RE: Death to the Emperor! /hc/ Anonymous 13/08/11 (Th) 16:20 No.3124432
ZOMG! Isnt there liek, enough killing already FFS!!! For what, stupid Samura, who does nothing for Honshu, so who cares!
Ive got cousins and friends behind bars just because they are GMG! I get hassled at school now because of my family history!!
SERIOUSLY its like Ancient History class where we were reenacting scenes from the old classic Harry Potter. I still get called a 'Mudblood' in the playground and its soooooo lame!
Well Daddy says we will all be out of a job soon, as well arent allowed to sell stuff to the GMG anymore, and everybody will run out of fuel so then the price of everything is gonna skyrocket!
IMG and Colonial aggressors strike at the Farmers/Hogosha! /hc/ Anonymous 13/08/11 (Th) 23:11 No.3130526
The foreigners from the Taus attack our protectors for no reason in New Tokyo, near the Honshu gate! +1 if they should be eradicated and destroyed for this!