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Blowing up at random. - Printable Version

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Blowing up at random. - Nikolaus - 06-30-2008

Well, i was minding me own bussiness, running my routes, just as usual.
I jumped from Cortez to California and the instant I exited the JH i blew up. (losing a small fortune in cargo and batts/bots, but that's ain't such a big deal.)

No, shield did not go down, nobody was shooting, the text was "Nikolaus_Tinkerer has died", not by NPC, not suicide, not by the hand of player.

Nope. I simply blew up.

Now, what exactly is going on?

Blowing up at random. - Dab - 06-30-2008

Happened to me not so long ago when going from Omicron Beta to Sigma-17.. An odd bug of some sort.

Blowing up at random. - Horon - 06-30-2008

Well Ageira DID say that its not recommended to use Jump Holes... maybe now you have some reasons.

Blowing up at random. - Nikolaus - 06-30-2008

Curse these Ageira dogs. First they fire me, then they cast some gipsy curse on me.

Blowing up at random. - ian - 06-30-2008

heh first time i have actually seen a bit of in-adverted RP reason for using a jump hole as they have been rumored to destroy ships while in transit and your the first person who i know has been killed by one even though Ageria tell people not to use them ^_^

Blowing up at random. - Niezck - 06-30-2008

This seems to be an odd bug occuring all over the place. From using jump holes to idling in New York. Very strange.

Blowing up at random. - bluntpencil2001 - 06-30-2008

Also; never fly in formation when docking with a hole (gates are okay). This can cause death.

Blowing up at random. - Jihadjoe - 07-01-2008

Yeh, the Omicron Beta/Sig 19 JH is a real bastard for that.

Blowing up at random. - AdamantineFist - 07-01-2008

' Wrote:Yeh, the Omicron Beta/Sig 19 JH is a real bastard for that.

Had it happen to me once there a looooong time ago in vanilla FL.

Blowing up at random. - Tenacity - 07-01-2008

it's probably the admins blowing people up on random for sh!ts and giggles.