Do I need Junker Guard rep in order to purchase the salvager or is it possible with just full green regular Junker rep? If I do need Guard rep, how much? Full bar? Just hitting green? Finally, if I do need guard rep, what would be the fastest way to obtain it? Missions?
(12-15-2012, 01:36 AM)Valentine-Creir Wrote: Do I need Junker Guard rep in order to purchase the salvager or is it possible with just full green regular Junker rep? If I do need Guard rep, how much? Full bar? Just hitting green? Finally, if I do need guard rep, what would be the fastest way to obtain it? Missions?
Do I need Junker Guard rep in order to purchase the salvager or is it possible with just full green regular Junker rep?
It is possible, since you can buy the ship when you can dock on the base.
If I do need Guard rep, how much? Full bar? Just hitting green?
As it said before, you dont need guard rep, to buy a salvager, however you need enough reputation, to enter Puerto Rico and dock on the shipyard.
BUT you couldnt buy gunboat weapons for it, until you have enough reputation to do.
(You can buy those guns elsewhere btw)
Finally, if I do need guard rep, what would be the fastest way to obtain it? Missions?
Missions are the common ones, but you can give a try to Aerelm's "easy repping" guide.
Alright thanks, thats what I needed to know. Already used the guide and got full green junker rep just wanted to know if i had to grind missions to buy the ship XD thanks again.
also...Zoner freeport in Bering can help you to get gunboat Basic turrets...but if you need some hmm...good stuff like razor or gonna need Guard rep or ask help from someone
4 positive bars of guard rep opens up all the equipment of a particular faction.
The fastest way to get this is:
1. get fully red with the faction of choice (normal)
2. get a double bribe of said faction
If you do step 1 and 2 twice you'll get full guard rep.