==================== Type:Effects Bug: Shots are invisible in low effects settings. ====================
Playing on a not so good (to keep it civil) laptop, I have to play on low effects settings to avoid lags and FPS drop.
This leads to some shots not appearing at all.
I checked the weapons.ale.ini file and some of the guns having this bug do not appear to be linked to the beam.txm file.
Mostly all disco exclusive guns and particle based guns for example.
Since it's hard to dodge invisible shots during combat, It needs to get fixed because I might not be the only one with that issue.
If there is a Low FX pack somewhere, I'd gladly take it.
Thanks in advance.
When I bought reputation for Zoners, it was not completely green. In this regard, I can't buy their ID.
What should I do? Is this a bug?
P.S ID is required for ship.