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NEW SERVICE - Faction Design - Printable Version

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NEW SERVICE - Faction Design - Avalanche - 05-31-2013

  • Faction Design

I will design to order, your factions information thread using the codes of the forum. I used to have this services before the forum got re-booted with a new code and so my old examples are now badly messed up but due to the sheer work involved I'm not prepared to correct it.

However I could either make a brand new spread for your new faction or re-code/sort out your previous factions thread that also got messed up with the website change.

I'll do it for free. This offer will last for as long as I can be bothered to keep going.
I'll accept offers based on if I actually want to it and it won't be personal but instead down to the faction style/type.

Link to old thread - Ava's Portfolio of Crap.

RE: NEW SERVICE - Faction Design - Avalanche - 06-05-2013

[Image: BretFlagMedium.png]

The Bretonian Armed Forces

[Image: 264px-BAF_Logo.png]

Command Structure

[Image: mkwwmh.png]

The Bretonian Armed Forces have long been commanded by the admirals of the Admiralty Board, a group currently comprised of the three admirals of the planetary fleets of Cambridge, New London, and Leeds, and the eight admirals of the great fleets, who currently each command their regions from the decks of the great Dunkirks, the Essex, the Suffolk, the Norfolk, the York, the Derby, the Macduff, the Grimsby, and the Arc Royal.

The group formerly met under the purview of the Monarch, who maintained a full third of the vote as well as veto power, on the Battleship Harlow.

The Monarchists, fearing waning power at the hands of the Populists, have appointed a new Fleet Admiral, Royalist James Ralston, formerly the Minister of Defense, but an ex-military man.

The Fleet Admiral now has replaced the Monarch's position on the Admiralty Board, and therefore now enjoys the voting and veto privileges previously enjoyed by the Monarch.

Support and Supplies, and Trading Restrictions

Since its formation in the year 310, the Bowex shipping corporation has almost exclusively funded the BMM construction of BAF warships, and the nationalization of these two companies have historically increased the prosperity of the Bretonian public in comparison to the other Houses by reducing the strain placed on the public in the form of defense taxes.

Exemptions to trading restrictions are granted by the Bretonian Police Authority, but there is an application process, and a fee. Violators of this embargo shall simply drop their cargo, or be destroyed.

Position of the Queen

Queen Carina for a time enlarged the Monarch's martial power, beginning with a general increase in the exercise of the veto, using her influence in the legislature, and exercising direct command authority over Her personal Guard, the Royal Fleet. In time, Queen Carina's Royal Fleet surpassed in strength any other Bretonian Armed Forces Military unit.

Today, the Queen is the figurehead behind the Armed Forces, and the Minister of Defense, and through him Parliament, in word and deed controls the Armed Forces.

However, the traditionalist streak in the Armed Forces is a wide one, and because of this, the Crown does in fact still wield tremendous power over the Royalists in Parliament, and over the Officer's Corps of the Armed Forces.

The Motto of the Bretonian Armed Forces remains

"Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!"
Carina, Queen and Empress.

The Intelligence Agency of Bretonia
[Image: 264px-BIS_Logo.png]

The Intelligence Agency of Bretonia undertakes all the Intelligence gathering activities for the Bretonian Armed Forces, as well as investigative and covert action activities.

"If you're caught somewhere you're not suppose to be, we'll appear without a word, weapons primed, and nicely tell you to leave. Of course, that's after we erase your ships hard drive. Hell, that's how we got the name Spooks after all." -- Unknown Operative, 818 AS

The Privateers

During the year 814 AS, Andrew Stuart, Knight of the Realm, published his manuscript "Lines of Supply and Trade Interdiction: A study of the Kusari war machine and its vulnerabilities," Which he spoke on during tours of multiple lecture circuits, and finally in the Queen's Court. In September of 815, Carina became assured of support for Stuart's methods of asymmetrical warfare, and issued him a royal mandate to organize a squadron of privateers to interdict Kusari Trade.

The privateer wing formerly commanded by Andrew Stuart successfully ran strikes deep into Kusari space beyond the Tau patrols. However, with his disappearance, the Privateers, while remaining as a force, have fewer resources than they once had. However, Sir Jack Fraser now commands this group of disparate, and desperate men, behind the lines in Kusari, to do their lot for Queen and country. A country that cannot acknowledge their existence in the interests of political expediancy. Sir Jack Fraser is currently on a bender.

Operations (Out-Dated)

[Image: 38045838.png]


Bretonia Mining and Minerals
Bretonian Police Authority
Mandalorian Mercenaries

Liberty Security Force
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Blood Dragons
Liberty Navy
The Ronin

Those not mentioned elsewhere
Independent Miners Guild
The Council and Allies
Rheinland Military
Red Hessians


Lane Hackers


[Image: Boad_Room.jpg]

Bretonian Armed Forces - ID & IFF

Fleet Admiral





Lieutenant Commander





[Image: 2wgxjkw.png]

Fleet Admiral

FallenKnight - Fleet Admiral Sir Firmus Piett, commanding the HMS Royal Sovereign and HMS Dauntless, Minister of Defence


Xelon - Admiral Mike Havering, commanding the HMS Sutherland
Pacific - Admiral Charles Davis, commanding the HMS Leviathan
Husher - Admiral Ian Driscoll


Junes - Commodore Richard Cale, commanding the Merchant Navy
Thunderer - Commodore George Richard Hall, commanding the HMS Thunderer
Stone21 - Commodore Ryan Williams
Mäthe - Commodore Jonathan Sinclair, commanding the HMS Sheffield


Savi - Captain Wayne Johnson, commanding the HMS Pestilence
Jim.solo - Captain James Barnes, commanding the HMS Furious
Andreo - Captain Jeff Bloom


Ghost Radical - Commander Hugh Darrow
Jayenbee - Commander Jack Barnes
William Folge - Commander William Folge
Lamare - Commander Henry Moore

Lieutenant Commander

LJB - Lieutenant Commander Louis Barnes
Cybertron - Lieutenant Commander Robert Dzeferson
Balaerus - Lieutnant Commander Luke Walker
Blitzmoez - Lieutnant Commander Ando Jack


Alphawolf - Lieutenant Tony Wolf
Roter Engel - Lieutenant Susan Morrison
Supernyul - Lieutenant Alec Ransom


Amesia - Ensign Amesia Hertog
Rogue - Ensign Connor Sharks
highlandladdie - Ensign Angus Graham
Jaques Fontaine - Ensign Liam Johnson

- Should any officers currently Missing in Action return alive to the BAF still fit for service, contact the Admiralty at once so that you may be debriefed and given a new ship. Please pass on any news that officers listed as Missing in Action are in fact permanently dead, so that their families and widows’ pension funds can be distributed.

[Image: Oribtal_Patrol2.jpg]
Fighter Patrol: Golf-Niner 2.6

Sections of the Armed Forces

Bretonian Intelligence Service

Director - Lord Admiral John Fairfax

Queen Carina's Academy

Provides Snubcraft training to all BAF Ensigns. All Officers are occasionally assigned to the Academy.

Capital Class Fleet

New London Fleet - Destroyer HMS Isaac Brock, Gunboat HMS Indefatigable
Leeds Fleet - Destroyer HMS Redoubt, Gunboat HMS Lawrence
Cambridge Fleet - Destroyer HMS Invictus, Gunboat HMS Wellesley

In-Service Dunkirks:
HMS-Royal Sovereign

Affiliated Secondary Fleets

Bretonian Merchant Navy

BAF Member Guidelines

1. BAF members are to understand this Faction Status post, and the Laws of Bretonia.

2. Be fully aware of the Bretonian Armed Forces Message Dump and use it.

3. BAF members are to always RP in local and system chat, and unless impractical, in Group Chat.

4. BAF members are always to obey their superior officers; nothing else makes sense in-RP. If you are told to get a fighter or bomber, get that. Junior officers will obey senior officers target assignments in combat. Disobedience also loses battles.

5. Combat/Assistance Priorities are as follows

Priority 1 : Always, without delay, assist other BAF, BPA, and other allies in combat who require assistance, but do not overkill, either. Obviously RL takes precedence, but advise others when it does.

Priority 2 : Stop Pirates from pirating in Bretonian space.

Priority 3 : Stop Smuggling, particularly in Leeds (be mindful of ID restrictions in other systems)

Priority 4 : Combat Training in Salisbury, or patrol home systems, or help new players with rep, as needed.

6. Treat other players with courtesy and respect.

7. BAF members with traders are strongly encouraged to support the faction financially. Bretonian Corporation membership encouraged.

8. BAF members above the rank of Lieutenant are to enforce these rules. Report problem players breaking these rules or the server rules to me.

9. A BAF member who is sanctioned by the Admins may be expelled from the faction. This will obviously depend on the severity of the offense..

10. Bretonian ships and gear only. Codenamed Weapons Allowed. Anything larger than a Challenger requires clearance from command, and the rank of lieutenant commander

11. Capital Ships must only be used in combat if the enemy fleet contains equivalent strenght of capital ships. Balance as well as possible. A capital ship may take on a non-combat Command role, but only if it is far from the battle. Admirals shall also enforce this rule withe the reserve Fleets (Indys), with the assistance of BRF and RFA. See the following: Link.

RE: NEW SERVICE - Faction Design - SummerMcLovin - 06-05-2013

Thought I'd move this to a more appropriate section.

This is a pretty cool service, a great looking faction page can be a real asset. Unfortunately for your business I've got a bit of BBCode skill, but good luck. I've also liked the media you've made for things like the LAF.

RE: NEW SERVICE - Faction Design - Avalanche - 06-10-2013

[Image: oiRTamq.png]

The Contari Lance

Leaders - Safe Haven, MiniStryke
ID and IFF - Outcast

Ship Tags -
Personal Fighter/Bomber - CL}Italian/SpanishFirst.Last
Shared Fighter/Bomber - CL}Italian/SpanishCodename
Capital Ships - CL}MNS-MediterraneanCity
Transports - CL}CT-MediterraneanCity


The Contari Lance was founded in 815 A.S., its origins rooted in a minor slave uprising within the Contari’s primary cardamine plantation. The slaves violently seized the Contari compound and killed the then-incumbent Contari don, as well as his wife and children, leaving the position open for the deceased don’s brother, Aurelio Contari. Aurelio had those who had led the revolt beheaded, though the rest of the slaves who had participated were freed. He’d armed them after all, and had to find some way to reward them.

With hundreds of freedmen now residing within the compound, Don Aurelio had to find some way to employ them. Aurelio, wishing to prevent another power struggle within the family, armed them, giving birth to the Contari Lance. To ensure the loyalty of the family’s new private military, he made the relatives who had supported him the commanders of the new organization.

Aurelio’s reign of intrigue did not end with his rise and the creation of the Lance. The Contari family’s territory and power were still relatively minor when Aurelio took charge, and he sought to change that. He had remained unmarried (though not childless) until his ascension, and through a marriage with the old, senile, and childless head of the Serpico family, Isabella Serpico, he nearly doubled the amount of territory and slaves under his control.

With the recent acquisition of the Serpico family’s holdings, Don Aurelio charged his son and heir Alessan, as well as several other important Maltese, with controlling the family’s assets outside of Malta, marking the beginning of the Lance’s first space borne operations. The Lance currently operates with the goal to expand Contari influence throughout Sirius, resorting to theft, smuggling, murder, and various other crimes to accomplish this.


Increase Contari influence within Maltese territory.
Seize partial or total control of the Maltese government.
Increase the assets and military capabilities of the Lance.
Capitalize on potential alliances throughout Sirius.
Benefit the distribution of Cardamine -
1 - By becoming Sirius's primary Cardamine exporter
2 - Covertly influencing house politics towards its legalization.
Hinder efforts of the paramilitary organizations bordering Maltese territory, to unify bordering territories within the nation of Malta.



Golden Chrysanthemums
Samarran Raiders
Xtreme Fighters
Liberty Rogues
Lane Hackers
Other Maltese

101st Ghosts of Razgriz
Foreign Smugglers
Gallic Brigands

Well-armed freelancers
Bretonian lawfuls
Red Hessians
Everyone else
The Wild

Poorly-armed freelancers
Rheinland lawfuls

Independent Miners Guild
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Bounty Hunters Guild
Colonial Republic
Gas Mining Guild
Blood Dragons
Liberty lawfuls
Kusari lawfuls
Gallic lawfuls
The Order


Controlled Space -
Omicron Alpha, Omicron Beta, Omicron-80, Omicron-81, and Omicron-85

Contested Space -
Tau-37, Tau-23, Sigma-19, Sigma-17, Omicron Eta

Operating Space -
Taus, Bretonia, Liberty, Kusari, Sigmas, Sirius Border worlds (Not Omegas), Gallic Border worlds


Fanteria -

The Fanteria are comprised primarily of slaves, the poor, or foreign mercenaries. They are replaceable, disposable, and given little respect. The Fanteria that are not slaves are paid well, like all members of the Lance, but they are otherwise treated poorly in all regards.
Allowed Ships -
Bombers, Fighters, and Freighters

Lanciere -

The Lanciere comprise the majority of the Lance, and are much more trusted than the Fanteria. They are composed of mercenary Maltese from unrelated families and trusted foreigners. Their pay is more than the Fanteria receive, and certainly enough to maintain a respectable living planetside.
Allowed Ships -
Bombers, Fighters, Freighters, Gunboats and Transports

Cavaliere -

The Cavaliere are the few who have been given positions of leadership within the Lance. They are generally in charge of small squadrons of Lanciere, or larger squads of mostly Fanteria. They are required to live within the Lance’s compound on Malta to assure their loyalty, though they are each granted their own luxurious villas.
Allowed Ships -
Bombers, Cruisers, Fighters, Freighters, Gunboats and Transports

Familiare -

The Familiare are the members of the Lance who are either distantly related to the Contari family, or have proven themselves to be so valuable that they have been officially adopted into the family, complete with all the rights and responsibilities that entails. This rank also includes the more important members of other Contari aligned Maltese families who have joined with the Lance.
Allowed Ships -
Battleships, Bombers, Cruisers, Fighters, Freighters, Gunboats and Transports

Comandante -

The Comandante are the Lance’s executive commanders, answering only to the don of the Contari family. They oversee the entirety of the Lance in the name of the don, and all major imperatives are issued directly by them.
Allowed Ships -
Battleships, Bombers, Cruisers, Fighters, Freighters, Gunboats and Transports


Fanteria -

Veygaar: Victor Vicari
Xelon: ???
Durandal: ???
Ghost.Radical: Rodrigo Borgia
Curios: Sicilliano
Nerflek: Orlando Colli
Joneh: Eques Odrigez
Wulven: Lola Roa
Altaiir: Giosue Reus / Altaiir Utonallo
VerbalArtist: Carmella Francesco

Lanciere -

La Canaglia: Rosa Marchesi
Pancakes: Elena De Domenico
Julia: Jenny Ortega
Flash: Arrigo Marsalis
Froztshock: Valerio Arduino
Redon: Nazario Caetani
Anaximander: Dario Peruzzi
Silver: Gino Barzini
Miaou: Giovanni Russo

Cavaliere -

GrnRaptor: Drago Celestino
Jayce: Paco Relitto
ChillerMiller: Lucrezia Acerbo

Familiare -

Beauregard: Amadeo Visconti
Bloogal: Marcio Castro

Comandante -

Safe Haven: Rina Como-Contari
MiniStryke: Luke Orsini


OORP Notes -
Firstly, a lot of you may be asking why the Contari Lance is necessary. Our answer to that question is pretty simple. Before the creation of the Lance, Outcast activity was at an all time low, and it wasn't showing any signs of improvement. Ever since we began flying, the IMG, CR, other Outcasts, and everyone else in the Taus have been seeing significant improvements to their activity, we give people more reason to log.

Many of you are probably thinking that this is far too early for the CL to be posting our request for officialdom (challenging one of the oldest official factions for their spot no less, for the first time in Disco history.) However, despite having only been around for a month and a half, we feel that, due to support from a good deal of the people we interact with, that we're ready to take on the responsibilities of an official faction. We think that by the time the review period is over (which, as we all know, usually lasts several months), we'll have an even more established presence than we already do, more than fit for an official faction.

For you Admin folk, the money for the request can be found on the ship,

Links -
Message Dump -
Internal Database -
Savona -
Letters From Gallia -
Bowex Contract -
A Favor (IMG) -
A Ransom -

RE: NEW SERVICE - Faction Design - Havok - 06-10-2013

Its a Great Service and he does Awesome Faction Pages, Too bad I already sorted BIS and Molly Stuff (bandit)

RE: NEW SERVICE - Faction Design - Avalanche - 06-12-2013

Done some work for the BAF as requested.

RE: NEW SERVICE - Faction Design - Luke. - 06-12-2013

The CL} may be interested but not certain yet, will let you know if we do.

RE: NEW SERVICE - Faction Design - Avalanche - 06-12-2013

Just to give you a taster CL.

RE: NEW SERVICE - Faction Design - Avalanche - 06-12-2013

Done Done.

RE: NEW SERVICE - Faction Design - Sarawr!? - 06-12-2013

That's a pretty excellent looking faction page you drew up for the BAF| there, I might be interested to see what you could do with the current [LN] faction information page.

Seeing as our page has all the necessary information, but the layout is in disarray, so I figure maybe it might be time to change it up.

Let me know if you think you can do something to fix/improve it.