Sir, you are a fool indeed. Not once did the Voice, nor myself, mention any kind of vendetta against the Knights of Labour. We are both, after all, sons of Liberty, and in most cases free from the scourge of Cardamine. We may follow different courses of action, but our ultimate objective is the same; a better world for the people of Liberty.
Now you barge in here, with threats of explosives, and I feel we may need to reconsider this choice. The only thing preventing immediate action is the charming and seemingly understanding nature of the few members of those flying under the flag of the 'Xeno Alliance' that I have spoken with. Perhaps you do not know what it is to be a Xeno, a citizen of Liberty, Jaguar, because your tactless risk of innocents and internal destruction seem to imply that you merely revel in slaughter, just like the Outcast alliance we combat.
Perhaps I am wrong entirely, but your ignorance and seeming inability to read makes me think I am not.
"Let's get one thing straight, Mr. 'Watchman', the corporations put us in this mess for their own profit. They would rather have slave labor in our prisons, and import cheap, unreliable alternatives to Liberty goods, than create a better environment for us 'working men'. I wont stop until every one of the greedy corporate bastards is dead or dying and the government of Liberty renounces it's... corrupt elements."
"You may think my manners crude, I think them effective. Fear is a motivator, fear of the unknown and fear of death... I will strike that fear into the hearts of every Liberty citizen who cares more about the credit than his fellow man. A few innocents may die in the process, and it is a regrettable side effect, but their sacrafices will not be in vain. Soon enough, we will have a new, better Liberty willing to support it's citizens... and all of them, not just those with enough money to bribe the government when it suits them."
"Maybe it is you who does not know what it means to be a revolutionist, there will always be risk and collateral damage, it is... unavoidable. Ensure that you dont collaberate too closely with the enemy, Watchman, I'd hate for one of my gifts to catch you in the... blaze."
Jaguar, who knows what the people want most? The people who fight for them, or the people themselves? We are the people, and we know what we want. We do not want destruction that serves no cause. You may associate the corporations with evil, but in the end your hapless destruction of Liberty infrastructure causes more harm than good. By all means, deal with the foreign corporations. While it is regrettable to have any civilian lives lost, if you cannot fulfill your blood lust any other way than to slaughter unarmed targets, let it not be a citizen of Liberty.
In the end, Jaguar, you are the fool for creating hostility where previously there was none. You are a true Xenophobe. Now, please remove yourself from this open channel. If you must debate, then you can debate with my Speaker in private. I am required elsewhere.
To all who have come to fight by our side! Brothers, sisters, let not this man provoke you! The real battle is with the Demons of Slavery, and it has not yet fully begun... They are numerous, but we are everywhere. They have no power against the combined might of the People.
Incoming Transmission...
Origin: Fort Bush, New York
Comm ID: Gunther Koch
Subject: The People
This unidentified source at least speaks a bit of truth. Who does know what The People, an ambiguous term at best, want? I would warrant a guess that not even The People know what they want. Look at Liberty itself. There are those attempting to serve a greater power, most commonly their nation, those looking to make a quick credit, those looking to purge it of evils, and those looking to live peacefully to the best of their abilities within the laws set out. Individually, those people know what they do want immediately, but, as one entity, no People know exactly what they want and no one person knows what he will want even days into the future.
What I suspect you ask for is nothing short of riots and revolution, something which I do not support and never shall. Look at Sirius. The Gaians of Bretonia have made quite a riot. Look at them now, reduced to nothing but rapscallions and haberdashers of the worst kind. We can also take example of the Bundschuh, the revolutionaries of Rheinland. What have they really achieved? Tears and spilled milk. Riots and revolutions do nothing but segregate a people who are inherently always segregated.
Vigilantism, well, I'll leave you to ponder Sonya's words on that. As a man of many trades, though, I will tell you, I do not even know what I want in the long run, I only wish to help others spare themselves the tragedies of my life. If you truly wish to help your home, and yourself, find your calling; be it police work, militarism, or quiet, legal life, and when your time is up, disappear to obscurity, as we all must. Martyrdom ends the same way as foolhardiness; one more dead man.
Transmission Lost...
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
"The issue here is one thing, and one thing alone... Liberty cares more about the almighty credit than it's own people. The Liberty government has sold it's own hard working citizens into lives of slavery to benefit the rich. The CEO's of these corporations... Ageira, Interspace, so on and so forth... they cut wages and force ludicrous amounts of work on their few remaining employees so that they may afford their Luxury Liner vacations and overpriced imported food."
"What the people of Liberty must ask themselves is this... do you care more for your wallet or your family? I think the answer will surprise you, and not in a pleasant way. This behavior is what has created the plague of criminal elements you see today... the Rogues pirating for their own gain, the Junkers profiteering from slavery and black market trade, the Hackers attacking anyone who gets in the way of them and their cardamine... and to that list you can add the very government of Liberty itself, stealing from it's own people to fuel it's war machine against Rheinland."
"I am a messenger of change, and while Liberty's leaders may have ignored our voices... our screams of hate... they cannot ignore their own deaths looming before them. I will not stop until every last one of those imbezzling bastards is dead... I will not stop until the corporations have fallen to the ground in a smoking pile of debris... and I will not stop until every working citizen of Liberty receives their dues for all that they have suffered in the past century."
"I do not care what you think of my methods, just do not get in my way. Explosives do not discriminate friend from foe."
Riots? Revolution? My dear friend, you are misinformed! That would imply that we were inciting violence against the government. And to the extent of my knowledge, not once has any member of the People's Voice done such a thing. No, civilian, we elevate our government. Many of us near-worship the Libertonian way of life. Not, of course, the crime lords, cardamine and other filth that plague our streets, but that is what we aim to end.
Vigilantes... Many people call us that... Even those who have not seen us before... Tell me... What's the difference between a concerned citizen who removes such plagues from Sirius because he knows what's right and wrong, and a Freelancer or Bounty Hunter who removes them for cash? Both do the same job, yet apparently it is less moral to kill for justice than for money. Vigilantes... 'To watch'... Perhaps a more appropriate word than we would have thought... But vigilantes are not terrorists.
We are the people of Liberty, willing to defend ourselves as opposed to cowering under our beds. The devil's drug holds no fear over those who know the difference between right and wrong, and we are willing to give our lives for the cause. For our people, for our children... For the nation we love...
=============incomeing transmission========
location: Planet Manhattan Bronx Naval Base
comms id: James patterson,Captian CO battlecruiser ft.louisbourg 1st SOFD-"Delta"
<start> gentleman and ladies and that xeno with the violent intentions while i dont condone reckless civilian combat as you guys arnt trained for some of the foes we face should i see any of you or you see myself or my vessel in space myself and my crew wil ltry our damdest to help in anyway we can that dosent conflict with our orders hopwever i strongly urge al lof you if you truely wish to help either join one of the many civil defence groups or the LPI/Navy/Army/Marines/security force itself vigilantieism is a double-edgeed sword and if your not careful you can cut yourself when you weild it it is not a threat to you no bot a peice of friendly advice
and to the xeno: you say you fight for the people of our nation but do you ever stop to think that the samura transport you blow or or the planetform convoy you vaoprize might happen to have liberty citizens working aboard them terrorisim is not a way to win the hearts of the people its only a way for me to have to hunt you down and slit your throatand trust me ...i as well several other counter terror soldiers ..will not stop untill we die or complete our mission or are ordered to stop to you directly mr jaguar youl lwish if you lived back then that the rio Grandes taskforce killed you because im your worst nightmare
Your concern is noted. Most of us have jobs and families we care for during the day, we cannot simply become police or naval officers over night. That required months of physical and mental endurance training. Civilians by day, protectors by night. Some might even call us heroes.
So far The People's kill ratio is at least 10:1; Seems like we may be doing a better job than you -- even. I'm not afraid to die, when my time comes to pass my sins will be repent, and I will die knowing that I gave courage to the people of Liberty, and that I died fighting for what I believe in. There can be no greater glory than dying to protect the freedom of Liberty.
I have done what you have asked of me, I am fully ready to do your bidding no matter what it might be. I will fight for the citizens of Liberty against these vile smugglers and pirates that are a common sight these days. I pledge my allegiance to you sir.