I am making this notice because the Bretonian Armed Forces (both faction and Indy component) appears to be capital ship heavy at times. We have received complaints about it. Firstly it is in many cases overkill. Secondly, it is OORP for large ships to amass to chase down small ones. Thirdly, the best tactics do not make heavy use of Capital ships for most fights. A fighter and bomber mix, with occasional capital ship support, is much better.
Effective immediately, BAF and Indy BAF Capital ships are to only be used in combat on the occasions when they are needed. That is, when the enemy also have equivalent class capital ships, and then you can only bring about as many as they do, balancing as well as possible under the circumstances.
Capital Ships should be primarily RP devices.
If you are an independant player who has BAF Capital ships but no fighters and bombers at this time, then I offer you the following:
- If you feel your rank should be higher than Ensign, explain why; If you have been playing for a long time for instance and feel you should start as Lt or higher.
- We will finance you a fighter and bomber, and help you rep and equip them.
- Keep your independant Capital ship. Just use it when it is needed please, following the guidelines above. Oh, and RP it and fly it around as much as you want. It is only PVP use of Capital ships I want to keep reasonable.
- In joining BAF you will also have access to our scout accounts; various BAF fighters and bombers, which you may use freely as well. Also, you can obviously climb the ranks there.
IF you don't want to join BAF, then I ask that you simply make a BAF Indy fighter and/or bomber, so you have an alternative snubby ship to fly when the bad guys show up.
This is precisely the same thing I did when I started BAF in 2008. Some Indys joined (and became significant members of the Official FAction) and some did not, but it all worked out very well.