....."Your secretary hands you a transcript of a recently decrypted transmission"......
To:DHC Public relations office From:OberstLeutnant Victor Von Richthofen. Officer commanding, 107th Sturzkampfgeschwader. Brandenburg Flugplatz. Subject:Recent escort and secuirty detail.
Dear Sir/Madam. It was with special interest that I read the activity reports of Major Bauer this morning. I understand that in the past few days he has been involved in flying both escort and security duties for pilots of Daumann.
Bauer reports a high level of cooperation with your pilots and praises the professionalism of your operations.
It falls to me to thank your pilots and corporation for the experience and opportunity presented. You may not be aware that the 107th is a Volksmarine unit and made up of volunteer pilots. Most of whom are employees of various corporations similar to yourselves. 107th is very short on practical combat experience, any chance for our pilots to gain flight time of the type mentioned above can only be beneficial to them.
I trust Major Bauer behaved and acted in an impeccable manner during the execution of his duties. As a newly formed unit, it is imperative that our pilots make every effort to ingratiate themselves with the citizens and corporations of the very faction they are sworn to protect.
Again, I extend to you my sincere gratitude for this opportunity to serve and gain experience. I look forward to receiving many such reports in the future and to a mutually beneficial and friendly relationship between our pilots and Daumann.
ID:Tobias Schmidt Subject: Security convoy 19th January Encryption: Low
Guten morgen,
Good to hear from you again. Herr Bauer did an excellent job yesterday evening securing ze mining fields in Munich. We would like to thank you for your service and like to cooperate again in the future.
Good work is appreciated and must be rewarded. Therefor I'd like to receive your banking detail in order to send a small gift to your Squadron
......"returning to your office after a hastily consumed lunch in the station cafeteria, and with a slight twinge of indigestion, you spy a printed response to a recent communication left on your desk. The message reads"....
To: DHC. CC; Herr Tobias Schmidt From:OberstLeutnant Victor Von Richthofen. Officer commanding, 107th Sturzkampfgeschwader. Brandenburg Flugplatz. Subject:In response; Security Convoy 19th January
Herr Schmidt.
Nein nein nein, this is not necessary. We are amply and adequately funded I assure you and no reward or payment is required or desired. What we lack is pilots and experience. Finances are usually forthcoming, after enough red tape and bureaucracy has been bypassed at least. The only reward our pilots seek is the opportunity to serve Rheinland.
Nein mein herr, I cannot accept such an offer. If you feel obliged however, I would ask that any payment be directed to the Rheinland Military Veterans Organisation to aid in the care and comfort of those who have sacrificed so much for Rhineland already. This would be more than agreeable.
OberstLeutnant Victor Von Richthofen.
...."the bottom of the transcript contains the usual details regarding comms procedure, secure transmission protocol and various encryption updates".......