' Wrote:As one of the leaders of the BPA, I apologize for not responding before now to these legitimate concerns. RL and all, you know.
I will only speak for the BPA, not any other House Police faction. I have no influence over their policies and I hope that all of you can distinguish one from the other in how it is run.
Pieguy and I took over the leadership of the BPA a few months ago, and at that time faction activity was almost non-existant. We were in serious danger of losing our official faction status and we were talking to Incindre, the BPA leader at the time, about becoming unofficial. I'm sure many here can relate to the stress he felt at considering that reality. The poor guy poured his heart and soul into the BPA.
We started a program in which we would pay our police members for their activity. It wasn't much, only one million credits per hour. But, at least, there was something to show for their efforts. In order to pay for the salaries of our officers, we started to enforce the licensing laws of Bretonia that were already in place before I joined. For about three months now, we have, in earnest, collected funds from traders who wish to have the licenses for those respective commodities. Corportations have also joined in paying for specific licenses. All these funds have gone directly to BPA officers to cover their one million credits per hour pay.
The amount of credits per hour doesn't even come close to what they would make mining or trading. It's more a token of appreciation from the faction leaders for their efforts. I was worried at first the amount that they would bring in wouldn't be enough to offset their pay, but for the three months we've been doing this program, we've broken almost exactly even financially.
I understand the complaint about the Military Vehicles, and other commodities like that, that seem to be self-defeating for the Bretonia Govt. Why place a license fee on a commodity that Bretonia desperately needs? That, to me, is a legitimate complaint. The licensing laws pertaining to Military Vehicles were in effect before Rheinland decided to put a restriction on their trade to us. I can see where that fee would need to be reviewed.
The complaint that the economic system is broken is a difficult one for me to solve. If someone can devise a way to making police factions financially viable, then by all means, tell me. I'm all ears. I want to hear it.
1 SC for each cargo space. Only for Transport and Freighters and Liners.
Money goes to house on which side JG is or where it leads to (entering house is taxed).
Unlawful (house criminals, pirate ID) trade ships are excluded.
I think it would be kinda cool, cost 1-10 credits for docking with a lane and 10-100 or so for jumpgates.
All the money goes to Ageira who would then make contracts and negotiate percentages with the factions who have or want lanes and gates. Maybe have reduced tolls for trade corporations since they would be using them the most, and others if they provide security or are transporting gate/lane parts or something. Way for them to cover the costs of building lanes and gates and maintenance and security ect. Lots of rp and money to be had from this.
Ships shouldnt be able to dock with hostile lanes and gates or if they cant pay the tax, just my opinion as much as i hate that thought. But i think it should apply to everyone and all ships, the only ones who should be excluded would be Ageira and maybe house police/military. For all others it should be based on ship size, for instance a fighter/freighter should have a much lower tax than a transport/capship.
Um. The whole idea is to pool money for house forces so they would indeed be motivated to do their -duty-. Ageira is not part of forces. Also, why Ageira? Why not DSE (maitaining them) or even IC (long term loan for building lanes and gates to Bretonia and Liberty)
Well im mostly just saying all those contracts and deals could be RP'd out through which ever factions are involved, and yea i think the house police/military should each get a substantial part of that for sure.
And how about goods taxation, every time trader sells goods in the house space 1% of the goods value is deduced and sent to the faction, i think it ould be better because.
1.You would only pay when you would be making profit.
2.Newbs would pay amounts so small that it would not matter to them, everything would be balanced.
3.Lawfuls would have real motive to see that goods delivered to their destination as part of it is going to them.
I saw you walking down the streat, your eyes, your lips, your nose, everything was so perfect. I started singing "who let the dogs out."
Last time a similar idea was around it was nuked with the argument as to why the official faction would deserve free money while the unofficials would not. So the questions is how to make that system accessible to everyone.
Oh and I prefer Snak3s idea over Kharons if this would be ever implemented. Because otherwise you'd have to clear out the according bank accounts on a daily basis. lane traffic isn't as low as some might assume.
However, why would Liberty deserve more money out of it than the other houses only because they have Penny?
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.