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Clash of the Convoys - CR| vs. EFL| - Printable Version

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Clash of the Convoys - CR| vs. EFL| - SummerMcLovin - 06-06-2013

What started off as a random comment of mine towards Alpha actually turned out to be a pretty cool idea that was popular with both sides. So to make things a bit more organised, I've made a thread for it. This should hopefully turn out to be a fun event for both sides, and mix up the usual transport action we are all so used to.
Not too much of a story behind this, but we can have two convoys half-filled with whatever cargo we want to bring (and possibly leave to the winning side to sell). Orkney, between Planet... Rousay, Sanday? and the sun should be plenty of space for us to duke it out.

The proposed time for this was Friday 7th of June at 1900 GMT. If there is trouble getting enough people on, or simply being too short notice to organise it properly, this could be changed to another day or next week.
We'll have up to two fighter escorts on each side, and try and match transport numbers. Ideally we'd want at least four of these on each side.
As for the ships that show up, obviously the Colonials are limited by our ID to Colonial ships; EFL have a few more options but if things are balanced well it should be ok. We'll not just show up in our tiny dodgy Celestras if you lot don't all show up in Lucullus Liners and battle-ready Taureaus...
We're also going to limit this to CAU6 at heaviest, and preferably match the armours on either side if possible - most will likely be UAU8.

Colonial Side
Ghost.Radical - CR|-Caladrius[49th] - Nyx
Ventia - CR|-Asad[49th] - Nyx
SummerMcLovin - CR|-CM-Latent.Intuition - Celestra (CAU6)
Drrobe - CR|-CM-Radar.Rider - Atlas (UAU8)
Yamamoto - CR|-CM-Taxidiotis - Atlas (UAU8)
Johnathan Nox Carter - CR|-CM-Lelantos - Atlas (HAU4)

EFL Side
Trovsky - EFL|Accompangner.1 - Lynx - UA8
Nifty Boii - EFL|Accompangner.2 - Lynx - UA8
Douglas - EFL|Lapointe-DND - Royal Liner - HAU 4
Slappy - EFL|Sarcelles - Taureau - CAU 6
xDragonMark - EFL|Lyonnais. - Taureau - HAU 4
Leam Seaton - EFL|Indochine - Taureau - CAU 5

Sign up below if you are interested, and we'll hopefully Clash on Friday!

RE: Clash of the Convoys - CR| vs. EFL| - Apollon - 06-06-2013

Put me in it Summer
CR|-Claudrius[49th]\CR|-Hercinia[49th] one of them is the Nyx i will put the Nyx one once i come back home

RE: Clash of the Convoys - CR| vs. EFL| - Johnathan Nox Carter - 06-06-2013

Not sure what i'll join you as... but it'll be either CR|-CM-Tranquility either CR|-Horizon[49th] / CR|-Perspective[31st].

I'll edit this post after i decide.

EDIT: Nevermind - sign in CR|-Aether[49th] - Nyx.

RE: Clash of the Convoys - CR| vs. EFL| - Arioch - 06-06-2013

Of course Lou has to be involved.

Put in CR|-CM-Radar.Rider

RE: Clash of the Convoys - CR| vs. EFL| - Kiith - 06-06-2013

I smell an entertaining event! You can sign in CR|-CM-Taxidiotis (UAU8 Atlas)

RE: Clash of the Convoys - CR| vs. EFL| - SummerMcLovin - 06-06-2013

Alright, all added to the Colonial side. A bit of turmoil for EFL| I've heard, but hopefully there will still be some who can log for the event. I'd rather have more transports, so the setup might have to change closer to the time.
For that, John, I think I have something you'll like...

RE: Clash of the Convoys - CR| vs. EFL| - Johnathan Nox Carter - 06-06-2013

[Image: Skype-emoticons-74-bandit.gif] Well - seems you're right.

Please change my position - i'll be CR|-CM-Letanos (HAU4).

And seriously people - let's see EFL joining. Big Grin

RE: Clash of the Convoys - CR| vs. EFL| - EFL Oil and Machinery - 06-06-2013

EFL|Accompangner.1 - Lynx - UA8
EFL|Accompangner.2 - Lynx - UA8
EFL|Lapointe-DND - Royal Liner - HAU 4
EFL|Sarcelles - Taureau - CAU 6
EFL|Lyonnais. - Taureau - HAU 4
EFL|Indochine - Taureau - CAU 5

These are the EFL members that will be involved.

Can you kindly sign them up for me please and be ready to get slaughtered.

RE: Clash of the Convoys - CR| vs. EFL| - Zephyranthes - 06-07-2013

Sign me up for the last Nyx spot. CR|-Asad[49th]

RE: Clash of the Convoys - CR| vs. EFL| - SummerMcLovin - 06-07-2013

Updated the list. So much for balancing armours and transport types though... I might distribute some CAUs temporarily, unless some of you want to swap to the Vache or Pachy.