Is it possible to give certain important threads like this one
a url like
Someone correctly pointed out to me that noobs often have trouble finding stuff on the forum, and this would make it much easier to reference to certain things ingame.
Something like this in the NGINX config. Probably.
Thus making - Go to the right link.
+1 to the idea.
Though the post below does have a point. We have giant menus on top. Unless you pray to the SEO gods that search engines notice the tutorial redirect link, and display that first, I dunno if you'll be getting very much out of it.
There is the top bar with links to rules, laws, the veteran pack and everything under the drop down menus of Player Utilities, Player Help and Forum Utilities, accessible from literally everywhere. I wonder how noob one has to be to have trouble finding at least what's up there.
On the other hand I'm pretty sure things can be added there if you think there's something which isn't there but should be. For example, I personally think it would be a good idea to add a link to the Tutorial section under the Player Help dropdown menu,
I wonder how noob one has to be to have trouble finding at least what's up there.
Noob enough to not already know what exactly is in the top bar before reading it. Which is everyone who goes to look for something on the forum for the first time.
And also most of who visit it lets say... 20 times before they've read everything in the top bar.
And those who've memorized it after their 100th or 1000th visit.
That's noobier than 99% of those who read this post can relate to or even remember, but it's still 99% of noobs.
In addition to that, there's the problem that the "Player Help" isnt really a help or tutorial category, but more a "player request for help on certain things" category.
Someone who was looking for tutorials wouldnt have found it in the top bar, and would likely have left the forum in frustration after looking through it.
And also in addition is the fact that there are many things people need to know to play, and putting them all in the top bar would make the top bar cluttered and longer to look through.
So anyhow...
Is there a possibility to get more direct easy to memorize links that can be referenced by players or ingame infocards easily?
I vaguely remember someone already mentioning something like that before I made this thread, but I couldnt find anything useful on the subject.
So far all of your concerns can be solved with what I proposed - adding a single link to the Player Help drop down menu which would lead to the Tutorial section - as well as players frequently visiting the forums. The first is easily done, the second is unavoidable.
And I reckon new fancy urls wouldn't be more helpful at that than easily accessible menus, but that's my personal opinion of course. On the other hand the latter is already there, redesigning them to fit a purpose better can be and likely is easier than implementing new solution attempts.