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Panem et Circenses, Aurèlie LaBrise's Holojournal. - Printable Version

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Panem et Circenses, Aurèlie LaBrise's Holojournal. - Pinko - 05-31-2013

31 Janvier 720 AGS
Bourbon, Burgundy system

Dear diary,

today is my anniversary and I am 6 years old now. Papa was very proud of me and even Maman was here but she seemed upset, but I gave her a hug and she was happy. We had a great party with a big cake and all my friends were here. This is exceptional because Papa always tell me that we can't bring friends to Bourbon. I had plenty of gifts. Papa gave me this diary, Maman gave me a very pretty necklace, Grand-Maman gave me 100 credits and Véronique my best friend even gave me a couple of Holotainments. I am so happy to have had such a great day. I will try to write as much as I can here, Madame Dubois says my handwritting needs practice.

Aurèlie LaBrise

7 Février 720 AGS
Bourbon, Burgundy system

Dear Diane (this is your name now),

You may wonder why I write this in Sirian. That is because you are my super secret book and I don't want anyone to read what I write down. It also lets me practice the language. Maman said this may be very important for me soon so I follow her advice. Papa said that holojournals are like your friends, and that you can tell them secrets and they will never betray you (not like Chéry who told Éric I like him) and since all of my friends have names, I decided to name you Diane. Now I must go to bed before Papa yells at me.

Aurèlie LaBrise

19 Février 720 AGS
Bourbon, Burgundy system

Dear Diane,

Papa says we are soon going to Marseille. I don't like Marseille because when we go there Papa is too busy with his work even if it is a vacation planet. I don't even know what is Papa's job and he won't tell me what it is because I am too young, even if he keeps calling me his big girl. That's stupid since all of my friends know what is their parents' jobs. Maman is always away these days. I miss her a lot. When Papa and Maman are not around I live with Véronique my best friend. She says she's coming to Marseille with us, that would be great.

Aurèlie LaBrise

25 Février 720 AGS
Planet Marseille, Provence system

Dear Diane,

I won the sandcastle contest I had with Véronique. The sun is very hot here and the beaches are pretty so we play outside a lot. I still have school though and Madame Dubois acts like our supervisor. There was also a surprise in the evening: Papa ate dinner with Véro and me tonight but he was always working on his Neural Net so he may as well not be here. He mentioned being upset about Maman though to his collegue. He thinks I'm too young to understand that but I am a big girl. I haven't seen Maman in a while but Papa seems to know where she is.

I hope she's okay.

Aurèlie LaBrise

1er Mars 720 AGS
Bourbon, Burgundy system

Dear Diane,

We are back home after the trip to Marseille. Now I am tanned for the next few months, too, I hope. I don't like Bourbon much. Papa says it's part of our Family's history, but in some areas of the station there are Junker symbols everywhere. I would like to live on a planet. Bourbon is so small and it is in an asteroid. I feel like a Brigand here. Sometimes I swear I can hear the ghosts of the bones in the super-secret passages of the station crying and being mad at me. Papa says I watch too many Holotainments. I hope he's right. He doesn't know about the tunnels, though, I think. I won't tell him because he'll get mad if I do.

Aurèlie LaBrise

5 Mars 720 AGS
Bourbon, Burgundy system

Dear Diane,

It had almost been a month since I last saw Maman. When I was warned of her ship docking on the station I was so happy. I ran to the docking bay but Madame Dubois prevented me from accessing it. So I faked going back to my room but instead went through that old tunnel filled with bones near my room. It's like a secret passage to many areas of the station, one of them leading to the hangar. I saw Papa and Maman yelling at each others. They were talking about a 'Council'. I never heard this word before, but seeing Maman and Papa yelling at each others made me cry. They spotted me in a corner of the hangar and then they both came to tell me everything was okay and they both took me to my room to put me to bed. Maman looked guilty and Papa upset, though.

Aurèlie LaBrise