The Free Trader United are a company which focuses on mining and trading ore´s sirius wide.
Although FTU are part of the Independent Miners Guild, but they have their own command structures.
The FTU grew up in experience and resources unexpectedly fast, they managed to build a large
Transport and trading shipline and this in combination in mining ore was the perfect way for them to start
a sirius wide trading company.
The main line of work for the FTU are mining ore´s,they have serveral mining divisions around sirius and
try to have the best and fair prices.
Another branch of them are to supplies goods for contract partners, and although they try to be neutral
they have an escort department, which are used for the security of the mining zones and for trader convoys.
Outstanding companys which are under contract or if they have a good relation to FTU, can request to hire the service of the escort department.
During the months of work within sirius they found some friends and enemys too.
Therefore was a branch needed which care for the security of the whole company, the main work for them
are to encounter the enemys of the FTU, a Special Wing Commando.
The Special Wings,are freelancer with military origin which work for the FTU as the strike force if all
negotiations failed,and just for defense reasons. ___________________________________________________________________________ Why [color=#33CC00]Free Trader United?
We are looking for neutrality and dont take sides in any fighting conflicts, except an outstanding company fights against an enemy of FTU and requests help.
We are giving other companys and nations the chance to trade with us,
and we will create our own experience
with them. Except if they are declared enemies of the Independent Miners Guild.
FTU work under its own command structure and may split in some ways from the opinions of the main miners
Approved people who know the most of the important trade routes within sirius.
Trustful and fair to other companys and nations.
Open for all who are looking for a good business sirius wide.
We like to reach all people of sirius and open new economic businesses to them,neutral and discrete.
A group of trader who came together with the same opinions.
Business can help everyone and we don't need to know if this group is hostile with the other group.
We like to keep a balance with all groups of trader.
Though we keep it secret with whom we have agreements,you never know how others react.
All FTU Pilots come from different worlds,our origin is our philosophy which brings us together.
We fly together. We work together, for us and for the whole of Sirius.
So was born...Free Trader United
___________________________________________________________________________ *[color=#FFFFFF]History of the Free Trader United*
[color=#FFFFFF]-The Beginning.
Richard stevens,the current founder of th FTU, had built the company after he group up with
serveral independent Trader and Miner on 11.8.811.
Since these days the small group of miners and traders has focused on mining gold ore from
the fields at the Dublin system.
Soon Stevens managed to create his new firm,and since then the FTU was a part
of the Independent miners guild,but seperated from the main guild under the own command structure of FTU.
They managed to get professional within the gold ore business and for a long time this was, the main line of work of FTU.
From the funds which they got from the gold ore business FTU grew in experience and gathered advanced equipment.
People found their way to the FTU and the great new business way from the FTU found
trusting new customers and soon there were some long term contracts for the new company.
The trading and mining division was built.
It attracted the attention of people who were looking for a stable job and future.
With fast growing personell records, and arriving families of the FTU workforce from far
away,they needed a place to live.
Stevens and the board of FTU built with the Support of Orbital Spa and Cruise
a new ship which can sustain the huge amount of the growing population for the company.
The "Free Mind" was built, it is since these days the flying heart of the FTU Space Colony.
The Free Mind is now the home of the families from FTU,as well as the main office and residence of
Richard Stevens and the board of directors.
-The Molly conflict.
In the months that followed, FTU and the Mollys had some issues in politics,and a short but bloody
fights arose.
Serveral weeks they were fighting eachother,FTU for the right to stay within Dublin and the right to mine Gold
ore,so the Mollys fought for their freedom and onwnership of Dublin.
One day the current leaders from both sides came together for negotiations.
The Free Trader United and the council of Mollys talked about a no-attack pact for both sides and FTU recognized the Mollys officially as owner of the system Dublin.
Appologizing for the mistakes and misunderstanding,FTU was willing to pay a "WAR fine"
to the mollys which covers serveral weeks of peace between the two.
One day Stevens and miss Aine Moore,high commander of the mollys,had met echother and talked about a new way to work in the future together with benefits for both sides.
A new threat appeared shortly after FTU got the Mollys as friends,they tried to hit the mollys
aswell as the FTU hard. They were going to sabotage and interrupt the gold ore business.
They were known as the Avengers,a radical terroristing group from Kusari space.
While these fights against the Avengers lasted, FTU had build up a new branch which was made for the encounters and as defence force for Dublin in cooperation with the Mollys.
Together they had a force which dealt with the Avengers and soon the Avengers lost their interest in the Dublin system,
and after the War between Bretonia and Kusari ended ,the Avengers disappeared from Dublin.
After all these conflicts and the fact that FTU and Mollys got into new negotiations,the factions came together
as friends and work together,although we try to be neutral we fight against enemys which appear on both sides, for example the corsairs.
-The new business.
Serveral Months later Free Trader United got enough resources for new projects in the Ore Mining business.
They started sirius wide mobile mining divisions. FTU got access to the most ores,
And this keeps the doors open for some new consumers and new contract partners.
The Mining Zones each got an own operator who is observing the mining division.
The trading divisions are used for the permanent supply of the ores from all mining zones to the FTU mobile
Ore refinery on a central point hidden within bretonia space.
From there FTU could reach all consumers and the constumers can choose out of several ores, they dont need to fly to the mining zones,which can be very dangerous these days.
-The Bretonian massacre.
As mentioned above the new business grows up,unexpectedly fast.
This makes the FTU in need for a static orbital station,and with a central trading hub.
The main consumers of the Ore business were found within bretonia space,and a central point in bretonia
was just the logic solution for this project.
The station was built at the cornwall asteroid fields,a silent unused place which seemed perfect for
the Trade Hub, to open for the main consumers within bretonia and all friendly companys to FTU.
Unfortunately the research from the FTU main office wasnt complete and the terrible disaster took place.
The Bretonia Armed Force found the trade station.
The acting Fleet Admiral Sir Jack Fraser orderd a immediate destruction of the station.
A masive force of BAF and Bretonia Police officers headed out for the destruction of the base.
The attacking force did not leave FTU enough time to send a evacuation transport out for the 200 souls on this base.
The BAF accused the FTU in the past as collaborators with the current war enemy of the BAF, the Gallic Royal Navy.And in some other coflicts they accused FTU as spies for the Gallia force.
Since the beginning days of FTU the BAF was always unfriendly to the independent miners.
FTU decided after this massacre and all threats from BAF against FTU that Bretonia is no longer safe for them.
That they cant find trust in a Army who are going for civilian companys and fight them like a unlawful group or even worse, like a War enemy.
The FTU moved out and searching a new place they could call a home. Sadly for all people within the FTU that are Bretonian citizens lost their mates on board of that station.
One good thing came from it though, the Mollys and FTU relations are getting stronger because they have the same pain which they share now,the pain of lost families killed by the BAF.
-The New Hope and the Nightmare.
Alpha and Omega.
The Mobile Space Colony Free Mind was searching for a new place as home.
Since FTU got threatened they are sort of refugees, and with the Free Mind reaching her limit to carry the
civilian population of FTU.
A new system and a base are badly needed,and the best place for a orbital colony was found within the system of omega 49.
FTU found a uninhabitable planet at omega 49 which could be a solution for the colony.
This planet was only used by the zoners as mining operation for gold ore resources to the planet Gran Canaria.
So FTU thought this couldn't be a problem to the zoners if FTU use just the planets gravitys as place for the staion.
The local Zoner group called the FTU welcome but much other groups of Zoners disliked the presence of the FTU within Omega 49,and they cut all negotiations and made it impossible for the FTU refugees to stay with them in this system.
Soon as they arrived and tried to get a stable ground in this free system,owned by zoners and population of Corsairs, they found themselfs under attack by serveral independent Zoners and a massive large Corsair fleet.
What no one knows,is that the new station wasnt finished,and that the FTU command decided that before they get the civilians onto the station,they would use hologram technoligies which show just images of civil population on this station.
Stevens didnt trust the Zoners and had expected a possible threat from corsairs.
So he ordered just a small number of workers to keep up the main systems of the station with a escape plan to get out at the last second,the plan was to test the trust in the zoners and possible threats by the corsairs.
The escape systems included a new technology,the jump drive system,the engineers of the FTU found a way
to build this small enough to be activated from the internal hangarbay of the new station.
But this was prototype Technology, and unfortunately the crew was lost.
The FTU engineers are working on a way to find the jump drive signature from the missing crew,it seems hopeless but they keep going, in hopes of finding the lost crewmen.
Once again the Free Trader United are searching for a place that could belong to them,where they can live life in peace and harmony.
Its for sure that they will learn from their mistakes. So they can be better themselves in the future.
And they will not be brought down again. ___________________________________________________________________________
*[color=#FFFFFF]Faction Tag/IFF/ID*
Main faction:IMG / Freelancer
IFF:None / Optional IMG
Sub faction:(Special Wing Commando):Freelancer
-/(Special IDs,Recruit for repping ships)\
___________________________________________________________________________ *Weapons and Technology*
IMG ID- / Freelnacer ID-
IMG ID-Series "DL" Border Worlds Transport
IMG ID-Democritus Luxury Yacht
-Mining ships:Tagged as .:FTU:.Ship.Name(M)
IMG ID-Hegemon - DU5-7Y Civilian Mining Ship
IMG ID-Arrastra - MEMV-971-AH Civilian Heavy Miner
IMG ID-Spatial - E78-12 Civilian Deep Space Explorer
-Fighter / Bombers Escort ships:Tagged as .:FTU:.Escort_Alpha-"Number"
Freelancer ID-Marauder - BYC Civilian Heavy Fighter
Freelancer ID-Kingfisher - CTE-HF Civilian Heavy Fighter
Freelancer ID-Moldy Crow - Civilian Heavy Fighter
Freelancer ID-Eagle - CTE-6000 Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
Freelancer ID-Raven's Talon - IR-7 Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
IMG ID-Lhotse - IMGF-18C Very Heavy Fighter
-Gunboats Escort ships:Tagged as .:FTU:.Escort_Beta-"Number"
IMG ID-Gasherbrum - IMGC-24C Gunboat
-Battlecruiser Escort / spezial operative Ship:Tagged as .:FTU:.Escort_Gamma-"Number"
IMG ID-Sagarmatha - IMGC-104D Battlecruiser
/(Battlecruiser are just in use by the FTU leadership)\
All Independent Miners Guild Weapon technology´s,as example:IMG B11e-4 "Vampire 4" Tachyon Cannon.
All Civilian Weapon technology´s
All Independent Miners Guild Equipments
All Civilian Equipments ___________________________________________________________________________
*[color=#FFFFFF]Zones of interest*
Main Zones*
Newcastle / Cambridge /New london /Dublin/Leeds/Magellan
3 / 7
Callifornia /Colorado /New York /Texas
23 / 39 / 31 Optional*
-Borderworld systems
-Edge Worlds ___________________________________________________________________________
Trade Department:
Shipping goods for contract partners and for the FTU sirius wide.
Mostly they work within the mining zones to supply the FTU Mobile space refinery with ore´s or to contract partners.They fly in convoys under escorts together or alone by time private out of duty from FTU main office.
Mining Department:
One of the most important branch within the company.
The miners are to find directly in th emining zones and are under command from the Mining Zone
operator.Sometimes it can happend that the miners from one system need to assist other FTU units out of the
standart mining zones,but this happends rarely.
The miners of FTU within thems duty time are used to refill storage ships,member ships,and if its needed contract partner ships,they get payed from the FTU main office and not from the houler/trader/and contract partners.
Out of the duty times from the FTU main office,the miners can work for his own to independent non registred
outstanding companys for his own prices for his duty in mining ore´s to them.
Escort Department:
The escort wings of FTU are made simple as it is to escort transport ships of the company of FTU or for outstanding
cooperated companys on request.
The escorts are just for defence reasons not made as encounter or strike force.
The places for the escort wings beside the escort runs with transport ships, are the mining zones and all othr teritories of the FTU.
The escort wings are categorized in three classes,the Alpha Beta and Gamma class.
-Aplha class are the smaller craft of escort units Fighter and Bomber wings.
-Beta class are the heavy escort ships,gunboats used by approved pilots and trustfully members of FTU.
-Gamma class are the Battlecruisers,and they are not made for the regular escort missions.
They are the last defend line of the FTU and just for defend reasons in use by the high command and not
aviable for the membership.
The Ranking system for the Escort units are:
The escort units use just the description of weapon class and a personal number for the pilots identification.
As example:
.:FTU:.Escort_Aplha-3 as fighter
.:FTU:.Escort_Aplha-3- as bomber
The escort units get payed for their duty and therefore are needed to write escort reports to the FTU main communication
Special Wing Commando:
The SWC was made in times of wars,they are of military origin and got a command structure wich is kinda similar
to a millitary army.
Current Ranking system are:
Spezial TAG:
.:FTU-SWC:."rank"-"initial"."last name
The SWC are a sub firm of freelancer hired from FTU as permanent encouter force,they get in use in times
of war and against large amounts of hostiles.
The difference between the escort units and the SWC is that escorts were made for defence the SWC are made to strike
back at possible threats which are dangerous to the FTU company interests.
The promotion system within the SWC got serveral criticals categories which need to be fulfilled for a next rank,
proven to the current squad leader or the High command of the FTU.
Their work besides the space mission will be to write reports of the actions from the SWC units.
They are to be send to the FTU main communication channel.
/(More information and details about payments and recruitment application you can find >>>HERE<<<)\ ___________________________________________________________________________
*Command structure of the Free Trader United*
[color=#FFFFFF]The FTU got serveral Directors with their own work area.
Together they are the board of directors,like a council they discuss and decide over all matters within and for
Free Trader United.These are the current positions within the board of directors.
[color=#FFCC66]1- Chief Executive Officer:(CEO)
/[He's the head of FTU and got the full authority over the faction)\
2- 2nd Commander co leader:(co,CEO)
/(Hes the 2nd in command and is the right hand of the CEO,in absence of the main leader he got the full authority
over the faction. He works independently on contracts and all kind of matters for FTU.)\
3- Director of Transportation Services:(DTS)
/(The DTS main work focuses on all matters within the trading division, this means to coordinate
Transport ship for running trade contracts, get in contact with other trading factions, create on its own mining
operations. He is constantly observing the storage modules for requested goods ordered by consumers and makes sure they are ready.)\
4- Chief of Security and Armory:(CSA)
/(The chief got the authority over the security forces from FTU.
His main focus are to keep up the security for all units and buildings of the Free Trader United.
The optional work for him is to build new ships for the FTU fleet. Therefore he has access to the ships and weapons technology
and over all resources from the FTU shipyard.)\
5- Security Escort Commander:(SEC)
/(The SEC is the field officer who trains and coordinates the escort units in the fields.
He makes sure that the orders of the CSA get fulfilled and he observes the situations in combats.
___________________________________________________________________________ *Goals and Future interest*
[color=#FFFFFF][color=#33FF33]Faction intern:
1-To find the missing worker from the FTU station that were lost after a emergency jump drive into nowhere.
2-Permanent faction events ,rewarded mission for the membership.
Faction Goals:
1-To making high profitable businesses with the Ore trade and get a high reputation in this branch.
2-Establish a static faction base within a system that can belong to FTU.
3-Collecting new contracts with other factions.
4-Becoming one of the best trading and mining faction in the whole sirius sector. ___________________________________________________________________________ *Diplomacy*
[color=#33CC00]Allied: -Independent Miners Guild
-Security Organisation Blue Tiger
-The Republic of latium
-The Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
-Gateway Shipping
-Red Hessians
-Bounty Hunters Guild
-The Council
-Universal Shipping
-Ile-de-France Shipping
-Temporary Autonomous Zoners
-Omicron Supply Industries
-Gallic Royal Navy
-The Maquis
-Gallic Royal Police
-Lane Hackers
-Bretonia Police Authority
-Bretonia Armed Forces
-Gallic Brigands
-Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
-Bretonian Privateers
At War:
-Das Wilde
-Outcasts ___________________________________________________________________________
With the best Regards,
for Free Trader United
(FTU Commander) ***TRANSMISSION END***
The FTU get professional in mining of the most common ore occur.
FTU got serveral mining divisions around sirius and a depot for the ore´s.
We have a escort department which can be hired from the consumer on request.
The FTU got a large Transport Department who can supplying for you all kind of goods to your location.(except illegal goods)
Registred companys will get a spezial discount on all services which FTU offers.
The Free Trader United are always looking for new business partners.
Its possible to create future long term contracts,open to all companys.
The Free Trader United keep all contracts and details of agreements discret and secret.
Services in general:
1.-Mining and shipping Ore
3.-Ore Deposit
4.-Transport service
*Ore /mining /shipping*
[color=#33FF33]Services for Contract Partner:(-After Contract-)
1.-Ore´s from FTU depots.
2.-Almost no waiting time in purchase of your ore.
3.-Spezial discounts in all Ore occur.
4.-Free Escort service ---
---(-on request via private commchannels for planned escorted convoys-)
---(-requested on scene if FTU escorts are aviable-)
5.-Future docking rights on FTU instalations ---
---(-for permanent ore trades from the FTU Ore depot / trade hub-)
6.-A open Hyper Commlink to the FTU main Office ---
---(-secure program S:K:Y:P3-)
7.-Spezial transport for ORE shipments---
---(-Ore price + Transport price-)
Services for individuals non regristred transporters:(-No Contract needed-)
1.-Fast fill ups on the mining zones of FTU to your transporters ---
---(-if the FTU miner are not in duty for a FTU or Contractor-)
2.-Escort service from FTU can be hired on request ---
---(-if FTU escort units are on scene-) ______________________________________________________________
*[color=#FFCC66]Prices* [color=#33FF33]
For Contract Partner:
-Niobium:3600 credits per Unit
-Gold:4000 credits per Unit
-Silver:3800 credits per Unit
-Copper:3600 credits per Unit
-Cobalt:3600 credits per Unit
-Beryllium 3800 credits per Unit
For individuals non regristred transporters:
-Niobium:5000 credits per Unit
-Gold:5000 credits per Unit
-Silver:5000 credits per Unit
-Copper:5000 credits per Unit
-Cobalt:5000 credits per Unit
-Beryllium:5000 credits per Unit
Basic Price;
5.000.000 Million Sirius Credits per supply
2.000.000 Million Sirius Credits for each system the Transporter needs to flying trough---
---(-from pick up point to drop point-)
Spezial Prices:
-spezial prices are needed for goods with a restricted status---
---(-like as example "Nuclear Devices"-)
-spezial prices will be created for goods with a high buy in price over 1000 credits per unit
-spezial price for escorted shipments;1.000.000 to 2.000.000 Million Sirius Credits per supply---
---(-depends on escort class ALPHA-BETA-)
//|For all supplys will FTU create a contract with the consumer, to safe the interest on both sides|\\
For all Business offers to Free Trader United you can use the intern Communication Channel,
to be find here:[color=#33FF33]>>OPEN FILE<<
Is it only me or is the posts size slightly huge ?
Anyways, I think there are some spelling errors in there and I suggest specifiing the equipment section, otherwise you might get in trouble with your tech use.
I suggest if you truly want to be 'neutral' you go with the Trader ID and Miner ID, not IMG. IMG has enemies still, and using the IMG ID and then saying you're not IMG doesn't work like that. IMG still have enemies, such as Outcasts and BMM.
' Wrote:I suggest if you truly want to be 'neutral' you go with the Trader ID and Miner ID, not IMG. IMG has enemies still, and using the IMG ID and then saying you're not IMG doesn't work like that. IMG still have enemies, such as Outcasts and BMM.
Miner ID gets several unique bonuses, namely helium and iridium, I believe. (Perhaps hydrocarbons too?)
' Wrote:I suggest if you truly want to be 'neutral' you go with the Trader ID and Miner ID, not IMG. IMG has enemies still, and using the IMG ID and then saying you're not IMG doesn't work like that. IMG still have enemies, such as Outcasts and BMM.
BMM is a corporate enemy, not a real enemy.
IMG has many sub-guilds inside which one of those could carry the ideals of FTU. Independence and dealing with everyone are not far from IMG| ideals either.
To the OP: As long as you don't go a lot far from IMG RP and Lore, I support your faction.
Thank you all for your opinions and tipps.
I will keep them in mind.At the moment it works all fine,FTU got accepted by much other factions as independent group seperated from IMG.
and yes we will go like the img with this RP,just some difference which alowerd us to stay good with everyone.
Well sure for future we all got enemies somewhere,like wilde for example ,but this makes it interesting.
And FTU grows more and more up,other people like our philosophy.
That makes me happy,and our masterplan is that we try to go official one day.
But for now we got all fun and we will keep it up.
For future send us here more feedback if you like.
Sounds interesting, however there are some things that sound strange.
You claim to be neutral to everyone, however by using the IMG ID you are in some ways restricted.
Miners will get 10 millions for each load, payed by the Main Office.
Transports recieve free fillups, but are required to pay 10% of the profits to the Main Office.
Also escords recieve 10 million sc for each escord.
Now i am curious how you would pay all that, since that's far more than 10% of the Traders profits.
Quote:You claim to be neutral to everyone, however by using the IMG ID you are in some ways restricted.
>>>:yes of course we are restricted to the IMG faction RP. The allover way of FTU is the much the same as the official IMG.
>>>But FTU tries to be as friendly as possible with them. Like for example IMG is Hostilie, we would like to be unfriendly. This will give space for some RP like bribes tradements etc and not a war between FTU and Outcast or BMM. We go to our bonds, but we stay within them.
>>>We like to keep a balance between some hostilie factions, so we pay licenses. That allows us mostly not to be taken into open conflicts. But never taking sides, its just for the business way.
How i say IMG way but some differences in politicial opinions.
Quote:Transports recieve free fillups, but are required to pay 10% of the profits to the Main Office.
>>>:The LEadership of FTU had decide to make it to all members the 10% payment to FTU office.
That seems fair to all and its good for the whole company.
>>>:For sure this isnt enough to pay all licenses and payments. The Leadership invests money and works for FTU as Free. We make it for fun and have enough money.
This makes the balance and a big + at the guild founds for all members and company.
And to add this we got a high activity and always much work to do.
Our Leadership manages to do good and fast runs for all members and contract partners.
We got a good disposition system for miners / traders / escorts, a good combination of all
which garantees a very good buisness.
>>>:Our Escorts arent always around. We explained we aren't a millitary faction or a battlegroup, like [Convoy] with the strongest escorts around.
Just kindly traders / miners who likes to make a good buisness and fun in the RP of this.
We need Escorts from time to tume for protecting big Convoys / contract partners, or to protect our storages while refill.
I hope i could help you with that answer. For more questions, you know the place.
Were i to file a separate sanction report for each violation of the rules i just witnessed in Dublin, it would take me weeks with Cannon's one report/day.
Clean up your language, and your engagements.