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Datafile reads as follows:
The True Throne
Flagship of the Blood Dragon Movement, the Rising Sons of Kusari. Flagship of the honorable Taishogun, descendant of Hideyoshi.
Silver - 500 units Scrap Metal - 1000 units Robotic Components - 1000 units Quantum Multiplexors - 500 units Niobium - 1000 units High Temperature Alloy - 5000 units Gold - 1000 units Engine Components - 5000 units Super Alloy - 20 000 units Ship Hull panels - 10000 be done Basic Alloy - 30 000 units Hydrocarbons - 2000 units Cobalt - 1000 units
Shortly after the confirmation of the Taishogun's direct relation to the late Shogun Hideyoshi, the Rising Sons commenced a ambitious task on Mito Shipyards. Due to the instability of the Hideyoshi's Memory, Kagutsuchi Blood Dragon Cruiser, which served them loyally as their commanding flagship, the Rising Sons began building the first "Togo" class Blood Dragon Battleship since the beginning of the Bretonia-Kusari war.
The first major flaw in the operation, was lack of resources. Of course, traders in Kusari were numerous, and the "Nadochi" class Blood Dragon Bombers served them with loyalty, however, they were not able to carry excess resources from the traders back to Kyoto. After the failiure of the first few attempts, due to lack of proper materials, the Rising Sons compiled a list of commodities needed to create the most stable battleship ever created on Mito.
Silver - 500 units
Scrap Metal - 1000 units
Robotic Components - 1000 units
Quantum Multiplexors - 500 units
Niobium - 1000 units
High Temperature Alloy - 5000 units
Gold - 1000 units
Engine Components - 5000 units
Super Alloy - 20 000 units
Ship Hull panels - 10000 be done
Basic Alloy - 30 000 units
Hydrocarbons - 2000 units
After numerous failed attempts to build the Blood Dragon battleship (due to lack of resources), now dubbed "The.True.Throne", the Rising Sons were left in a dilemma. Unable to show a true force of millitary might and power within the Blood Dragons and Kusari, nor a way to remotely launch fighter wings, the Rising Sons movement were doomed to fall apart.
As a last hope, particular members of the Rising Sons gathered a large sum of money (mainly from taxing), and took a leaf out of the Golden Chrsanthemum's book. They purched a number of Borderworld class transports in hope of slavaging and taking goods that were rightfully theirs from the Kusari Empire, salvaging mainly from Samura Storage depots.
However, the Blood Dragons once again were left with a problem. Although the Borderworld Transport proved great for salvaging, the Borderworlds Transport was not able to fire a Cruise Disruptor, leaving many traders escaping Kusari with their goods. The Blood Dragons began decommissioning their use after an order from the Taishogun reminded the Rising Sons of their duty, restoring Kusari to the peaceful way it once was. Without any intervention from foriengn organisations.
After the decomissioning of the Borderworlds Transport, the Blood Dragons now needed another source of materials. In an unexpected twist of events, the Blood Dragons were approached by a foreign organisation known as the Junkers. Mortal enemies of the Hogosha, the Junkers were considered an option to arrange a diplomatic agreement with.
The Junkers agreed to deliver 25,000 units of Superalloy to Kyoto Base in return for 6 Kusari Defence turrets (that the Blood Dragons still held the blueprints for) and to help the Blood Dragons fight against the Hogosha and Kusari, and deliver research notes concerning the Iseijin threat in the nearby Tohoku system. Although reluctant to accept the deal, the Rising Sons accepted the offer, and 25,000 units and 20 million credits were delivered to Kyoto. Since, the Junkers have been exempt from "tax" in Kusari, from the Blood Dragons. After a few months, Junker Activity died down in Kusari, and although this agreement still stands, the Junkers have not stepped foot in Chugoku for a very long time.
After months of construction at Mito Shipyards, the Blood Dragons were running out of resources. The main hull and frame now complete, due to Basic Alloy from Samura Storage Depots and the Superalloy from Junkers. However, many more commodities were needed. Without the Borderworlds Transport avaliable to salvage more goods, the Blood Dragons looked in a quest to find a way of collecting more materials.
In early march, 816 A.S, the Blood Dragons managed to capture a Big Dragon Kusari Transport. After the Rising Sons were able to repair the small damage the ship had sustained, this ship, built in Kusari and able to mount a Cruise Disruptor and traditionally equipped with Kusari Transport Turrets, the "Big Dragon" Kusari Transport served as the new transport of the Rising Sons, ruthlessly attacking Samura bases and depots, and participating in multiple raids on many stations and planets.
With trade growing in Kusari, the Blood Dragons began noticing many different trade routes within Kusari. This proved fortunate for the new salvaging Blood Dragons. Two particular trade routes were noticed: Optronics being exported to Bretonia with Gold coming back, and Quantum Multiplexors exported to Rheinland, the returning journey usually containing Millitary vheicles. After many traders were pirated, Gold and Quantum Multiplexors were in high supply.
After months more of construction and endless piracy, "The.True.Throne" was finally complete. What did remain however, was the issue of weapons. Outcasted from Kusari, the Blood Dragons were unable to find weapons of Kusari design, as they refused to use weapons such as Basic or Cerberus turrets, due to their origins in Liberty and Rheinland respectfully.
Weeks of searching later, the Blood Dragons finally found a solution. Old blueprints and observations were found on Sendai Research Complex, concerning the equipment of the old Battleship Himeji, now the Battleship Matsuda. Uncovered by the great Lord Hakkera himself, (now in his eighties), copies of these documents were sent to Mito Shipyard to begin construction of weapons from the old Battleship Himeji.
After weeks of accelerated construction, the weapons were complete. 10 Kusari Battleship Primary Turrets and two Kusari Battleship Missile Turrets were completed. Only one slot remained to be filled, and the Blood Dragons knew they had to find something to counter the fearsome Heavy Motar, found on almost every battleship in Sirius.
They found the answer in the deep sigma edge worlds. As The Order could no longer be trusted due to their alliance with the cannibalistic Corsairs or the dishonourable Hogosha, the Blood Dragons turned to an old friend, the Gas Miners Guild. Deep in the sigma systems, the two constructed a Heavy Motar, to combat those used by the Kusari Empire.
Usually found high above the horizon, the True Throne watches over Kusari. Although the Hideyoshi's Memory still serves within the Rising Sons, it now acts as an office, handling recruitment and diplomatic matters.
With the battleship watching over Kusari, the time to strike is close. With defences withdrawn from Kusari to aid the battle in Bretonia, Kusari's empire grows weaker. Forever waiting for the time to strike, is The True Throne, flagship of the Rising Sons of Kusari, throne of the Taishogun. Waiting to collect what is rightfully theirs.