This thread, after some discussions, hints and feedback, will probably be transferred into a text file with description on how to run a server. Right now... this is a brief manual in the development stage that might help a bit. Waiting for feedback.
What's needed to run a Freelancer Discovery server?
1) A PC with at least 1,5-2 GGz CPU, 512 Mb of RAM and 1 Mbit connection to the internet. Ping is important, so your connection should be as flawless as possible. Static IP address is a huge benefit. Note that traffic will go both ways, so it's preferable that your connection is not speed-limited in a certain direction.
2) PC should be dedicated. It's not recommended to run anything else on it (except for firewall and maybe antivirus). If you run the server for testing or only for few selected people on your own home PC, you may play FL yourself and load applications, but this will reduce performance significantly. If you launch a power-hungry 3D game or some app that would eat up all your memory, players on your server will feel very uncomfortable.
3) No RAM cleaners or any other utlilities that cheaply promise to reduce your PC performance by swap file manipulations. FLServer must not use swap memory, only normal RAM. That is, if you don't want it to crash.
4) Freelancer installation. Do not install any patches. Clear your My Documents\My Games\Freelancer folder prior to first server run, backup your old configuration or save files in a separate place.
5) In addition to Freelancer, you'll need Freelancer Mod Manager (download from TLR), Freelancer Server Operator Mk.V (download from TLR) and Discovery mod itself, latest public release (download from anywhere you wish). All other tools are optional.
Hint: If you play on same PC, make a full copy of your Freelancer game folder after you'll install Discovery mod. Both installations will use same configs, but it's better to separate files used by FLServer.exe and Freelancer.exe. Run your game from one installation, run server from another.
To be continued... with mod-installing, IFSO and administration tips.