[font=Agency FB]L i b e r t y [color=#000000] ∙A i r ∙F o r c e
∙[font=Agency FB]S u m m a r y
∙[font=Agency FB][color=#33CCFF]R o l e [font=Agency FB]Comparatively new to space warfare, the Liberty Air Force excels at surgical strikes against high value targets, courtesy of a strict in-flight Chain of Command. Unable to match the numbers of the Liberty Navy or the forces that oppose them, the LAF focuses on clearly defined flight missions, with the accomplishment of the objective taking priority. The Air Force prides itself on its status as a professional fighting force as do the Officers and Airmen that fly under its banner.
[font=Agency FB]
[font=Agency FB]Space Combat Directorate. (LAF|) [font=Agency FB]Fighters and the Officers that fly them, the Space Combat Directorate is the sword of the Air Force. Far more than merely a combat unit, Officers are expected to take command of local operations within their area of responsibility. Officer recruitment is managed by the Officer Selection Board, aboard the LAF|LNS-United.States.
[font=Agency FB]Strategic Airlift Division. (LAF|SAD-) [font=Agency FB]If the Space Combat Directorate is the sword of the Air Force, then the Air Lift division is its arm. Composed of the enlisted men and women of the Air Force, the Strategic Air Lift Division supplies the raw materials necessary to keep the fighters flying, as well as to establish Airbases in whatever remote corner of Space the Air Force may be called to operate in. NCO Recruitment is handled by the Recruitment Centre at Ellington Airbase, Texas.
New Recruits to the Airlift Division will be outfitted with a Mammoth class transport.
∙[font=Agency FB][color=#33CCFF]R a n k s
[font=Agency FB]General Staff [font=Agency FB]
General of the Air Force
Lieutenant General
Major General
[font=Agency FB]Officers ' Space Combat Directorate [font=Agency FB]
[color=#000000] ∙[font=Agency FB]I n f o r m a t i o n
[font=Agency FB]The Air Force has a long history of being the first line of defence of the people. When the Navy began to act as the space combat force for the Republic of Liberty the Air Force was left as the only operational air power over the Liberty planets. As 816A.S drew on, the invasion of Planet of Houston by Rheinland forces began to seem inevitable. The Air Force was tasked with holding the planet, and consequently over 40 % of all Air Force operations, personnel and equipment were transferred over to planet Houston. California kept a further 25 %, Colorado 12%, Pennsylvania 12% and New York held the remainder. Air Force leadership was convinced that New York was the most secure planet in Liberty controlled space due to the almost impossible task of setting enough ground forces on the planet to warrant the Air Force being desperately needed. Houston remained at the biggest threat invasion by ground and air forces so it was therefore the most heavily populated by ground and air forces. To further deter invasion, squadrons of Navy Strike Craft were also shifted to bases planet side, much to the amusement of Air Force soldiers.
The Air Force became the work horse for the Army and Marines. It transported every soldier or piece of equipment such as an artillery gun or tank over the long distances to the front line. When Artillery bases began to run low on stock piles of shells and energy cells for the cannons Air Force drop ships were called in to provide whatever was necessary to keep the weapons firing. Most of the drops were conducted by the Chinook Transport. A supersonic, heavily armoured aircraft that possessed a startling troop-carrying capacity. With the ability to also hover, the aircraft could remain effectively stationary in the air for up to thirty minutes, thus allowing it to drop troops in cities, supplies to the ground and pick up troops or vehicles.
As well as transportation the Air Force also provided vital combat air support for the Army. Attack gunships, heavy, light and passive bombers, aerial recon craft and medical evacuation ships became a common sight to the personnel on Houston. The Air Force truly became the shield and sword of the Army.
With the conclusion of 816A.S and the capture of the RNC-Westfalen by Liberty’s Marines, the Air Force was granted breathing room for the first time in the war. However, even as the men and women on the frontline finally allowed themselves to consider that the invasion may not occur, ripples had begun to spread through Congress. Throughout the course of the war, not one Air Force facility had suffered enemy attack, largely due to the efforts of Navy orbital defences. Concerned about the billions in federal funding spent on a force that, aside from planetary transport, was redundant in a modern military setting, the disbandment of the Liberty Air Force became a serious possibility.
Concerned for both their own careers and those of the thousands of personnel under them, the General Staff struggled to justify the Air Force’s existence to an increasingly tight-pursed Government. Eventually, with the bill approving the Force’s retirement fast approaching voting, General Daniel Winters, Officer Commanding the Liberty Air Force, produced a solution.
General Winters concluded that the Air Force should not only support the Navy Logistically, but also militarily. Though the Air Force could not hope to match the Navy’s numbers or training for open-space combat, atmospheric experience did bring with it certain benefits. The limited atmospheres created by large gas clouds and heavy particle storms and the appropriateness of Air Force training for such environments was to form the backbone of the counter-proposal. So, with the combined lobbying of the upper echelons of Air Force Command, the Commander in Chief eventually gave the go-ahead for the creation of the Air Force's Space Command Group, also known as Task Force Sierra.
Few in number, Task Force Sierra consists of the best and brightest volunteers the Liberty Air Force can muster. Airmen and Women from every base were shuffled and reassigned, with the loan of the LNS-United.States, a Goliath-Class Carrier, coming as the final feather in the Task Force’s cap, the ship’s compliment of fighter pilots and support staff ready and able to serve their nation once more. With them ride the hopes, and indeed, the entire future of their service.
Update: With the disappearance of General Winters in early 819A.S, the LNS-United.States has been rotated back to duties in Liberty's core systems and is slated for retirement.
The LNS-Ravenswood has since been appointed as the new fleet flagship.
[font=Agency FB]
On the Battlefield, the Liberty Air Force simply does not have the numbers to go toe to toe with heavy enemy forces, instead focusing on well-organised precision strikes against high-value targets, trusting in their training and rigidly enforced Chain of Command to carry the day. Owing to shortage of space-worthy strike craft, the Air Force can afford to be picky when it comes to pilots. All pilots are required to be leaders in their own right, capable of organising and executing plans in the heat of battle. The old saying 'every pilot an Officer' may not be as true as it once was, but every pilot is nonetheless expected to show leadership qualities merely to make it through flight school.
While recent events have changed the Liberty Navy into a hybrid civil peacekeeping force and military unit, the Liberty Air Force remains true to its roots as a combat force. Air Force pilots fly as a unit, with a clearly designated patrol leader and mission objectives. The accomplishment of the mission takes priority, and Air Force pilots have been known to deny calls for assistance in order to complete their objectives. While the Air Force will not deviate from its missions to answer non-critical distress signals, they do not actively avoid pirate forces and will engage smaller units and assist traders if they enter the Force's local area of operation. Generally speaking; however, the Air Force has been, and will continue to be a military force first and peacekeepers second.
When engaging a hostile force, regardless of size, Air Force pilots operate in cohesive units, with each strike craft flying alongside a dedicated wingman. While one member of the pair focuses on inflicting damage, the second ensures his or her companion does not come under heavy fire, engaging and drawing away enemy interceptors. Such tactics are applied on larger scales as well, with fighter flights covering the attack runs of bomber divisions. Flying without such support is tantamount to suicide in a large engagement, thus leaving a wingman is considered the height of personal betrayal in the LAF.
Though not a combat arm of the Air Force, the Strategic Airlift Division follows much the same philosophy. Resupply transports, flown by the airmen and women of the LAF, operate in formations similar to those employed by large shipping corporations. Unlike most transports; however, the Airlift Division are trained in formation firing drills and, even when unassisted, a convoy is capable of laying down a deadly field of heavy suppressive fire. More than one hostile Gunboat has received a bloody nose at the hands of the Airlift Division's gunners. With the advent of the C5 Bison, a heavy transport capable of unassisted planetary landings, the Airlift Division is the first in the field, carrying the equipment and troops necessary to establish and hold forward operations bases wherever they may be.
Where hostile space is deemed too dangerous for SAD vessels and enemy capital craft are present, the Air Force's Flagship, the LNS-Ravenswood, a Behemoth-Class Heavy Carrier is deployed to neutralize the opposition. Capable of delivering thousands of high-velocity rounds to support friendly fighter craft, and outfitted with heavy armour more than capable of withstanding hits from the heaviest weapons the enemy can bring to bear, the Ravenswood is the pride of the Liberty Air Force and her arrival all but signals the end of an enemy incursion.
[color=#99FF99] Air Force Squadron Zulu on patrol.
[font=Agency FB]Unlike other spaceborne fighting forces, the Air Force maintains the divide between Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) and Officer ranks while allowing NCOs some freedom to participate in direct combat actions. Though Officers technically outrank Non-Commissioned Officers, typically their assignments will leave little need for outside interference. A single Officer may be charged with organising a group of NCOs, though actual management in the field will be conducted by the Senior Non Commissioned Officer.
In the Air Force, Non-Commissioned Officers will usually serve as the commanding officers of Strategic Airlift Division ships, and form the backbone of the LAF's military force.
[color=#000000] ∙[font=Agency FB]G e n e r a l [color=#33CCFF]S t a f f
[font=Agency FB]Headquarters command, the General Staff have the ultimate say on Air Force policy and direction, all from the safety of reinforced command bunkers. All General Staff are addressed as 'General' or 'Sir/Ma'am,' and are entitled to a General Salute. [font=Agency FB]Naming Convention: Do not operate in the field..
[font=Agency FB]General of the Air Force [font=Agency FB]The ultimate commander of Air Force Assets. The last General of the Air Force was General Daniel Winters, who was reported MIA following an attack on a command transport transferring high-ranking personnel to Leeds in early 819A.S. As a point of respect, no new General has been named, and this is unlikely to change in the future.
Forward Operations Base Winters is named in his honour.
[font=Agency FB]Lieutenant General [font=Agency FB]Though formally subordinate to the General of the Air Force, with the disappearance of David Winters, the Lieutenant General functions as the effective Chief of the Air Force. He is assisted in this capacity by two Major Generals.
[font=Agency FB]Major General [font=Agency FB]Now acting as 2iCs, Major Generals are experienced officers in their own right, having served their time on the frontlines and in middle-command.
∙[font=Agency FB]O f f i c e r s
[font=Agency FB]Fighter pilots and strategists, Officers form the direct-strike and management capability of the Air Force. Officer entry requirements are stringent, and all applicants must either pass a one on one interview with the Officer Selection Board for direct entry, or be awarded a commission as an NCO. All Officers, with the exception of Officer Cadets, are entitled to a salute from junior ranks present (though this requirement does not apply in combat, for obvious reasons.) [font=Agency FB]Naming Convention: LAF|Rank-Firstname.Lastname OR LAF|Rank-Initial.Lastname. Ships operating under code-names are rumored to exist, but this is officially denied by Central Command.
[font=Agency FB]Colonel (Col-) [font=Agency FB]Experienced commanders, Colonels are entrusted with the management of low-level LAF strategic operations, supervising forces across an entire house. They are the highest-ranking officers seen on field operations. They are addressed as 'Colonel' or 'Sir/Ma'am.' [font=Agency FB]May fly any strikecraft at the Air Force's disposal. May fly the flagship.
[font=Agency FB]Lieutenant Colonel (Lt.Col-) [font=Agency FB]Lieutenant Colonels form the backbone of low-level strategic management, though are not yet deemed ready for individual duty. They may act as second in command of forces within a house. They are addressed as 'Colonel' or 'Sir/Ma'am.' [font=Agency FB]May fly any strike craft at the Air Force's disposal. Access to the flagship is at the discretion of the Colonel.
[font=Agency FB]Major (Maj-) [font=Agency FB]New to senior command, Majors are expected to watch and learn from more experienced Officers. However; fresh from frontline combat duty, Majors have a reputation for 'getting the job done' and are often assigned system-level tasks. They are addressed as 'Major' or 'Sir/Ma'am.' [font=Agency FB]May fly any strike craft at the Air Force's disposal.
[font=Agency FB]Captain (Cpt-) [font=Agency FB]Experienced Junior Officers, Captains act as patrol commanders and tutors for new pilots. They are addressed as 'Captain' or 'Sir/Ma'am.' [font=Agency FB]May fly any strike craft at the Air Force's disposal.
[font=Agency FB]Lieutenant (Lt-) [font=Agency FB]Officers that have completed basic training and been awarded a commission. Reclassified NCOs receive this rank automatically. Lieutenants form the bread and butter of the Air Force's combat arm, and are capable of forming flights and executing operations at a local level. They are addressed as 'Lieutenant' or 'Sir/Ma'am.' [font=Agency FB]May fly any strike craft at the Air Force's disposal.
[font=Agency FB]Officer Cadet (Cdt-) [font=Agency FB]Freshly recruited direct entry officers, they are yet to prove their suitability for the role of officer. Upon completion of eight Hours trial time, they are eligible for promotion to Lieutenant. They are addressed as 'Officer Cadet.' [font=Agency FB]May fly any fighter craft at the Air Force's disposal. This does not include bombers.
[color=#000000] ∙[font=Agency FB]N o n - C o m m i s s i o n e d [color=#33CCFF] O f f i c e r s
[font=Agency FB]Enlisted Airmen and Women of the Strategic Airlift Division, NCOs are the cogs upon which the war machine of the Liberty Air Force turns. Whereas Officers are managers and strategists, NCOs provide the materials and manpower without which no invasion plan could function. Renowned for their competence and straight-forward attitude, it's no wonder that when command needs something done, they look to the Airlift Division first. Non-Commissioned Officer recruitment is handled through the Recruitment Centre. [font=Agency FB]Naming Convention:
Strikecraft: LAF|Rank-Firstname.Lastname OR LAF|Rank-Initial.Lastname.
Transports/Freighters: LAF|SAD-American Town/City.
[font=Agency FB]Warrant Officer (WO-) [font=Agency FB]The Liberty Air Force has exacting personal standards. In everything a soldier does, they must be precise, instinctive, and totally committed. It is the duty of Warrant Officers to ensure these standards are upheld. Proud, unyielding individuals they take responsibility for morale and discipline within the NCO group, and are utterly intolerant of any behaviour they see to be in conflict with the Liberty Air Force's vision. One Warrant Officer may be designated as Warrant Officer of the Air Force and has a seat on the Officer Selection Board. Though Warrant Officers may apply to the Officer Selection Board, few choose to do so. They are addressed as 'Warrant Officer' or 'Sir/Ma'am.' [font=Agency FB]May fly any strike craft at the Air Force's disposal. May fly any transport or freighter at the Air Force's disposal.
[font=Agency FB]Chief Master Sergeant (CMS-) [font=Agency FB]Senior non-commissioned Officers, Chief Master Sergeants have proven their competency on countless occasions and are trusted assets amongst the Air Force. Typically seen at the head of convoys, they also have access to direct combat craft. Chief Master Sergeants may apply for the Officer Selection Board. They are addressed as 'Chief.' [font=Agency FB]May fly any strike craft at the Air Force's disposal. May fly any transport or freighter at the Air Force's disposal.
[font=Agency FB]Master Sergeant (MSgt-) [font=Agency FB]The more senior amongst the Air Force's transport leaders, Master Sergeants have proven themselves capable and may apply for the Officer Selection Board. They are addressed as 'Sergeant' or 'Master Sergeant.' [font=Agency FB] May fly any transport or freighter at the Air Force's disposal. May fly any fighter at the Air Force's disposal. This does not include bombers.
[font=Agency FB]Staff Sergeant (SSgt-) [font=Agency FB]Once regarded as a redundant rank, Staff Sergeants are experienced transport commanders, and have earned the right to command convoys. They are addressed as 'Staff' or 'Staff Sergeant.' [font=Agency FB] May fly any transport or freighter at the Air Force's disposal.
[font=Agency FB]Sergeant (Sgt-) [font=Agency FB]Transport commanders, Sergeants form the bulk of the Strategic Air Division's commanding staff. They have successfully completed NCO training, and are deemed full members of the Liberty Air Force. They are addressed as 'Sergeant.' [font=Agency FB] May fly any transport or freighter at the Air Force's disposal.
[font=Agency FB]NCO Candidate (NCO-) [font=Agency FB]Fresh off the bus, and already on track to overtake trained Airmen and Women rank-wise, NCO candidates are generally regarded as the scum of the Earth until such a time as they have completed their basic training. They are elgible for promotion to Sergeant after logging six hours flight time. They are addressed as 'Candidate.' [font=Agency FB] May fly a supplied Mammoth class transport.
∙ LAF|LNS-United.States Once the flagship of the Liberty Air Force, the United.States was reassigned following the loss of General Winters and currently serves as a training asset and long-range coordination centre for the Air Force. With it's official resignation from combat roles, the United.States has undergone partial conversion to allow the docking of civilian vessels, and has recently opened an on-board museum promoting the Liberty Air Force to the public.
Base of Operations: Texas Type: Goliath-Class Heavy Carrier
∙ LAF|LNS-Ravenswood The current flagship of the Liberty Air Force, the Ravenswood is outfitted with the finest technology Liberty's Defense Budget could provide and, though officially still a naval vessel (and crewed accordingly) is host to a sizable detachment of Air Force Flight Crew. The Ravenswood is currently undergoing preparations for deployment to Leeds.
Base of Operations: Leeds Type: Behemoth-Class Heavy Carrier Commanding Officer: Colonel Harold Comstock Executive Officer: Lieutenant Colonel Melanie Tyler
On Designations: Though flight crew and a select few senior officers on board the Carriers are Air Force personnel, the majority of the crew, as well as the warships themselves, are Liberty Navy assets. Consequently, though now assigned to the command of the Air Force, the Carriers retain their LNS- identifiers. Despite this, the Airmen and Women on board have come to regard the ships as much their own as the Navy's, and one would have a difficult time indeed convincing them otherwise.
∙ Liberty Navy Weapons ∙ Respective Ship Mounts ∙ Codenames ' Officers and Warrant Officers only. ∙ Generic Transport Turrets ∙ Liberty Transport Turrets ∙ Civilian Weapons