Greetings... Captain Johnny here.. I'm sorry our first, shall we say, official communication, has to be of a concerning nature. Now you may have seen me around.. my Ship the Prenumbra, that would be that big hunk of floating scrap, can often be found within your space. I think we've a good thing going here.. The supplies I run seem to be generally appreciated, and I can say for sure, that risk I put myself in hauling off that lovely grass of yours, is more than worth my time. Sure, I've had my run ins with those who would demonize what I do.. but that's the game isn't it?
Now, of late, I've been finding myself wishing a bit of accompaniment.. after all, there's safety in numbers.. then there's that old saying, what was it.. something about all your tools in the same shed.. ah.. it's not important. I've recently come across a young upstart, looking to make his fortune. Now, he's not one to cause much trouble, and certainly no harm.. however, I've managed to convince him that the Outcasts, however they may be viewed, have much to offer.. especially in the way of profits. It took much effort, but he finally gave in. He and I loaded up our vessels with stocks of FloraGro and headed out, all the while, reminding him that once we slipped past the military dogs, we'd be home free. We made it as far as Freeport 10, having to stop for repairs to my new business partner's vessel, the Faremore. After the repairs were completed, we headed for Omicron Alpha.
Now, it was about this time that that an Outcast gunship came onto our scanners. Passive scans, as I wouldn't dare overstep my bounds, indicated the ID SU27. The command given to us was, "Stop, Scan, Pay me 2 million, 10 seconds or opening fire". I may have paraphrased a bit, as I often do, but his articulation, I feel I've described quite well. Perhaps his, erm.. .supplies were depleted, but no matter.. I've digressed enough.
We tried to explain our current contract; That we were hired to ferry cardie to a member of the Rogues, who'm I'm sure would in turn distribute this amongst the masses. We tried explaining the understanding we have with the Outcasts.. hell, we tried a lot things.. but he wouldn't listen. He targeted my vessel, and assumingly the Faremore as well. Weapon systems went hot and he began counting down, presumably to our approaching destruction; we had no choice. There wasn't time to argue, discuss or plead. We sent the that's not a good word, extorted.. yes; extorted credits to the SU27, and headed for Planet Malta.
The vessel then shot past us in a hurry.. SU27 was last spotted headed to Malta.. this is where we lost signal of the vessel. Now, your communication technology must be top notch, as our communication, being that of mine and the Faremore, was intercepted by a rather impressive, if not frightening, ship ID'd as the OCR|Chrome, who made it very very, and I could go on stressing this, clear that we were now under his protection.. Great fellow you got there among your ranks by the way.
I don't wish to make a deal of this, as well.. our trade is a dangerous one.. one that I myself quite thoroughly enjoy. The Faremore however; not so much. I will try my best to convince the captain of her ship that this is by no means a representation of the great Outcasts, however I'm afraid a potentially valuable business partner has been lost. He fears that his ship may be targeted in retaliation, as I in my arrogance, and perhaps ignorance, announced to the SU27, that this would not be the end of this matter.
Following this transmission will be the recovered data logs from the Faremore, as I was preoccupied with preparing for the incoming barrage of weapons fire. If it is not too presumptuous, I humbly request this matter be further investigated.