Quote:Breaking news! Colonial cadet, known as Sarah Batiq finally returns!
Cadet, callsign "Blue-3" was gone 5 months ago. All searches of her was without any results. After two weeks of searching, she was announced as MIA (Missed In Action).
She was found in cargo bay of Cardamine smuggler 3 days ago. Batiq was exhausted and hungry.
Today, Liberty-born ensign was strong enough to tell all her story.
"It was routine patrol in Tau-23, I got distress signal from a IMG tagged miner... sorry.. .can't remember his name... he said he is under attack by Outcast pilot. I was near Tau-37 jump hole, so I decided to defend that miner... sadly... I made a mistake, and didn't informed any officer about danger, looks like my pride of Bounty Hunter was too big. I jumped to Tau-37 and headed to direction of miner. My scanners caught two Outcast boggies. After refuse of leaving, I engaged both of them... I bought time for miner to run, I saw him jumping away, I'm not sure, did he called any reinforcement... time was passing really fast, soon my consoles started to lighting red and I realized, that my engines is already burning... soon, I looked to right, and saw rocket coming, there was no chance of evading... BOOM! And my capsule is already floating... everything I remember from that time, was blue tractor beam...
After that, I was interogated in planet... I think that was Malta, after that I was moved to shipyard... sorry, I don't know it's name... I was tortured there. I still remember that stench of Cardamine, floating in air, soon I got used to it, and after some time, I got addiction of it. They isolated me in place, which was without any Cardamine in air, it was biggest torture... few times I was thinking, that I'm going to die... but I didn't surrendered. I had faith.
Oddly, but I managed to realize, that not everyone from Outcasts can be monstreus bandits. One mechanic, who called himself Crow, helped me to escape. I was hiding in cargo bay 3 days, I think..."
Sarah says, she is planning return to her duty and complete her cadet trial period.
"I know, that addiction will make everything worse, and I won't be always trusted, but you know, I DON'T CARE"- Says Batiq.
CNS Team greets returned pilot!
All day... all day they're showing this... in every channel... I'm starting to hate this...
Finally I back from hangars... Still looking for a ship to fly, they promised me, that I could back to duty... I remember they faces, they looks... they looked at me like to alien... and that tube under that chin. I think they believe, that I'm traitor now... being with Outcasts 5 months... being abducted, tortured... they don't know the pain, they don't know anything... I don't care... But the girl... she was friendly... Shiro, I think... anyway, she was looking at me... like to alien...
Homes... hmm... is this is really my homes? Can't remember... the rocket... scream in cockpit... I never screamed before... odd feeling... those Outcast faces looking at me... those eyes... full of addiction... sniffers... just look at me... I'm one of them now... sniffer... flying in Nyx and sniffing that stench from the tube under my chin... I was killing them... I was born to kill them... not join them... not to be a sniffer...
Blood... everywhere... they wanted to know everything... I was nugget... I can't know anything... those interrogations... pain... aaahh!.. I'm crying... I've never cried before... they going to pay for that... for changing me...I'm going to kill THEM!
Return to Colonials finally... as nugget... no respect... they don't know... how I suffered... raped... tortured... addicted... no matter now... finally... a Nyx in my hands... they all going to pay... they all suffer... they sniffers... they will kneel before me... asking to kill them... all of them... no one will be kept alive, then I'll meet them... no one...
And such callsign... "Orange"... they insulting me... and they will insult me further... but I don't care... they will see me in space... again... fighting... killing those monsters... Outcasts... they will show me... respect... all of them...
Finally... homes... really?.. is that really my homes?.. I can't remember... all that stench in my head... all that... orange thing... am I high?.. no... that's can't be true... I can't... ahh... no matters now...