Com ID: [TAZ]Panda
Location: Omicron Delta
To: Doc
Kallisti after weeks of encounters with these miners and a whole lot of flax.
First off i would like to say Mad_John now commands [TAZ]Panda's_Apple I handed command over yesterday.
Seconds... After a grueling flight through a mine field in omicron 74 and a visit to a certain capital Ship Factory I have Commissioned With my own personal funds One of the finest zoner ships ever to fly ( no its not the whale )
I now command my very own Moving Freeport. I will be doing some recherche in omicron delta for the next few days I have already Collected some artifacts After witch i tend to have the ship do some exploring in nomad area's She is more then equipped to handle just about any situation. I have rag tag skeleton crew that accepted the exploration mission I did not want to risk a full crew from the start.
The Vessels Comm id is [TAZ]Panda's_Dream I thought it fitting as it has been my dream to command such a vessel. After i am done with my exploration i will Head over to Free port 10 Pick up some personell.
I will Refuel and restock on supplies before heading back to baffin to pick up my Gunship and continue with any orders received from there.
The Dream as i will call her has a full supply of medical Rations and repair ships she will be ready to assist Med Force One in any mobile repair of any of the free ports around sirius.
Comms out. First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world.
Forgive me for the lateness of my reply. Much to do in so little time.
I understand your issues with this and have taken them into account on this issue. What I want out of this
is a chance to understand the Royal family. Not so much agree but comprehend them, if you understand. With this
meeting I may be able to get information about how the machine works and perhaps even make a friend in the process.
If what she says is true then the Royal family itself is disjointed. To know and be in contact with this disjointed
element may help us in the future in ways even I cannot forsee. If the older Princess learns of anything, it will
change nothing. We are already KoS by the Royal Navy.
And besides, we are merely meeting to talk. It isnt in my nature to commit TAZ resources unless I am sure I have
accounted for any and all blowback.
If this does turn out as you fear then it will simply mean we can write off another Royal on the list. Simple as that.
It is also nice to know you value my life so. Be assured that I will be taking every precaution.
Oh and another thing...I always have a sidearm on my person. Old habits one could say.
Regards, Xavier Triton The Trident of Eris, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin
With all due respect and in the saying of an old Sol term...I wouldn't trust her word anymore then a man with a potato gun in a glass house...
And with all due respect, finding out that a vessel of such size, a Valor class, is our current neighbor, I've ordered the Ashira on high alert for anything... Of everyone in TAZ, I'm the only one who has been shown...kindess...from such in Gallia, espically in a holding cell... Despite my actions in being one to search for peaceful solutions, one that Doc himself taught me in his acts of kindness, one must be ready to wield a big stick just in case...
I just pray that Eris herself doesn't decide to spoil the Golden Apple with such...I'm just not comfortable with the thought of such a possible danger so close to home...
Brettonias ==End of Log==
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
ID:: Panda's_Dream
Location :: Baffin
Status :: Lining up for a very nice picture.
To :: All of TAZ
You are well protected here in baffin
Wishing somebody else was here to talk with us.
Panda out. First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world.
Well, my fleet is ready to join to the Baffin defensive line. My ships are well equipped and armed. So any source of threat should be neutralized in our sacred system in no time.
Still I hope that utter destruction can be avoided around our temples. We'll see it anyway. 23's!
Signature: Reynard "Leonardo" Gull.
..::Message Terminated::..
~Declare yourself what you wish, do what you like and tell us about it. Or, if you prefer, don’t.~
Kallisti there, pope Gull.
I believe we never met. My name is Gregorius Adagio.
I'm one of the templars 'keeping the fort', so to speak.
Some help never hurts.
However, let me add here a little line.
What we need above all is experienced pilots. If you have fighters and bombers pilots in your fleet, we would love to integrate them in our training sessions.
Either way, please do remind our duty requires discernment. There is many cabbages out there.
Our duty is not to shoot them all.
If you need anything, feel free to contact me.
For any pineal ajustment, please proceed to the Kiva.
Hail Eris.
++ one must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star ++
++ End of transmission ++
Well of course I don't have the intention to shoot everyone into pieces. But sometimes we're forced to do that. In that case I'm ready to do what is necessary.
I have patience, also I can tolerate many things, so i won't freak out and shoot every single moving target. Just the one who are a threat to us, to our temples.
Indeed, I have bombers in my fleet. I'm ready to send them to training missions. I would like to have a talented and expert crew so I'm ready to improve them also myself too.
Signature: Reynard "Leonardo" Gull.
..::Message Terminated::..
~Declare yourself what you wish, do what you like and tell us about it. Or, if you prefer, don’t.~
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Joined: Aug 2008
Staff roles: Moderator
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
To: All TAZ
Mal, I have added Void.Crystal to the Penterbarf per your request. I will be notifying the Madalors with that one. Thanks for the info on that.
Mr. Gull, welcome to TAZ. I will be rostering you shortly. In fact, I have a few roster updates to make so be patient and keep an eye on them.
I apologize to you all that I was unable to attend the festivities of the weekend. Midori is getting better and is home now but my twins are going to be in incubation for a bit still. Nonetheless, the medical business has been quite busy.
It seems that we are doing well as a unit these days. People helping out with the new recruits and diplomacy. In short, I've haven't felt so bad about being away from Baffin for long stretches knowing that all is in good hands. I'll get back soon enough however as my staff has been greatly enhanced by one of my former students. She is very good and dedicated.