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Hi Disco peeps! - Grin - 07-01-2008

Hi all,

just want to introduce myself and my characters to you.
I am fairly new to FL and have only been on Discovery for a few weeks, learning the ropes.
I have made many mistakes, but am enjoying learning the roleplay. I have two chars so far: Mr.Happy
and Mordred. Both are currently independent, but they are gradually evolving towards deciding what
faction to join:
Mr.Happy discovered the joys of synthetic marijuana at an early age and decided to take up a life of
pottering around Sirius, trading wherever he could make a little profit and scavenging/mining. He
also met a couple of weapons traders and quite likes the idea of that too. Zoner/Junker/IMG look
most likely for him at present, but he is easily swayed:P

He currently has a Zoner ID, because he was robbed first by an Outcast and then by a Liberty Navy
(SA) ship in quick succession in California. Both RP events were brutal and too fast for his limited
communication skills [thinking, typing and flying!] to cope with, and have left him with resentment
against those factions, but his basically friendly nature means he will get over it eventually. The
Zoner ID will help him be neutral to Outcasts and feel less intimidated by Liberty Law/Navy regulations.
Mordred is a more damaged character. He was released from the Liberty Psychiatric Re-adjustment
Centre only a couple of years ago, with no knowledge of his past. After the mental blocks were
inserted into his brain, he had become docile enough to be considered safe to release, possibly for
use as labour in mining/factory/prison facilities.

The Facility Release Committee allowed him to go, against the wishes of Professor Splendig, the
chief Medical Psychiatrist, whose expressed concerns "..Mordred is capable of extreme
narcissistic and sociopathic when not closely controlled.." were considered rather over-stated. To
everyone else, Mordred had shown great charm, strong traits of loyalty (as long as his leaders
showed no weakness), physical endurance, sense of humour (as long as he was not crossed) and a
natural affinity to spatial awareness, which would greatly assist him in flying skills and combat.

After his pre-release move to a low-security halfway house placement in Manhattan, Mordred
disappeared. It is thought that he took a job on a freighter as a cargo hand and made his way out of
the system. As he was being released eventually anyway, he was not put on any wanted lists, but was
just forgotten.

Professor Splendig retired soon afterwards and became a rather fearful recluse. Sadly, he was found
dead in his apartment complex after what looked like a tragic accident with an electrical appliance
in his bathroom. Liberty Police are not looking for anyone in relation to the death.

Mordred has indeed taken to flying. He currently has a Freelance ID and travels throughout Sirius,
doing whatever job comes up. He enjoys flouting lawful space and also evading unlawful factions,
particularly Outcasts, whilst stealing juicy items from under their noses. Fighting is second nature
to him, although he is untrained. He can see that he probably would need to join a strong combat
faction to get his skills up to par. Most likely are the Corsairs, because they have never attacked
him without good reason. He could go lawful too, depending on the strength of the leadership. He has
a fascination with Bretonia, feeling drawn there yet repulsed at the same time. Some great
unfinished business perhaps - if only he could remember.

Finally, Mordred is stable, friendly, helpful and loyal - while it suits him. He can also be utterly
ruthless. The chemical/nanotech mental barriers in his brain are holding, for now.
In his dreams, armoured men on strange four-legged animals crash together in combat with long sticks
with metal tips, while a huge man with a golden crown and a gigantic blade roars with laughter and
Mordred struggles to reach him...
Oops - long post, sorry

Help and advice gratefully received - See you out there :cool:


Hi Disco peeps! - Xing - 07-01-2008

Beware of the communist penguins.
And welcome to the craziest place in the world. Are you a drama amateur?

Hi Disco peeps! - timmychen - 07-01-2008

An uplifting first post. Well done. *applaud*

(And no, that wasn't sarcasm. It's hard to tell on the internet, I know:laugh:)

Welcome to Discovery! Enjoy your stay, and ignore the communist penguins. I have yet to see one.

Hi Disco peeps! - kacijon - 07-01-2008

Welcome TO Disco.....
Read Rules Have fun.....
What can I say.....
Be active!

Hi Disco peeps! - Tenacity - 07-01-2008

Disco welcome

Hi Disco peeps! - Reverend Del - 07-01-2008

Welcome! I'm the local pastor round these parts so if you need any help feel free to holler.

Enjoy yourself.

Hi Disco peeps! - SimonBlack - 07-01-2008

With these biographies you would already get acepted by any faction. Your RP skills surpass some people who have been there for much larger amount of time.

Hi Disco peeps! - BaconSoda - 07-02-2008

Welcome to the Server, mate. Only things you need to remember are the rules, and the fact that Synth Paste turns your teeth purple and makes your hair fall out. Remember that and you're set.

Hi Disco peeps! - Athenian - 07-02-2008

Welcome. Ace first post.

Hi Disco peeps! - Angelfire - 07-02-2008

faaantashtish first post!

welcome to the disco baby!

Yeah baby!

*dances around in socks and cabbage leaves*