<Subject: According to my operations in Omega
<From: Gothera Lord of the CrossBones
<To: Alvin Katz, Premier of SCRA
I am Gothera Lord of the CrossBone Foundation. I am sending you a letter to discuss the unofficial relationship between our peoples and yours. This has been brought into my attention since the newest events in our military Operations in the Omega systems. While the majority of support comes from the Hessians I am surprised to have seen guncams that even SCRA had assisted our CrossBone Fleet under Dussel's command. While I assume the target was RM I am not aware that we actively communicated to work together against RM.
Of course my business in Omega has it's own purpose but I would like to define our relationship even towards a mutual enemy. CrossBones have no interest in staying in Omega but will remain until such political pressure will push the Rhieland Government to appeal their recent exiling of peoples of IMG. Also to further commit themselves into the Sigma systems against a secular interests of GMG. CrossBones want the Sigma systems to be opened and split. It would be easier for holding operations from Sigmas.
This too might be an interest of your peoples. Obtaining fuel sources will definitely increase the ability to enforce a revolution. If we are able to politically push out control of GMG in the Sigmas then we can mutually extract the resources together. CrossBones need enough fuel to repel assaults against our bases in Orkney.
My proposal that we communicate in a more personal matter in a union of our organizations - nations and work together. For a new era...and a future we have only dreamed about.
[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Ling Jiao Ping Target:Gothera Lord of the CorssBones Location:Minister of Plenty's office, Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52 Encryption: MEDIUM Priority: MEDIUM Subject: Your business is your own.
Mr.. Lord... Whatever.. Gothera..
He waves his hand about in a non-caring manner.
Whatever business you have in the Omega systems is of no concern to us. Since I have never heard of your organisation before, I doubt you would cause any issue to us even if you wanted to.
He picked up the latest report from the repair teams at Sevastopol Depot.
We have our own ways of retrieving fuel and we are very quickly replacing the losses of our very public civil war.
He laughs slightly and gives a very wry smile.
What you offer, we already have. This "alliance" which you propose, gives the Coalition people nothing which it does not already have. Nor what it can take, at any time and at will. We support our Hessian allies entirely with their efforts to push back the totalitarian state which is Rheinland. Your motives for helping the Hessian's are in no way noble. In fact, speaking about "splitting" resources in such a way seems money-grabbing at best.
Now, don't bother our glorious Premier with such trivial matters again.
He terminates the transmission and rubs his temples - not understanding why such matters filtered to his office.
<Subject: According to my operations in Omega
<From: Gothera Lord of the CrossBones
<To: Alvin Katz, Premier of SCRA
Hm since the last time I spoke to...you Alvin, you have gotten fat. And don't look so sad. I chuckle at this little man trying to tell me my motives are money grabbing. Aha. As for your complete misunderstanding of the letter to Alvin it was not addressed to the SCRA or you. So going through Premier personal letters, in my opinion, is asking for trouble. I hear of the 'Civil War' and I believe it's snooping minions such as yourself that tells me you'd just as well turn coat on Alvin as the others did.
Seeing how Alvin's little elf's keep getting in the way I'll contact him another way.
Lord of CrossBones - Gothera.
// Btw this was addressed to Alvin not SCRA or Ling Jiao Ping. And this isn't alliance request. The next letter I send I will only want Alvin's response. Not to be stiffed by the same mundane attitude that every single Faction has to anyone. That RP is boring chappy daps.
[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Ling Jiao Ping Target:Gothera Lord of the CorssBones Location:Minister of Plenty's office, Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52 Encryption: MEDIUM Priority: MEDIUM Subject: You clearly do not understand how government works
Mr Gothera.. Since you are clearly not a lord.
His tone is much more serious.
Do you honestly believe that the head of the Coalition has the time, effort or even will to respond to every single message that is sent to him? Do you honestly believe he cares? Our jobs as members of the ruling party of the Coalition is to ensure that the Premier is protected from rubbish such as this. Then he can get on with the business of running our great nation.
He starts finger wagging.
You have no right nor privilege to demand anything. I guarantee that you contacting our Premier through other means will give you exactly the same result.
He reads the phrase about looking through the Premier's personal matters and about this not being an alliance request.
Haha! How naive! I was directed by the Premier to respond to this communication. And I quote "My proposal that we communicate in a more personal matter in a union of our organizations - nations and work together". First of all, you appear to talk in double speak since this phrase makes very little sense. Second of all, we have no wish to create a union with anyone. Stop wasting our time with these frivolous communications.
He terminates the transmission again and takes a swig of the vodka on the table.
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// Only going to have Katz answer this. But since he is on "break" then I will not continue on until he is returned. Prompted to fill in is you or not it's not the point. Danke.