(01-18-2014, 02:06 PM)Jansen Wrote: Just a little rule of thumb: If you would show it to your 90 years old grandmother, it should be fine to be posted here, if not then you better dont post it.
Although I'm against people posting porn n cyber n stuff everywhere, I always thought it was weird that we can have R rated violence but nothing past PG for sexuality
(01-18-2014, 02:48 PM)Miss Dauntless Wrote: You know what we mean. Would changing it to 'your 5 year old sister' (Just Imagine you have one if you do not) clear it up a bit more?
Would you show this to 'your 5 year old sister'? Just sayin'
Anyway, I think prohibiting X-rated pornographic content is reasonable enough, but a link to an erotic story that's clearly marked as such? Should be a different matter, imo.
This might be caused by the simple fact that the violent parts belong to the game since the beginning, removing those would take a rather huge part of the game away. Sexuality never was a part of the game, so it wont be tolerated in the same way.