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Freelance Workers Coalition Recruitment - Printable Version

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Freelance Workers Coalition Recruitment - Alan Martins - 05-29-2013

*you press a link on your screen,and immediately a woman's face appears on your screen*

Here is the Form.Fill it out and send it to this address.See our neuralnet page for more info:

*The channel closes,She,apparently has no time for courtesy*
*you quickly skim through the form,retreive your laser pen from your drawer,and start writing.*

Chosen Vocation:
Ski-p ID:
Favorite Ship:

//please fill out the form and post it here.We will answer at our earliest possible time.

RE: Freelance Workers Coalition Recruitment - LordIrado - 05-30-2013


It's so nice to see a faction with potential. haha

My name is is Solomon J. Brig

I was raised in Liberty space as a slave but not an ordinary slave but one bred for battle. After being sold to LR rogue's i was put to work as a pirate i made a lot of money slept with many wemon and drank what i wanted, But one day the group i was working with got double crossed by a fellow member who it turns out was apart of the Liberty Navy. The rest of my friends and comrades were slaughtered, Angry and distressed i got away they saved me, So why did they die?

Later i carefully stalked the traitor i waited until he came to a bar when he got good and drunk he came out of the bar staggering barely able to stand up. I grabbed him put a cloth to his mouth which was laced with cloraform. When the shit woke up i tortured him until he died of blood loss.
After that i became a trader, i was many types of traders, A smuggler, An acquirer of many goods, Haha even a legal trader i joined up with Gateway shipping. Shitty little group that was.

Vocation: An acquirer of goods
Ski-p ID: Haha you should know it partner (The Man Grin's)
Favorite ship: Haha What a stupid question, I take what ever gets the job done.

***Transmission ended***

05-30-2013, 05:20 AM   

RE: Freelance Workers Coalition Recruitment - Alan Martins - 05-30-2013

Thank you Mr.Brig.your application has been accepted.but please remember,we are not here to do violence except in self defense.