rainth345 Wrote:Let me correct you by changing the 'does not let indies RP' phrase to 'does not let
indies shoot BIG SHINY RED TARGET' line.
Aint nothing wrong with shooting big red shiny targets, as long as you do it within
RP. Of course you'll try to make yourself and everyone else believe that I jsut fly
around shooting red stuff, but its not at all true. As John Rambo I think I started a
total of 2 engagements, 1 against a reaver who was cruising around the stations at Manhattan after he had shot me the day before, one against LR calle PAradise Bomber who had shot me 2 days before. And for both I gave them ample warning, lots of atlking ,and lots of chances to beat it beforeI attacked. The other 95% of times, the enemy started the engagement. Not that you care what is true or not, just saying...
rainth345 Wrote:Can you, please, explain to me how this 'non-canon' navy RP is making sure that the "skilled" player wins the fight?
rainth345 Wrote:Yeah forcing... sure. I can see how the [LN] forces you to get blown up by a pro.
Yeah. The pvp pro attacks me or the other lawful, and the [LN] orders that no one helps. That's pretty much forcing the lawful to get killed. In my case of course, the pvp-pro who thought he would get any easy kill would generally get a bloody nose and an ass-whooping. Doesnt change the fact that they were planning on making sure a noob gets blue-messaged.
rainth345 Wrote:Shooting and not talking is against Rules 0.0 and 5.2. And this is not considered ROLEPLAY
Well I never defended or justified anyone shooting without talking, but you guys cant argue against what I say anyway so you jsut pretend I say something different. And you even spelled ROLEPLAY with all capital letters. Wow. Now if that doesnt make you convincing I dunno what...
rainth345 Wrote:There would be no concrete coordination without skype.....
If the 1iC or 2iC were absent and all people in a fleet were equal, then who would lead? Who would coordinate?
Meh of course you can coordinate witout skype using the good ol' group chat. Works just fine. You can very well play with people without talking to them on skype. Your answer to this is jsut as idiotic as every other one of oyur answers.
rainth345 Wrote:I think they invite anyone who wants to play as a Navy into their ranks, it's just that you need to answer some "questionnaire" of sorts that some do not pass. Think of it as a "entrance" examination... I'm sure all official factions have that.
Correct me if I'm wrong on this.
Did I say that other official factions are better? And no, not evey official faction has or had one. Fact is lots of people are willing to learn and play co-operatively, but they dont want to be active on the forums. Right now those guys are getting turned back and treated like dirt by the kind of people who were spamming hte thread.
rainth345 Wrote:I don't think the [LN] have any activity woes.
I remember quite a few discussions about [LN] haning out in Connecticut and idling in virginia without actually participating in the RP universe. Fact is the [LN] is irrelevant when it comes to upholding the law in liberty, the indies do that, and the [LN] tries to help the pirates as muc has they can.
The rest of your post was just same old prejudices and false accusations without any basis so I wont reply to all of them, got a plane to catch anyway.
lolrawr Wrote:Pretty much what Rainth said.
There isn't a single faction on this server that doesn't use Skype to coordinate it's efforts and in game actions.
The [LN] -does- invite new players to join, without restriction.
So long as an applicant is able to pass the questionnaire and write up a pretty damn basic bio/application, they'll generally be allowed to join up.
And yes, an [LN] member is allowed to have indie ships, even battleships, carriers, or whatever they want, as long as they're kept separate from their [LN] character.
As for LN v RNC stuff, in order for things to go better, indies and the [LN] need to coordinate better (Which is something we've been trying to facilitate in recent months), if cooperation improves, then we'll start to see more "Wins".
Then again, not everyone cares about fighting off every RNC raid that ever happens.
Ah and no, we certainly don't have any activity woes. We may not all fly at the same time, but we do fly.
If you have a problem with the way an [LN] Officer is doing their "Job" inRP, the best possible thing you could do, and something that I think would serve to improve the atmosphere of the server would be to make an inRP message to the Liberty Navy's High Command, and address the issue, so that if that LN Officer actually did something "Inappropriate" (As a character) he'd face inRP repercussions for his actions.
What you shouldn't do, is well, this.
A big old thread targeted at an entire faction that continues to drag on and on no matter what gets said.
Again you ignored what I said and pretend that this was about Morse not doing his job . It was about him and the entire navy keeping other navies from doing their job, with crap RP and an attitude that ruins server gameplay. Guess you're just mentally unable to reply properly to what was actually being said, and you need an idiot like rainth345 to say something idiotic so you can then say "agreed".
With the proposition that you recruit more easily wihtout skype and questions, I was merely telling you a way in which you could get peopel to cooperate with you more, learn from you more (what ever it is you wanna teach them), and obey you, like you want. To bad you got your head too far up your own arse to understand it.
Pitty. At least now that the forum-baboons have relieved you of the necessity to use your grey cells which seems to give you grey hair, you can go back to your same old ways of making yourself believe that because you managed to band together like bunch of bullies, you're actually better than everyone else. Then go enjoy it, I guess.
JihadJoe Wrote:I heard there was some relation between inflexibility and brittleness...
Ah... its FlexibleJoe, the man with the ability to say one thing and do the other and then say the oposite and completely stay in denial that he ever did or said anything else than what he wished he had done and said. Everyone needs a strategy to conserve their self-respect, I guess.
Agmen Wrote:Especially the vendetta against you - even if I never did actually understand WHY there was a vendetta between he/she/it against you...