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What YOU can do to help out in Disco? - Printable Version

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What YOU can do to help out in Disco? - looqas - 07-01-2008

so here are couple of things you can do to help out Admins.

1) Don't take advantage of the situation and do the stupid thing you always wanted to do. Rather be an example yourself. Keep the OOC off the air completely.

2) Try to make the violation reports as clear as possible. Don't post one ambiguous screenshot, so than an admin whose going through the paperwork does not waste time on your soddy report with a bad screenie. Report the guy if you can be pretty sure that you can nail him. I wouldn't worry about too much if you leave the incident unreported since most of the cases the offender repeats it.

3) RP yourself as well as you can.

4) Take the 2-5 mins yourself to politely tell the guy in PRIVATE you just scanned that he's missing the ID, or his ID and tag mismatch or whatever that would be against the server rules. I've gotten a lot of "Hey, thanks. I didn't know that." Use private channel to answer to those people who use system channel to ask what-ever questions they are asking. They get the answer they are looking for and you have just cut a significant amount of OOC chatter.

I see this time as an opportunity and a test to see if the RP has really taken root or is it just enforced on the server by admins.

What YOU can do to help out in Disco? - Tenacity - 07-01-2008

I already do these things.

Can someone give me a banhammer so i can go around smacking the people though?

What YOU can do to help out in Disco? - Dab - 07-01-2008

' Wrote:4) Take the 2-5 mins yourself to politely tell the guy in PRIVATE you just scanned that he's missing the ID, or his ID and tag mismatch or whatever that would be against the server rules. I've gotten a lot of "Hey, thanks. I didn't know that." Use private channel to answer to those people who use system channel to ask what-ever questions they are asking. They get the answer they are looking for and you have just cut a significant amount of OOC chatter.
This one right here is one a lot of people need to pay attention to.. I've only reported a few people for not having ID in my entire time here. Those people are people who are flying fully armored and equipped battleships around pvp whoring without an ID. Other than that, I send them a POLITE message about them missing an ID. If you make it obvious your trying to prevent the guy from getting sanctioned, he'll be more willing to listen and will go grab an ID quickly afterwards. A simple; "[Name], you need an ID" is fine if your a bit busy at the moment.. But if not much else is going on, take the time to explain it more fully.

What YOU can do to help out in Disco? - frozen - 07-01-2008

i havent posting a single report in... 2-3 months nearly. why? because everytime i talk to the offenders via pm, they mostly agree to do the changes (which 80% of the time they do), and you also get those that agree, but dont do anything.

i just hope some of the others that are here on disco can do such as well. helps curb the flames that are rising literally everyday currently imo.

What YOU can do to help out in Disco? - Reverend Del - 07-01-2008

General consensus seems to be "Help, don't hinder" and I concur. A sanction reeport isn't necessary most of the time, just telling them what they've done wrong and how they should fix it is the way forward. A polite PM can do the job of education, and it doesn't leave a bitter after taste.

What YOU can do to help out in Disco? - timmychen - 07-01-2008

The problem with most people is, they use sanctions as revenge. So if they fight against someone and lose, and they notice that that someone has either:
a) No ID
b) OoRP ship/weapons
c) Etc

They usually report rather than correct. The people who posted above are right - a LOT can be solved in simple PMs. We could really use a /r command though.

What YOU can do to help out in Disco? - Tenacity - 07-01-2008

heh, I post sanction reports almost daily, and quite often 2-3 reports or more per day.

But that's more for major violations. If it's someone without an ID who -isnt- flying a capship or something else expensive, I remind them in private chat that they need one - and that they should pick one up quickly before someone less 'nice' tries to report them.

If they're using OORP ships/weaponry, I'll let them know that the setup they're using isnt allowed and that they should dock somewhere ASAP to change it. Serious violators for this (like outcast/corsair mixers, or order/bounty hunter mixers) just get reported, as it is quite obvious you shouldnt be using those factions' ships/weapons together.

If someone's talking in system with a lot of OOC chat, I'll use some in-character response to give them a hint (like "why are you talkin so funny? Best start actin' right or someone's gonna think yer a nomad!") - if they dont take it, ill warn them in private chat that they need to cut the OOC chatter... if they still dont listen, it goes to a sanction report.

What YOU can do to help out in Disco? - Stoat - 07-01-2008

Hmmm, I've been here almost a year now and my sanction reports are running at the extremely healthy level of


Never needed to post one. I respond to ooc stuff with RP (most of the time), or just a friendly pointer.
I hope to spend my entire time at Discovery with no sanction reports posted.

Maybe I'm just lucky...................

What YOU can do to help out in Disco? - sn!p3r - 07-01-2008

I really enjoy reading these threads, very nice to see the community working as a community, trying to help make this a better place for all.

I have made a few reports, some were made out of anger,which i admit was wrong. Going to try to help people more often, and i agree with all the posts above;)

What YOU can do to help out in Disco? - n00bl3t - 07-01-2008

' Wrote:ZERO
Above me is the amount of sanction reports I've filed.


The amount of Sanctionable SS' I have in my possession.

Why I don't report them?

Firstly, with some official factions, I prefer to see them blunder on with their OORP to humour myself.
Secondly, all other players I've contacted have responded positively and have rectified their actions. So far I've seen OORP people learn from their mistakes.
Thirdly, I detest the ban hammer, all references to the ban hammer, the ideal of revenge by sanctioning someone, the apparent consensus that punishment must be given, etc.