Like the topic says, it was my birthday recently and I figured I would buy myself a new video card.
However, after doing some research on the interwebs about the card I was going to buy and my current card, it turns out that my current video card ( an ATi HD 5770 1GB) is only *slightly* less bad than the video card I was planning on getting..... and the card I have is about 2 years old!
The card I was going to get was a (takes a deep breath) XFX Radeon HD7750 800M/1300M 2GB 2xDVI HDMI DisplayPort .
It appears that despite my video card being a couple of generations old and only having 1gb of ram, it has one thing the other card doesn't have --- GDDR5 ram, while the new card only has GDDR3.
What that means is that while my current card has half the ram of the new one, it has twice the bandwidth or something like, which means it can throw almost as many pixels at the screen as the new one.
At that point I decided it would be a waste of time to get a new video card. lol.
That's how making videocards works though. They'll pump out a slightly better version of a generation or two ago and hope people spit out money for it when they think it's time to upgrade.
And most people who do think they're out of date, never look at the specs.
(09-22-2013, 10:30 AM)Black Widow Wrote: I'm glad you saved your money, now take the money did you save and go on holiday. win Win
With what I was looking to spend, I wouldn't have much of a holiday.
The new card was going to cost around $120 (aussie dollars).
Instead of spending that, I'm going to leave it in the bank, which is probably a good idea what with me being 'officially' unemployed now.
Yes, I'm now 'working for Tony'.
The money I had squirreled away ran out before I could get myself into another job, so I'm now living off of the government dime, which I really, really want to get off of ASAP.
Looking for a good GPU I'd look at one of the OC'd GeForce 680's. They're good, from what I remember, and they get GDDR5. If I'm right. I'd have to look through my things to get to the specs, but those should allow to play all the modern games in full HD on highest settings... Given you have a good platform to start off with.
Of course this isn't as cheap as the Radeons, but still it's less then 400$ if I remember correctly. You could look east for the provider, I.E. in Poland electronics are much cheaper than in western Europe or even US. I dunno if it's enough to get you back the shipment costs, but still...
(09-22-2013, 12:38 PM)Sheaim Wrote: Looking for a good GPU I'd look at one of the OC'd GeForce 680's. They're good, from what I remember, and they get GDDR5. If I'm right. I'd have to look through my things to get to the specs, but those should allow to play all the modern games in full HD on highest settings... Given you have a good platform to start off with.
Of course this isn't as cheap as the Radeons, but still it's less then 400$ if I remember correctly. You could look east for the provider, I.E. in Poland electronics are much cheaper than in western Europe or even US. I dunno if it's enough to get you back the shipment costs, but still...
Ewww.... Nvidia. Yuck.
I'm kidding.
I prefer ATi video cards over Nvidia for the simple reason that I haven't had any problems with them and I've recently had experience (bad) with fitting an Nvidia card into my older bro's PC.
That and the fact that you only need one driver for an ATi card and it will run them all, from the oldest to the newest, no mucking about trying to find the right driver for the card.
As for spending $400 on a video card..... not going to happen.
In Australia you can buy 50% of a halfway decent computer for that.
@belarusich, lol cheap is right, check this out --> on the ATi/Radeon side -- XFX Radeon HD7990 950M/6000M 6GB GDDR5 DVI 4x miniDisplayPort for..... $899 and on the Nividia/Geforce side -- Asus GeForce GTX Titan 837M/6008M 6GB GDDR5 2xDVI HDMI miniDisplayPort $1,399.
The same company that is selling those video cards, makes a complete "Home" (everyday) system for $799 and a "Gaming"(everyday) system for $1,299.
Not going to say what company it is, but you can see what I am getting at.
Both of those systems come with monitors and all the odds and ends you would expect.