(04-28-2018, 10:24 PM)Durandal Wrote: The reason this 'helped' is because rotation inertia defines the time it takes for your ship to reach max speed in a turn, often known as response time or reaction time, which is a major part of balance. Changing those values around is not a feasible solution.
EDIT: Well it DID help to remove the wobble.
The problem as I understand it is in that the ship has too high responsiveness compared to its mass and turn speed, which means when "autopilot" tries to point it in some direction, it overshoots. Then it tries to correct that, overshoots again, and then again and again, ... The size of caps makes this even more apparent.
So potential solutions are:
- make caps smaller (Yeah, right.)
- break their balance by changing responsiveness (I guess you could not make up for it by other stats?)
- make the "autopilot" do less sharp maneuvers (New engine perhaps?)
In that case there is no hope I guess.
Since the "autopilot" is the same for all ship classes (sizes), messing with that would break all ships.
Could you elaborate a bit on the responsiveness?
I always neglected that stat, always looked at max turning speed. Granted, since I fly transport class mainly, my concern is about turning around 90-180 degree turns.
This all happens because of how Freelancer calculates it's position, rotation and overall physics. Meph is right in the regard that it gets worse the further you get from the system core. In Freeworlds, for example, using go-to will often outright crash your game because of how big their systems are. It was never an issue for small ships because the player was never intended to have access to big ships, and NPCs behave completely differently. It's a problem because, like the 2.1 billion credit bug, it was designed this way - the issues are only here because the game is modded to do stuff it was never intended to do.