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Event n°2 : The escape to the Taus - Printable Version

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Event n°2 : The escape to the Taus - Yaoquizque - 06-01-2013

This is the second event of this plot.

Attention ! This event is opened to indies. But only those posting here will be able to participate. No popping up in game and beginning to interact in any way with the event's participants if you aren't registered here.

In order to register, please use this :

[b][color=#FFFFFF]Character name : [/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]Side : [/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]ID/IFF Combo :[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]Ship type : [/color][/b]

Please read the section "Can i participate to the event, and how?" to get an idea about the sides and the id/iff combos allowed for each one.

Sakamoto's division escape to the Taus

Event time

Scheduled to Saturday 15 of June, 8pm. (GMT, that is)


Following the attempt to kill the admiral Nagata in New Tokyo system, Sakamoto's division was forced to hide in the outskirts of Shikoku system.
Obstinately sought after by the Naval Forces, the division will be forced to make a move swiftly, before the instability of their situation becomes critical.

The priority for Sakamoto is now to protect the officers who followed him and to secure the division assets. And there are no two ways to achieve this.

The division will be forced to walk right into the lion's den, in order to force the blockade Nagata put in place at Kusari borders.

Event proceedings

The rebels will be starting the event from Ames, Kepler system. Their goal is to reach Coronado system.
Naval forces role is to patrol Shikoku, New Tokyo, Kyushu and Tau systems to locate and destroy the rebels.

As the Naval Forces roles is to enforce a blockade against Tau systems, the two exit (Tau 23 and Tau 29) should be guarded by heavy units, while lighter units would patrol Kusari space.

There is no guideline or fixed walk-through for that event, however.
Both groups can organize themselves as they deem fit.

Can i participate to the event, and how?

The event is opened to Official factions and indies.
Please check the list below : Only the id/iff combos listed in this list will be able to attend to the event.

Blockade enforcers : Forces siding with the Admiral Nagata (The infected one)

They will be composed of Kusari lawfuls. Their role is to prevent rebels from escaping Kusari, and of course to destroy or capture them if possible.

Allowed ID/IFF combos :
  • Kusari Naval Forces
  • Hogosha (Optional attending)
  • Kempeitai (Optional attending)
  • Kusari State Police (Optional attending)
  • Bounty Hunter Guild (Optional attending)
Allowed vessels :
Fighters, bombers, gunboats, cruisers, battleships

Rebels : Forces siding with the Admiral Sakamoto (The ones trying to force the blockade)

Those are Kusari Naval Forces officers, accused of high treason, and outcast from Kusari Navy. They form a small division that needs to get out of Kusari in order to survive and defeat their new enemy.

Allowed ID/IFF combos :
  • Rebels (SRP ID/Fugitive IFF)
  • Kusari Naval Forces
Allowed vessels :
Fighters, bombers, gunboats, cruisers


<Forum account> : <Character name> : ID/IFF combo : Ship type

Blockade enforcers : Forces siding with the Admiral Nagata (The infected one)
  • Ghost.Radical : 34th|kcj.K.Takeda : KNF : VHF
  • Omicega : [|]Saburou.Shizune : Hogosha : VHF
  • McTemka : Tetsuo Shimizu : KNF : Surprise!

Rebels : Forces siding with the Admiral Sakamoto (The ones trying to force the blockade)
  • Pancakes : Haikiri.Akashi[KNF] : SRP/Fugitive : VHF
  • Yaoquizque : Asagao[KNF] : SRP/Fugitive : Dessie
  • Stuffz : Ishikawa.Hideaki[KNF] : SRP/Fugitive : VHF

RE: Event n°2 : The escape to the Taus - Yaoquizque - 06-01-2013

As a side note, depending on the number of lawfuls, a "Tau unlawfuls" side may be added.

RE: Event n°2 : The escape to the Taus - SummerMcLovin - 06-01-2013

Were there not supposed to be some Blood Dragons coming in to harass the Loyalists during some final battle?
Also, I assume Coronado would be pending the CR| roleplay, although there is BGS if necessary.

I hope for the Allowed ID/IFF combos you would also put in SRP/Fugitive, because I'd be looking to fly Umi.Takada Tongue

RE: Event n°2 : The escape to the Taus - Yaoquizque - 06-01-2013

(06-01-2013, 11:42 PM)SummerMcLovin Wrote: Were there not supposed to be some Blood Dragons coming in to harass the Loyalists during some final battle?

Initially, yes. But it seems ]bd[ people have better to do. I contacted the BD| folks about it. If they do like the idea and feel like participating, they will be added to the event.

(06-01-2013, 11:42 PM)SummerMcLovin Wrote: Also, I assume Coronado would be pending the CR| roleplay, although there is BGS if necessary.

That could be. Perhaps only Bounty Hunters would follow the rebels in the barrier, while Naval Forces cannot operate there, technically.
CR could play a role in all this. They are strongly implanted in Coronado, after all.

(06-01-2013, 11:42 PM)SummerMcLovin Wrote: I hope for the Allowed ID/IFF combos you would also put in SRP/Fugitive, because I'd be looking to fly Umi.Takada Tongue

That goes without saying. I forgot to add it.
I meant KNF indies can join this side. They would be members of the Naval Forces who waited for the blockade run to defect.

RE: Event n°2 : The escape to the Taus - Skorak - 06-02-2013

If you would allow some common unlawfuls we (the SV) ) can help the infected one seeing him as an ally against a government.

RE: Event n°2 : The escape to the Taus - Yaoquizque - 06-02-2013

Thing is the Incubi controlling the Admiral Nagata is kinda in 'infiltration' mode. He's dodging medical scanner like a ninja to avoid being discovered by Kempeitei or Naval Forces medical teams.

So, if Nagata told his forces some unlawfuls would give them a hand, his men would start to question his orders and to ask themselves some things that wouldn't be good for Nagata.

A solution would be for SV to act undercover themselves. But that would mean them using a kusari lawful iff.

RE: Event n°2 : The escape to the Taus - Skorak - 06-02-2013

Well in this case I would just build myself a KNF, in that case we should maybe not participate then you could only use us as reinforcements when the KNFloyals follow you... like Hackers helped Trent and Juni when they fled - only that the sides changed now.

RE: Event n°2 : The escape to the Taus - Timmy - 06-02-2013

Character name : Tetsuo Shimizu
Side : Blockade enforcers
Ship type : I'll leave the choise to you, cus if I bring something I want, no one will have a fun.

RE: Event n°2 : The escape to the Taus - Pancakes - 06-02-2013

Character name : Akashi Haikiri
Side : Rebul
ID/IFF Combo : SRP/Fugitive
Ship type : Chimmy of one of the rebul caps

RE: Event n°2 : The escape to the Taus - Wiz - 06-02-2013
