As I can understand, these files are responsible for textures. Is there anything else they are connected with? Is changing them may trigger anti-cheat?
I am not sure about the cheat detection .. that means if detecting a file size change triggers it.
Mat files are texture files yes ... but changing them is tricky - because they are very often shared files. So if you fundamentally change one file that affects one specific ship - it may cause a mess on another ship. In any case - it is only affecting your end of the game.
When it comes to taking advantage of it ... there might be a debate if changing ... for example a particularly dark ship skin to a bright white one for better visibility (in terms if its considered cheating)
Personally - i would not touch them - and if you think of sharpening the generic texture files ... there is only so much you can do about them - most of them are very low res and you simply won t get good HD results unless you put a LOT of work into it - (like keeping the original layout but upsizing the resolution while at the same time sharpening and redrawing the entire file) - Photoshop filters can only go so far - to get a good result you'd have to manually redraw them. - and that means a LOT of them, cause if you only work on a few chosen ones - you ll get ships that have a patchwork of HD textures mixed with extremely low resolution ones.
Well, I wanted to know that because I found some HD textures mod and I don't know can I use it or no. These textures were base textures, not the ship ones, so I doubt there can be any advantage.
Modifying files which do not effect gameplay in any way (textures, sounds, music, etc) do not trigger the anticheat. There are a lot of people here who use custom/HD textures, HUDs, cursors, etc, and it's been stated by the greens that such changes are allowed (long as they're not from a copyrighted source or are used in a malicious way like the bright texture example Jinx mentioned).
However, a side-note in case you're planing to use a "HD Pack" you found online - There are a few around, but most of them have been intended for a different Freelancer mod, which means they may contain some .ini, .dll or other type of file (suitable for that intended mod) which may be incompatible with Disco and trigger the anti-cheat. The only HD pack intended for Discovery is the Swag Pack(courtesy of Beau, who put the original version of the pack together and gave it that lameass name) which includes the contents of a few HD mods, adjusted to work with Disco without causing any problems. But in case you just want to replace some textures manually, that shouldn't be a concern, since you'll just be replacing .mat files yourself.
you can, surely, but don't edit any .ini files or models. starspheres, textures, music, sounds, ambiences, even effects - all of those are editable, if you don't touch .ini'es