Forgottenx7 has been sanctioned owing to a report posted on the 22/12/2009 for:
Quote:5.9 Disconnecting from the server in a PvP fight to escape, as well as in any other situation that involves player interaction, is not allowed. If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you should get back in game quickly to continue the interaction, with the other player's permission. If that is not possible, then post on the forums and PM the players involved.
Consequences: Nothing left, as per normal.
Notes: DO NOT F1 DURING PLAYER INTERACTIONS. I don't know how scary we can get to punish this but we may have to try.
IDK where this comes from. I was in a heated convo with another player the other night. I also had an issue to where my id or scanner wouldnt be shown equipped even tho i did so in station (multiple times); But that randomly 'fixed' itself. But thats bout it for possible santions.
Ok after reading over my post i realized i might have made my case worse then better because i didnt specify my point. My point is, that i usually realize what ive done wrong. (whether it be after the fact or not) F1ing out of anything is not one of them. Furthermore, taking all my credits, cargo, and weapons.. really? How would i aquire any new income withought even being able to mine things. Coulda at least left a single turret, i could have at least turned it into some decent self RP story to work back up while i waited for answers here. Sure i could just create enough new chars to transfer credits over.. or sell stuff off a pre-existing char; but that shouldnt be necessary. Thanks for reading my silent rant. ~Fx7~
There is a player. He's here for fun. Part of his fun is to engage in an interaction with other players.
Then you come along, laden with loot. He, a Xeno, is in a position where he will have a good time by initiating a scenario in which the two of you will commence a dance of word and action which will culminate in the climax.
The pursuit of said climax, sexual overtones aside, is a great deal of everyone's fun.
But, sadly, he comes across someone who decides that he's just going to log out of the game because that way he wont get pirated and therefor make more money at the expense of the other guy.
Which is one of the top ten most pathetic things anyone can do.
So we take away all of your stuff.
It's cheaper to pay the pirate. If I was doing the sanction you would have had your ship turned into an armorless, engineless, thrusterless Bounty Hunter starflea in Omicron Gamma with all of your worldy possessions in your cargo hold.
I still know not of this encounter of which i supposedly F1'd out of; and i find your smart ass comments unnecessary. Not everyone is so trigger happy with the F1 key. And in case the pirate views this message. Try sending me a message, on game or pm me here on the forums. At least see my point of view before going to the top. As i can not prove my words to be true and by judging the statements in previous post, i am still at a loss. Fraps screenshots w/timestamp will be assigned to my ''trigger happy finger'' for future hostile incidents. ~Fx7~
Fortunately - the rest of us tend to find Dusty quite amusing, especially since we have to deal with these sort of things not just daily, but in mass quantities as well. (Since January 1st of 2009, we've seen just over 2,100 sanction reports, so you'll have to excuse us if seeing on average 6 instances EVERY SINGLE DAY for the last year that we tend to not be amused.)
However, I'll refresh your memory, since it seems to be foggy.
You're in Colorado. A pirate in a bomber tells you to stay still if you want to live. The next thing that happens is that we see, on the screenshot, that your ship is engaging cloaking device.
Your point of view is... quite frankly, irrelevant. When you got back in game, you did not post in the forums that you had accidently disconnected. You did not pm the pilot that you had accidently disconnected. You did nothing to follow the rules that we have established for playing here, and now you have the temerity to complain about it.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.