Hello everybody, i play preelancer for a long time and I noticed that no one is flying on heavy fighters or light fighters ( or mostly for fun on LF) and it's sad cuz we got a great HF and LF ships models. Why? Why?? explain to us Mendoza, why people dont want fly on HF and LF? Because SHIELDS my dear friends, we need change shields!! to make HF and LF useful, not just for conn duels or racing.
You may say: "HF andLF is faster and you can win with dodge strafe and faster turn" yea i saw it in conn, how skilled pilots turn faster and kill VHF with 8:33 guns ( with LF its too long and hard). But outside conn you usually dont fight 1 on 1 and many other factors.
SO what we got:
245 regeneration
10 drain
8063 |up to 9000 ( or at least 8063 with 245 regeneration)
179 | up to 245 or 225 (like on LF 10 class shield) or 225 with 9000
10 | drain (same)
5404 | i also found this 5890 | and this 7398 (***SO MABY just allow 7398 shield to all LF?***)
120 | 130 | 164
10 | 10 | 10