***I am Mazirak***
***I am lost***
***I am hopeful***
He awoke in a large ship...kindred entities all around...he was at peace...he was *home*...
After some time learning, loving, *playing* with kin he was given his first name Mazirak(courage)...
Soon he remembers..the attack...there where large sounds and thoughts...so many thoughts...most human..
so many he could only single out a few...*bounty*...*rich*...*destroy*..this last thought scared him..
he remembers being put in his first ship...he was somewhat trained and the ship was just out of its sapling stage..
not fully operational...*panic* *instinct* these took over as he launched into his first battle..
*victory*...*cost* many kin where killed..he was given an assignement..to be a spy
*tought much about human culture...mostly war...just war..he was to be put in a host...
he met his host...kicking..screaming...cursing...this one was a savage..but apparently he was a scholar among humans...
a scientist...working on a plague to wipe out nomads...I was told that i was matue enough for this mission...but I was reluctant...
i took much coaxing...many kin it seemed depended on my mission...
I accepted...so then I entered my new host...I instantly read his memories...his feelings..pain..fear..hatred..wettness?
after this i was very disgusted and the human had a weak stomach...this disgusted me even more..i went to an liquid fountain to bathe...
undressing digusted me still more...I didnt like my new mission already...I was outfitted in a human ship..very dficult to fly..
it was slow to respond..not like our fighters..it took phisical effort to manuever but I prevailed and quickly mastered the controls..
then i started my long trek to the *human space* and once i got there I went about my mission as told..I learned much..but my ship was destroyed in a fight...
i was cought in a war between nations *such is the human way* I stayed human much too long, I finally escaped and tried to return home..
this did not work as my kin were hostile and i was lost..the *few* the Keepers helped me in discovering my past..they could *hear* me and helped me..
I am now on my road to being *found* and reaching my *kin* once again.
Some say that he is allergic to a fungus found only between the toes of Corsairs,
and that he is oblivious to 98% of Liberty Law. All we know is... He's called the Busdriver!