I only gave you a glimpse into my life so you, as admin, have further knowledge and understanding of the situation to base your judgement on. Judges work like this: they have a minimum, if one exists, punishment and a maximum punishment, not a black and white punish all the same spreadsheet of offenses. They take the 'crime', they look at the person, and thus render a sentence. Unless you're in a ditatorship or oligarchy, neither of which fits your reference except that it is 'your' server with 'your' rules.
This I respect. I understand that a lot of work goes into creating this mod, creating this server, and to keep it running smooth is key. It is essential that some basic guidlines be laid down and followed in order to keep intact the spirit of the RP and the popularity of the server. All my main point was is that a stern warning is all that a person such as myself needs and straight to a full ban seems excessive. But hell some ppl have gone to jail for years for some minor parafernalia, whilst others have 20 same offenses and no time served.
If you get mad that a rule is
I take into consideration your comments about a person's past, etc not being important, then I notice you turn in an attempt to use them against me. So apparently they do indeed have some meaning to yourself otherwise it would end at the first comment.
I understand this isn't the military or a 'factory floor' lolz. I made that comment because I was told I wouldn't make such comments to ppl in daily life, except, at least in my daily life even out of the military and off the 'factory floor' much worse comments are made from one person to another no matter who the audience is. Let's also consider that this is a game where you KILL ppl. Ya know? We're not exactly flying around making birthday cakes. We are blowing ppl up in space, their corpses floating off into the vacuum and basking in the spoils of war, or our own vengence.
I just want to say the last comment/threat about law enforcement and proposition was totally uncalled for. I would never do such things and that's pretty perverse for you to even suggest it. I made the comment in an RP capcity, ie: "how can I fix my rep with zoner?", "a nice BJ to a zoner might work, haha" That's hardly a proposition, as first I am no perv, and second my char is no zoner.
And after all of that last comment about 14yo girls your sig still says "I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body." Pretty explicit, if I were a 14yo girl I would definitely be confused, and even possibly offended by that. If I had said that in Sys chat would I have received the same punishment? I wonder. But judges can break rules they set right? But it is in your sig which means you most likely would say such things in RL in passing to strangers or friends alike. I understand it however, am not offended, and hell I think it's rather funny and not in all that bad of taste, maybe a little.
Just know then that I offer my sincere apologise to the person offended as I was definetely not trying to hurt anyone's feelings. I was simply cracking a joke and thought it might get a laugh, same as your sig does. You will never see me use swear words in chat, or much in RL eiher unless I slam a finger in a door, as they are not only weak comedy but represent a failure IMO at being able to speak what you really want to say.
I understand this judgement is going to stick and won't be overturned, as my flying privilleges would already be reinstated. Yup I'll soldier on, but don't think this soldier won't question authority from his immediate supervisor or his general if he thinks the order is unjust.
Hi Roland, I'm the one that reported you.
Firstly, your apology is accepted. Secondly, I'll just make a short point that I don't think sexualities (e.g. Lesbian in a man's body) are explicit. They are life. What anyone of any sexual orientation may do in their spare time may be explicit though.
And one of those things that are reserved for private life is what you brought up. I'm not common to reports, if I see OOC I leave it alone; if I see mismatched ship / rep I leave the person be, but I just think a semi-explicit sexually connotated term in system chat is a bit over the border.
In private chat, you're risking your chances with that one person. In system chat in New York, you're risking them with almost half of the community, commonly composed of the newer, and often younger players. I personally take no offense to the term, but I really only filed the report to let you know (without a trial by forum) that it's not really kosher. Regardless of if a 12 year old will understand the term or not, I'd imagine it's still not something you want your (hypothetical) 12 year-old daughter inquiring about. It only reinforces the use of the word.
In a family with parents of somewhat foul-mouths, the kids pick it up pretty fast. Which is why I think the community sort of needs to clamp down on how far these sorts of things go, before they get out of hand, and all the kids think it's 'cool' to say things like that. Because let's face it: with kids, monkey see monkey do.
And yes it is a video game, yes it is shooting people - but how often does anyone here consider the implications of that? The corpse floating through space, eviscerated by the vacuum, their family left without them forever? Pretty much no-one. If we did consider those - in the words of Zelot, we would lose sight of incredibly importantly, TEH LULZ!!1!!!.
And as long as people here are mature enough to separate reality from the game, the insignificant violence of the game will never translate to real-world actions. That being said, deindividuation is not an excuse for behaviour that, as Agmen said, you wouldn't show to a stranger in the street.
Anyway, thank-you for your apology and your opinions,
and I hope to see you develop your Discovery Community presence in the near-future.
I appreciate you taking the time to respond. And I thank you for accepting my apology.
I'll take your comments in order:
First, personally I would kinda consider it explicit to say lesbian in a man's body. First you're saying you're a man who likes lesbians and second you're being sexually overt in a place you're saying you are worried about how young players might take such things. I don't care personally but since this big deal is being made about saying BJ, and not even spelling it out, I thought it was neccessary to comment on.
In NY isn't half the community especially when I'm usually on. Younger players, I dont' know about that some of the better pilots are young and definitely don't sit around in NY. I would conclude that newer players to the server would be the ones hanging out there.
Second, If you would have just said, "wow dude that was uncalled for" or "that offends me buddy and is inappropriate for sys chat in NY". I would have come back and said "sry, no offense" and the whole thing coulda ended right there. If you recall someone did indeed say "not in Sys chat" and no one made any further comments, including myself. Looked like the whole thing was taken care of right there. If you however were still offended saying sometihing in Sys chat would be a better way of not only sending a message to me about you thinking it was not appropriate, but also to anyone who was in the system who actually saw the comment. Running off and anonymously reporting me does neither of the two as I dont' know who I offended and the newbies in NY most likely won't read this forum thread to and thus your goal of showing ppl this stuff is inappropriate is wasted. Also, If you recall that was the only comment I made and it didn't carry on any further. If no one says anything however about being offended how can anyone know the offense even exists? That being the offender or anyone else around at the time. If you want to help nip things in the bud before they spiral out of control like you say then I suggest you give others the same respect you are demanding and speak to them about it first. Its better, and more mature, to handle your problems directly with the person you have them with instead of making a rash decision and running off to tattle. If that doesn't succeed or if you receive a negative response, then by all means report it. Would you go to Social Services to report your parents for cussing around you, as you've said they do frequently, and say it was an unfit home for you and your younger sibling? I'd hope you'd say something to them to let them know how you felt. But maybe you'd just log on and play some FL and take your anger out on a complete stranger and someone less deserving, I dunno.
As far as how often do comments about blood etc get made/implied in game; pretty often in my experience. I have had several encounters with pirates where they've made comments about washing their ships with my blood, blasting my carcass into space, etc. It doesn't bother me because guess what?, they're rude pirates, and also its funny. Make no mistake this is a game of ship vs ship combat, and so is violent by the very nature of the game. There's countless in-game implications to drugs, for example, from other players and even in the commodities themselves. If you're old enough to handle Synthetic Marijuana and Cardimine trading I'm sure you could handle a petty acronym like BJ. Like you said we're all old enough to play this game right?
Maturity is good. Being able to handle a very mild comment is mature, and speaking to a person who offends you before tattling is mature. Not everything that happens in game is mature, it is a video game after all so some of that can be expected. As far as being real....This is an RP server so it is here that you are meant to obscure the real with the fictitious. I don't think anyone that plays here however forgot they installed a game or are sitting in front of their computer, I'd agree with you there.
Finally, as I said before I wouldn't have a problem making a comment about a BJ to a stranger in the street and neither would most ppl. If you really think that you haven't been on many streets or visited many places and maybe you need to live some more life before passing eternal judgement on that point. Remember it is on some streets that ppl walk around offering things like that for money. Probably even in your town! Maybe even on an outer rim base where lonely warriors come in from months alone in space, who knows. We can pretend it doesn't exist but that'd be like saying neither do men trapped in lesbian bodies, right? Anyway I only bring that up because its educating the youth that you prepare them for facing comments they might not like or seeing things in the world they don't understand. Not hiding them away from it and pretending they don't exist.
Thanks for your community presence comment. I will work on that. Especially since I've only been around 2 months and I think I'm the new FL police lolz. I'll try not to be to pretentious or self righteous in my comments to others about it though.
Again I'm sorry if you were offended by my comment. All I'd ask is that you please speak to a person if such things happen to you again. You'll find it is a much better way of getting your point accross in in real life as well as in a game.