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Feedback to Abuse of Power Complainment to admins via WC - Printable Version

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Feedback to Abuse of Power Complainment to admins via WC - jonnaffen747 - 06-02-2013


As I had readed some guys had posted Feedback & Co. I want to open this thread so you can all give your Feedback to this one - ClĂ­cky Link -

If you got any Feedbacks or Comments about this one you are free to post here. Everyone is welcome to post even not involved ones feel free to post whatever you want about this one.


RE: Feedback to Abuse of Power Complainment to admins via WC - Oorn - 06-02-2013

Wait, isnt this thread exact same as last one?
Anyway, i will use it to (re)post my oppinion of how to avoid such things.

(06-01-2013, 09:16 PM)Oorn Wrote: Sooo in the end whole base concept exploded into 25 pages of whine, trolling, hypocrisy and other interesting things. While the situation is tragic (how much time it took to set up base), it's by no means unique. Base griefing existed before, will probably exist after. What made this base explosion so big are but details:
1: Big official faction was involved
2: decission was made behind closed doors
3: admin was involved
4: boom involved backdoor
Similar cases existed since very introduction of bases. And there is NO WAY to stop them from poping now and then with base system as it is now.

C'mon, its a concept centered around GRIND with no player interaction. On server, where player interaction is everyting, such concept inevitably creates design paradoxes. Only concept, by the way, which you can actually LOSE. cap8 BSes, no matter how much someone else tries, will not be taken from you. Bases are stupid time wise. At BEST, 1/10 of the time you spend GRINDING base will be returned to you with RP. At worst (read usually) it will be 3 rp interactions max. Very few bases actually generate rp.

So, in perfect world i would like bases to be SRP, only creatable when tons of building rp and admin permission is in place, only destroyable in PvP events, not 24/7. Only then will bases be viewed as something other then just asset. Elitism, you say? Name a base, which doesnt constitute to those requirments, but still enriches server atmosphere.

Long story short: leave bases with exstensive roleplay activity as is, announce 1 month test time, after which OORP bases will be removed with cost returned to owners. Want ADMIN oppinion on this idea rly.

RE: Feedback to Abuse of Power Complainment to admins via WC - Jansen - 06-02-2013

We do not need another one of those. The discussion can happen in the other thread, thats why it has been left open.