I am president of the Colonies.
Today, unfortunate event happened. During one of our trades, our Adv.Train was attacked by some blood dragons in Chugokou system. Dragons were of Mazakishi family. When one of our other transports under command of captain Dunn heard that train is under attack he returned to Chugokou from Kyushu system. Since he knew he cant take on bomber, he asked passing corsair gunboat to help him and promised him award for this. Upon their arrival they made contact with attacked train and tried to defend it from attacker. Unfortunately, train got destroyed. Dunn and corsair GB kept attacking Mazakishi bomber but he kept dodging and waited for help. Soon it came, another bomber and they both attacked captain Dunn's Panonnia. After hard fight Panonnia was destroyed too. In the mean time we dispatched our own gunboats. Some of BSG came to help also. All report haven't arrived yet so whats happened after it is still unknown. We dont blame NovaPG for any of the mentioned things here. I only mentioned them so you can get full picture about it.
However, later fight was in Sigma 13. And we have proof that one of your pilots attacked my fighters. From what i heard he attacked them cause he was miss lead, but never the less i declared NovaPG unfriendly faction until this is resolved. Despite this seems like a mistake i would like to resolve our stances and establish rules of conduct between our factions.
However if u feel that this wasn't a mistake, and you do not want to keep neutrality with us i will have no choice but to declare you hostile.
I, however offer my apologies to you for fighting in one of your systems, but this couldn't be avoided since we were attacked there.
I am a Blood Dragon, but I'm in no way affiliated with NovaPG. MK's were my business partners in the hunt on Days of Thunder. I was waiting in Chugoku to split the bounty when the CR adv. train came by.
I fired a CD to stop him, but before I managed to say anything he started firing on me without a word. I asked him for a donation and he refused.
I dropped his shield and hull and he asked how much did I want. I asked for 6 million credits which he refused and at the same moment the CR miner and Corsair GB Tinky attacked me. I killed the trader for his treachery and evaded fire until Marzoruki came to make sure that they get their part of the bounty.
We destroyed the mining vessel as it was hunting me around the system. 2 more CR gunboats appeared and started attacking us, later also 3 BSG fighters joined then.
With Mazakishi's help we prevailed.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
I believe i said that. However, this is place to discus our relations with NovaPG. You only managed to push me to start this discussion with NovaPG leadership. Your ships are put on KoS list and for me that is resolved matter. I opened this channel to try and establish formal relations with NovaPG.
//ooc: u fought great and we really do not have any grudges...
---------Incomming Message---------
To : President of the Colonial colonies
From : SIC, Dejesus of the novaPG. Here to represent lord Willis.
This NovaPG acted in the right way, he defended his fellow dragons even though they are not our kin. You how ever, were not. You came to our home system, and our ZOI. Now, i do not care about your puny traders, what i do care about is your warships. Since this novaPG attacked the little BSG, who are hostile to us. And you had to mess around, defending this BSG. Your fault. Not ours. If you would stop poking your noses where they dont belong, trust me, we'll all get along just perfect. Now, we wont. If you wish to go "unfriendly" to us, be my guest. But take heed, we do not appreciate such a comment, for we see it as a threat. And let me tell you, we dont like threats much.
You are mistaken. We didn't defend BSG, we defended our own traders. In our previous agreement we had permission to pass trough your ZOI with our trade fleet. When we got attacked within your ZOI we defended them. Ialso stated that i dont blame NovaPG for BD attacks on our traders. I only mentioned that one of your pilots was in the later fight firing on my fighters. And i wanted to resolve this like normal human being. But i can't talk on this low level. I don't like your arrogance. You are not talking here with one of your nuggets...
But since you have showed no intention of resolving this issues and making firm rules of conduct between our factions i will not keep your faction on unfriendly list...i will upgarde NovaPG and MitoTransports to KOS and SAD list. You should know DeJesus that i do not threat...i make thinks happen.
It was mistake from my side to ever trust your treacherous words.
As for this merc...who the hell called you to interfear here.
It seems that Gabriel is sometimes way too arrogant for the wrong reasons. forgive his harsh words, for that is how he is, and he will not be changing anytime soon. Master Bruce has bid me to ask you to reconsider your words. He has agreed with me, that Gabriel's words were wrong, for the situation at hand, and that this matter WILL be discussed in the NovaPG Council, swiftly, and effectively.
I, representing the NovaPG ask you to hold your orders for Kill on Sight for a little while longer, until this situation can be dealed with rather quickly. Remember, the situation arose from Mis-communication, plus, the fact that CR war vessels were in our ZoI. i agree that this has caused us both alot of tension, so i again request you to hold your orders off for a bit longer.
However, if its a war you look for, i am more than willing to acknowledge it, and order the full NovaPG fleet on your.. forces, and lead the attacks myself, however, let us restrain the wild beasts within us, and deal with this situation with a shred of civility, yes?
I will get back to you, quickly with the results of the discussion, if you agree to the restraining of the KoS order you have placed.
After hearing your words i will put a stop on KoS order. You, at last are voice of reason. War is last ting that we ask, and especially not with our neighborous. I also, may have been slightly harsh on my words.
NovaPG will keep neutral status untill further notice from your council. We need clear definitions of how to react with in your ZoI. I will also put before our Quorum of 12 decide on definitions in our ZoI.