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Encripted message to Rick Ranger - Printable Version

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Encripted message to Rick Ranger - puppytaste - 06-02-2013

Its been along time Rick. I've heard that you have been getting into trouble in Liberty with these 'Xeno' terrorists. I'm sure your quite busy trying not to be killed by the local law enforcement, Navy and Bounty Hunters, but I was hoping we could see each other at the bar at Freeport 2. I think I may be able to offer you something a little more fulfilling to do than killing 'foreign' shippers in Liberty and generally flying around at high speeds, drunk, calling every ship you come across 'A miserable puke'. I'm sure on the surface you're laughing at this, but deep down I know you know that you want more than what you have in life. I remember when you were small, before our parents were killed. You always dreamed of exploring deep space, and I know you were always a big fan of certain action Vids involving the wonton destruction of various aliens. I hope this message reaches you in good health, I'm looking forward to hearing back from you soon.


Dirk Danger

RE: Encripted message to Rick Ranger - Rick Ranger - 06-02-2013


Well well well..... If it aint my big brother. Aint you just the big ol' celebrity now eh? Found a little time from your puke Zoner tribe for your ***HIC*** little brother finally. Well lemme tell YOU something... Dirk... um.... what? Yeah! Freeport 2 you say? Well I guess I can go.... after this bottle of course.... You better be buying..... Brother!!!

RE: Encripted message to Rick Ranger - puppytaste - 06-02-2013

Good to hear your alive, if not extremely Drunk... Ill be waiting for you there. And do us both a favor.... lose that dumb get-up. That hat and mask embarrasses us both...

RE: Encripted message to Rick Ranger - Rick Ranger - 06-02-2013

******************* Sometime Later at the FP 2 Bar *********************

Rick: Well I'm here Dirk. I'll tell you its no small thing so come here. Almost got my ass shot off by Bunters, LNS, Rouges and just about everyone else on my way. BARTENDER!!!! Bring me one of your most expensive! Good looks over here is paying!
Dirk: Yeah right. Well I see the years have not changed you much.
Rick: Well when every puke in Liberty wants you dead, it don't leave much time for maturity. Now what the hell do you want? I need to put some more duct tape on my X-Shuttle.
Dirk: Well I'll skip the pleasantry then, brother. Do you know what I'm doing with myself now?
Rick: I dunno. Some kinda big puke with some big puke Zoners I've heard. Looks like you've come along way from Houston. At least you left those LNS pukes in the dust. I'd hate to be the terrorist that killed his own brother.
Dirk: Yeah right. No love lost there. You know you were largely the reason I left LNS.
Rick: Awwww. Couldn't bear to face your own brother on the field of honor Dirk?
Dirk: No. They don't promote relatives of known terrorists. Why the hell did you sign up with those lowlifes anyways?
Rick: What can I say? I like to kill Bunters.
Dirk: I was hedging on that. How would you like the opportunity to hunt all the Bounty Hunters you want? And at the same time not have everyone in the sector want to kill you? Not to mention saving the galaxy from hostile Aliens?
Rick: HAHAHAHAHA! Your even drunker than me! I'm not joining your little puke Zoner Tribe buddy! Even if you guys are killing Bunters for some reason.
Dirk: Zoners don't kill Bounty Hunters Rick. Its far easier to simply out smart them.
Rick: Then what the heck are you getting at?
Dirk: (Leans closer and whispers in Ricks ear) Have you ever heard of the Order?
Rick: THE ORDER?!?!?
Dirk: (Smacks Rick upside the head) Quite down you moron! Yes the Order! What, if anything do you know about them?
Rick: Well, I do know the Navy pukes hate them even more then they hate us.
Dirk: (Pulls out a Data pad from his jacket) Read this. It will tell you everything you need to know.
Rick: (Scans over the pad) Nomads? Do they even exist?
Dirk: Oh they exist Rick. And they want to kill every single human in Sirius.
Rick: Oh really? Why do I care? Most of those people hate me anyways!
Dirk: You care because if these Aliens get anymore out of control, there won't be anymore booze for you to suck back anymore. Besides this is what you've always dreamed of, action and adventure. Plenty of enemy's to pew. Plus I can arrange for you to have one of these.... (Dirk dials up the stats for an Order Hathor Gunboat on the Data pad).
Rick: 600,000 powercore? (Drool)
Dirk: Quiet about that! That's classified!
Rick: And what do you get out of this? I'm sure you wouldn't have come all this was to give your little brother that you haven't heard from in years some charity...
Dirk: Lets just say as an Order Agent, you will be able to do some things that I wouldn't be able to do as a Zoner.
Rick: Such as?
Dirk: (Brings up the most recent diplomatic reports for the Omicrons on the Data pad) This is why.
Rick: (Reads the report) Ahhhh. This is what I wanted to see. I knew there was more to this than you originally led me to believe. Still these <ZA> seem like some of the biggest pukes in the universe.
Dirk: I won't argue with that.
Rick: Well what do you want me to do then?
Dirk: The arrangements have been made for you already. All you have to do, is get out to Planet Akabat in the Omicron Mu system. There you will contact my dear friend Admiral Golanski. He'll take it from there.
Rick: This is a big decision to be making this sober.
Dirk: *sigh* Bartender!

****** Several Dozen Drinks Later *******

Dirk: then I say 'shes not infected, shes my wife!'
Rick: BWAHHAHAHAAHA! You know, these Order pukes don't sound so bad. Maybe I'll just have to take you up on this offer of yours. I mean what difference does it make anyways? Get killed by Navy pukes or get killed by Jelly pukes, it's all the same right?!
Dirk: Well that's one way of looking at it I suppose.
Rick: HA! Well then its decided then! This Order of yours better have a well stocked bar!
Dirk: That they do brother, that they do....