Quote:6.20 Attacking traders or demanding cargo is not allowed for cruisers and battleships, unless cruisers and battleship belong to Terrorist ID or Phantom ID owner.
' Wrote:Seems I may have missed his guns or he got new ones. Either way, restripped.
Hmmmm, as an outcast and near Malta, my home planet, ive killed a trader "The Laughing Man" who didnt respondin at all to my call for identify himself and wait for scan before dockin on Malta. Thats all for an explaining a situation. Rule says.... u can have any big ship, but u cant defend a homeworld against ignorants.
You realize this happened six months ago to the day, yes? And... I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Now I see what you're talking about. I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve, now... This didn't even happen this mod version and the rules regarding this have changed. Read your ID.