A fun fact for pirates: pirates who are polite and ask less, get more
Overly aggressive pirates tend to get mute runners or only that what they ask for, unless it's a retarded amount. Which is all the rage lately. (5k trans having to pay 15 mils while hauling H fuel)
Did some tests with this on my old hacker gunship (god rest his soul)
I did 5 acts of piracy in the brutal 'pay now or dai' way and started hammering on the shield of the trader. What I got was my money, nothing more. The traders just sped off as soon as they had sent me my cash. That was right down boring.
Then I did 5 acts where I asked for 100 credits, directions to the post office, 50000000000000000000 credits (dont remember how many zeroes but there were a lot), food and 1 overly polite pirating attempt.
in 4 out 5 cases I got more than what i asked for. Only when I asked for food I was given luxury food and the trader went on his way.
I had WAY more lulz with the latter approach. I daresay the traders had as well. Pirates should abandon the stereotype pirates imho. It shoudn`t become a circus with soley retard pirates though, but the 'pay now or die!' pirates get old. like, really fast.
Same as the lawfuls going 'hackerleavelaneyourenotgoingokENGAGUNGING!'
Best way to deal with this is at least TRY to be lulzy to the other dude. if he spits in your face, your guns can always spit back.
To be honest when I get disrupted in a lane instead of "daipierat!" I usually refer to how inpolite it is to distrupt me whilst I'm trying to get somewhere. The most common response seems to be "... huh?"
his problem of lack of RP between Pirates-Traders and Lawfuls-Pirates isn't just a issue in Liberty. It's an issue everywhere.
The fact of the matter is, (Or at least in my opinion it is) the only action one can take to improve the situation is...
Improve the quality of RP.
Now, this statement is quite cryptic. No one knows exactly what it means, and even those who have an idea what it does mean are often hard pressed to find a means to achive it. Sadly, all we can do improve ourselves to the best of our ability, and try to guide (Not shove) others in a good direction.
Now, about Liberty:
Because Liberty is pretty much the place were new players start out (Excluding /restarts, and people who just stay in Penn,) any Pirate/Lawful/Trader who goes there is going to experience a fair amount of lolwuts who havn't accustomed themselves to the Disco community, or who just don't know how to RP. My advice for anyone who encounters someone who is RPing in a way that they see as bad in Liberty is to firstly treat them as a new player. So, possibly tone down your RP to a more simple level (Not 2milordai, but just refrain from talking about too much lore or telling them your life story. Chances are the person is scared, and think that the only reason you are talking to them is so you can get time to call backup. The best way to counter this is to keep calm, and hope that the person in turn calms themselves down. Chances are, with this kind of person, the most you're going to get out of them is 'medium' RP, and more often then not you will be dissapointed. But fear not! Your suffering has gone to a much greater cause, for that new player will learn from this experience, and (hopefully) the next RP encounter that the new player has will be better than the first.
Secondly, there is a chance that the person you are talking to doesn't speak english very well. Although this problem is more prevelent elsewhere, it is definitly a massive issue in Liberty. As a result, the problem is not that the RP itself is not good, but that the methods for communicating the RP are not working well, therefor making the RP SEEM bad. The first step to remedy this problem is to simplify your own language. However, unlike when you meet a new player, the RP itself does not have to be simplified, just the way it is conveyed. You can still be that insane space pirate with a thousand diffrent stories to tell, just make sure you tell them using simple sentances. Make sure you talk in short, consices sentances with no spelling or grammatical mistakes. If your character has an accent or a funny way of talking, you may want to consider putting the accent off in favor of clearer speach. Lastly, if you come to belive that the main problem with the RP in a situation is in fact the language barrier (Which is often times hard to distingush from character accents, so try very hard to find the diffrences between the two,) try and send a polite message in a private channel along the lines of "//Excuse me, but are you having some probelms with English. No offense, just wondering, if so I can help..." If the person replys "Yes" then politly direct them to the nearest website where they can download a pirated version of Rosetta stone.
There are a few cases where there are language problems, but instead of not speaking english, the person in question speaks in "l33tspeak" or is afflicted with Planet Harris syndrome, politely drop them a private message saying "//Please try to say what your Character would say if he/she were real instead of lolspeak" and then offer your services in helping them to speak in RP.
Thirdly, there is a possiblity (and this is prevelent in Liberty, although other places are certanly not exempt) that the person has played a long time, has read the rules, speaks perfect english, but still makes a personal choice to not participate in RP. This person, in my opinion, is attempting to ruin the game. However, no amount of ranting or raving or shouting "//RP better you B*****!" will make them change their ways. The best way to make them improve their RP is to set a good example by demonstrating excellent roleplay. Think of it this way: You are a preist of Roleplay, and you must attempt to convert the heathens of lolwuttery. Only by setting a good example can you lead them on the path or righteous Disco-ism, and any attempt to stoop to their level will only result in your own damnation! (end metaphor.) These people are the hardest to deal with, but an inevitable result of having an open community.
To sum up; There is bad RP in Liberty, but there is bad RP everywhere, and the most we can do is make our own RP better and help others politely.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is an oldschool phrase.
However, that's also an awesome post. Only modifcation I'd make is rather than suggesting they pirate Rosetta Stone, they find a perfectly legal method of getting it for free. Can't promote software piracy, so say the bossman.
' Wrote:You are a preist of Roleplay, and you must attempt to convert the heathens of lolwuttery. Only by setting a good example can you lead them on the path or righteous Disco-ism, and any attempt to stoop to their level will only result in your own damnation! (end metaphor.)
Sadly most of my roleplay is based in Liberty, and I think that there lies great roleplay and lame roleplay. But the level of roleplay is relative, to the person, and their affiliations. On my trader I have been pirated by rogues, I knew they were waiting on the opposite side of the gate, and jumped anyway. The ensuing roleplay was enjoyable, we had a nice chat, and I was in the process of paying up. Then one came along and sped it up being all shooty. But isn't that how it's supposed to be? Smash and grab style.
While I think it's appropriate to fire on pirates as the navy, I also must say more then just "Engaging" should be said. Such as a decree of their actions, and why they are being fired upon, a request to submit to arrest, or suffer the harshest punishment, death. I have also seen good friends of mine on their pirates, leaving to Rochester, and been stopped by Navy who were in the field and killed.
Either way, Liberty has unique roleplay, but as stated earlier, it should not be a silent carrier firing on a hostile target, or just an engagment notice.
Yes, I agree, it'd be much better to get a legal version of some sort of language teaching software. Perhaps someone (Admins or such) could post a link to such software, or something that teaching people who speak broken english to speak english more clearly. Sort of like an add on to Norexan's English Grammar Lesson
@ Bucket
@ Araevin
You seem to be a pretty smart guy, and I'm glad that you RP your trader with pirates. This is often the hardest thing to do. Keep up the good work!
Also, about Roleplay in Liberty, indie police and navy players (Although faction players can do this if they wish) can take a tip from the BPA's Authorized Firearms Officer policy. Basically the policy says that new BPA players are not allowed to fit guns on their ships, forcing them to deal with any issues they encounter diplomatically. Granted, they have a senior officer WITH guns flying around with them, so I'm not suggesting that the LN just decide to disarm itself; rather, if you are a police or navy pilot, perhaps you could chose a day and say "Today, i'm not going to use my guns except in self defense" or something like that. Certainly this shouldn't be your strategy for ALL the encounters you have with other people (Unless your RPing a pacifist), but maybe make a commitment to do it for one or two encounters, just to see what its like when 'shooty shooty bang bang' isn't your main goal
Also, I've found that the [LN] and LPI- have some of the BEST RP i've found when it comes to just chatting with a neutral trader like myself, so I doubt any problems that people are having with lawful RP come from a general lack of good role play, but rather circumstances where RP is pushed aside.
Overall thoughts: Remember rule 0 ; "Be excellent to one another."