Before we get any farther into this marry day for many people around the world, I want to tell everyone still with us here on the Discovery gaming server and those on the forums; a well deserved "Great job!"
We all have our ups and downs with this server, some fight for it, others talk about it, some people don't do anything. However those that remain with us for all that time are those that will hopefully stick with us till the bitter end!
So here I go...
Great job, amazing work, and well done to everyone here, we made it another year! Here's to 2015 and the unknown ahead of us all! Lets keep this boat sailing down the river till the future beyond!
Here's to the Admin's:For keeping this server alive for over 10 years, 10 years really is a long time for a game much older then the server itself and here's to going on 11 years! (And great job staying sane as well to be honest, that's kinda hard)
Here's to the Dev's: Right lets be honest, while many others don't like what you do, its what you do that keeps the server interesting in the least, here's to all your hard earned work and into the future!
Here's to the Mod's:You keep the forums clean of all the radical stuff that happens around here and a few other things as well, without you guy's, the forums would be pure chaos, great job this year for keeping us here (and sane as well)
Here's to Everyone else:Well guys we made it, honestly it's been a up and down hill battle for most of us all around, but here we all are, we made it another year!
Well I haven't been around long enough to fully enjoy this long way the server and peeps here have come, but still, keeping the place together for a friggin decade is no small feat.