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TO: Reapers of Sirius [max encrypted] - Printable Version

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TO: Reapers of Sirius [max encrypted] - Strobel - 05-31-2013

[Image: TB_Tennant_WS.png]

Addressees: Reapers of Sirius
Sender: Jessica Tennant, [IND]
Encryption: Tango-Niner-Bravo-Juliett

Subject: Background information

Ladies and gentlemen,

you might be surprised to hear from us, I would be for sure.
There's something particular you could be of assistant for us and that's the reason why I was asked to contact you.
Somebody you might be familiar with came towards us and we'd like to know if the information he gave us are legit. The name of the person is Ryan Wylde and he claimed to have been one of you back in the days. He also mentioned the name of Kate Golanska.

If there's something you could tell me about that fellow? We'd like to know a little bit more, yet it seems that our regular background check is not that helpful. This request I'm sending you is legit and any given information is for in-house use only. If there's any way to fasten a possible reply from your side don't hesitate to contact me.

With regards,

Jessica Tennant
Independent Neuralnet Division

[Image: TB_end.png]

RE: TO: Reapers of Sirius [max encrypted] - Eternal Nightmare - 06-01-2013

[Image: ROS_Logo.png]

COMM ID: Silver
TO: Jessica Tennant
Subject: Re: Background information
Encryption: High

Greetings miss Tennant,

Indeed I am surprised that Independent Neutral Division is contacting us, I am not sure if it’s a pleasant or unpleasant surprise though. My eye caught two familiar names in your transmission. So lets get to the point.
The second name Kate Golanska…She is part of the Reapers but to be honest I have no idea how she is connected with Wylde. Probably old friends? Nor I find any particular reason why her name is mentioned there. But I guess its not important…

However Ryan Wylde… The reason you are sending me this transmission. Well that guy was Reaper some time ago…Haven’t seen him for…

*he thinks*

… haven’t seen him for quite some time.

As for the info you requested, I am sorry but I can’t give secret information to some random person. That stands for IND as well. In order for you to receive the info you need I have to know what you want from that guy and what exactly you want to know for him.
Oh… almost forgot, this kind of information can be given only face to face. We Reapers do not want to send “biographical” info through the Neutral Net.

I'll be hearing from you soon...

Silver out!

RE: TO: Reapers of Sirius [max encrypted] - Strobel - 06-01-2013

[Image: TB_Tennant_WS.png]

Addressees: "Silver" - Reapers of Sirius
Sender: Jessica Tennant, [IND]
Encryption: Tango-Niner-Bravo-Juliett

Subject: RE: Background information

Good evening,

I'm afraid that the reason why I requested those information is rather confident as well. Though if there's something you might want to talk about we can make an appointment for a meeting. For that I'd like to point out that a neutral spot in space would be quite nice, yet I'm open for suggestions from your side.

With regards,

Jessica Tennant
Independent Neuralnet Division

[Image: TB_end.png]

RE: TO: Reapers of Sirius [max encrypted] - Eternal Nightmare - 06-01-2013

[Image: ROS_Logo.png]

COMM ID: Silver
TO: Jessica Tennant
Subject: Re: Background information
Encryption: High

Hello again miss Tennat,

Seems that you are really intrested in this person. So be it...Neutral space you say...
I am currently in Omega-3, Freeport 1.That sounds reasonable place to arrange that meeting. If you are fine with it. Send me a tranmission once you are there.

I'll be hearing from you soon...

Silver out!

RE: TO: Reapers of Sirius [max encrypted] - Strobel - 06-01-2013

[Image: TB_Tennant_WS.png]

Addressees: "Silver" - Reapers of Sirius
Sender: Jessica Tennant, [IND]
Encryption: Tango-Niner-Bravo-Juliett

Subject: Face to face meeting

And once again hello,

I've been able to reroute a vessel of ours which will pick me up and fly me down to Freeport 1 as we speak. Expect my arrival within the hour or so, one does never know what the Rheinland customs officers are up to once they got bored during their shift. *she sighs*
Further information about call signs will be given via secured transmission towards your personal neuralnet account.

With regards,

Jessica Tennant
Independent Neuralnet Division

[Image: TB_end.png]