With the reception of your vessels from the DSE contract, the station administration has decided it is time the Society receives a dedicated communications server to keep track of shipments, patrols, expeditions, among whatever else the Society may need. This channel is equipped to handle forty-seven terabytes of continuous data streaming, with more than enough data storage for the Society's needs. Secondary and tertiary data storage devices are welcome, but note that the servers will only backup data on the primary drive. In the event of an emergency, data lost on non-primary devices are that member's responsibility.
The station support team will not be requiring shipment log submissions for standard supplies, however these logs must remain on the vessel of use for at least three months for those interning for work in logistics fields. All other cargo or item submissions will need to be sent to station admin for proper allotment of station storage.
Remember to be mindful of your fellow Voyagers, and that any questions can be relayed to Chief White or Chief Doyle. The administration is very eager to see what the Society has planned for the days ahead.