communication and well our old friend it seems, managed to not gain peace but set us on a course of destruction"

Udent had been dumbstruck, Mow had pressed the position of leadership on him. Saying that how could he lead after allowing such a man to gain, such a high ranking position within the Alliance.

Udent's anger at these thoughts caused bile to reach his throat, coward he thought. Dvir would pay for this betrayal, he would suffer like no other and Udent cleched his fist in reflex.

Udent entered the war room, the officers were talking. Some over afew maps and others about personal matters that had no bearing on the war.

Mow and Striker nodded at Udent as he entered, no fear in them or the rest of the gathered officers. Udent looked over the assembled officers, their stalwart and unwavering loyalty apparent.

"Now the Plan for the future, my friends" spoke Udent, the meeting unfolded.

RE: [ZA]Tri Udent...personal logs - Zoner-Trader - 06-26-2013

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Udent leaned on the empty cargo container, he watched as the docking bay crew prepared for the arrival of another shipment of supplies. He fiddled with his leather catch on his side arm holster, thoughts of the of the last meeting running through his head.

He heard the bases docking clamps lock onto the incomming transport, the machinery banged and whined down as the bases docking arm extended out and sealed onto the ships cargo hatch.

He raised his eye's as the bay doors opened, the docking arm corridor revealed at its far end the sealed doors of the transport.

The docking bay crew rushed with their anti-grav units through the corridor, to the still sealed transport doors to unload the cargo. As they did so the transport doors opened, then the chaos began.

From the darkness beyond the opened transport ships cargo doors came flurry of laser and plasma fire. The docking bay crew were cut down in a instance, their anti-grav units were hit aswell causing them to explode.

Udent pulled out his laz pistol and fired at the darkness fifty meters away. As he ran, he dived for cover; rolling forward till he smashed into several containers. He let loose another volley of fire, then he heard the roar. Looking over the container that protected him, he watched a wave of un-uniformed but armed men rush from the transport ships hold.

There was only afew armed Alliance gaurds in the bay and as they fired to hold back the charge, they were themselves cut down by the intense return fire of the invaders.

Udent knew if they wernt stopped here, then the station would fall and all his peoples hard work would be in vain.

He saw the only solution, but knew it might cost him his life and that of the remaining gaurds. But it would save the station from a hostile invasion and many of the crews lives. He ran from container to container eventually reaching the docking bay control station. He looked once more at the hundreds that poured into the cargo bay, regret for an instance showing on his face.

Then he smashed the emergency glass and pressed the red button within.

There was a wail and then the docking bay clamps and also the docking arm, released the docked ship into space. The vacuum of space then took hold of the sealed cargo bay and the rush of escaping oxygen, sent everything not sealed to the floor out into space.

Udent held onto the console for his life, his grip was slowly being torn by the pull of the escaping oxygen. He looked back and saw that the bay had been cleared, but there was no way he could reach the control switch to seal the bases cargo bay doors.

He lost his grip, watching in wonder at the control station. Udent knew it was over, he was a dead man and so like all men he thought of his loved one's.

As these thoughts took mere seconds the bases cargo bay doors shut instantly and Udent fell to the ground with a start. The wind was knocked out of him, he looked up through bleary eye's as figures entered the bay from within the station and he fell unconscious.

RE: [ZA]Tri Udent...personal logs - Zoner-Trader - 06-26-2013

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Karm'eL looked at her husband laying in the bed, his features relaxed so that she saw the young man he once was. The war was taking a toll on her husband, not the injuries but the humanity and joy he once had before this had begun.

She shifted in the un-comfortable chair that was next to his bed, holding his hand gently, she watched him for a short while. Her gaze moved to the now snoring Admiral Striker, he had never left the room unless he required the toilet. Striker such was a heavy set man, powerful and yet still faultlesly loyal to his friends and brother's. With the Admiral refusing to leave his friends side, Admiral Mow had to organise the cleanup operation along with Commander Hawkeye.

As her transport had docked, she had seen the hundreds of yet unrecovered bodies of the invading force. Many had knocked against the ship as it proceeded to dock, afew young crew members had been sickened by the sight and though sickened were in wonder of the debris.

The doctors in the medical bay had said, Tr'i wasnt badly injured but meerly exhausted and so they had given him medication to allow him to sleep. But still both her and Striker stayed, not just from loyalty but to keep him company.

Udent muttered in his comatosed state occasionaly, his voice meerly a whisper and made no real sense.

A comms link came in from the Space Nymphe, her dreadnought based in Delta.

"Yes Captain?"

"Mam, were as ordered holding positon at the freeport!"

"Thankyou Captain, once my husband recovers ill be returning to take command..Commander Udent out."

The comm signal went dead and she returned to her vigil.

RE: [ZA]Tri Udent...personal logs - Zoner-Trader - 06-29-2013

[Image: uorYuLW.jpg?1]

Udent climbed out of his Osprey, his wife Karm'eL stood waiting for him by the deck officers control terminal. She wasnt alone but the others could wait till he had dealt with his wife, who looked furious and her crossed arms meant that he was in trouble.

He walked slowly towards her, knowing that he was in for the worst scalding of his life. She watched his approach, Karm'eL unfolded her arms and as he was within afew feet. Flung herself on to him, the couple embraced and as they looked at each other. Udent saw the tears well up from her, she took awhile to compose herself but kept him close, her arms resting on his broad shoulder's and her head resting on his chest.

"I love you" she whispered in his ear
"I know love, im home" and he kissed her forehead

Striker seeing that the couple were done, walked over and as Karm'eL turned he struck Udent in the shoulder with a playful punch.

"Took your time! Weve been covering for you, for bloody days in the medical bay....and my back aches because of those damn chairs i slept on" grumbled Striker

"Good to see you old buddy, Mow? How have you been?"

"Busy, but looks like their giving up, since your friends showed up and blew up Lividia Palace, so what happened?"

Udent inclined his head towards the station lift and they all understood it was better that the story be told in privacy.


Udent had spent the last few days searching for a group that some deep space pilots called the Shadow Law. He had gone to pretty much every station in the Omicrons, Taus and Omegas.

As he made his way through the Orkney system heading for the Langeudoc jumphole, a fleet of capital ships suddenly de-cloaked in front of him. His scanners picked up battleships from all over Sirius and none bore markings. Then more ships appeared on the scanners, squadron after squadron of fighters undocked from their respective ships. They started a set patrol pattern away from the fleet to act as a early warning and a escort screen to protect the Armada.

A robotic voice came over system communications

"You will dock on the Corsair battleship directly infront of you" its lifeless tone indicating fact and not choice.

Udent docked his Osprey, the docking bay was pitch black and the only source of light now came from a floating drone. He climbed out and realised that he had to stay in the light, the light was his guide and in the darkness he knew death awaited him.

The light moved, so he followed its movements trying to stay within its beam.

It stopped after sometime and a voice rang out from the darkness, its location unknown.

"Zoner you have been looking for us and we have been watching your struggle against the Order and Phoenix " the voice paused
"You seek our help, we will give it and no we do not seek payment! We only seek justice!"

Udent called out

"Are you the Shadow Law?"

"It is one of our names that some know us by, we will assist you and your Alliance, now go!"

With that the Drone moved and so Udent who was un-nerved by the darkness which he knew held many people who watched him silently, followed the light back to his ship.

The last he saw of the huge armada was the bright light as they engaged their jump drives.

RE: [ZA]Tri Udent...personal logs - Zoner-Trader - 08-31-2013

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Udent sat in the Captains chair heavily, his thoughts drifted through the information and data he and his crew had gathered.

The Falcon required repairs, some more urgent than others but in all she had held out well. It had cost the loss of several crew to maintain the ship and several squadrons of Osprey to escape the enemy.

No one was aware, how could they be...none knew that Mankind had only fought the vanguard of the Nomad invasion. The small raiding parties were nothing more than a disruption and to cause further mistrust between the seperate factions.

Udent sighed, even as looked at the bridge crew. He could see their growing delight as they neared home, he could already imagine the scolding he would recieve from his wife....he chuckled to himself, he had missed the game they played.

"How long till we see home, Nav-Sergeant Proctor?"

"Were just entering the outer rim of the system, my i would say another thirty minutes and we will have visual"

"Ok well ill just go get changed, cant arrive home looking like a Golanski"

Proctor chuckles