I am pleased to announce that we have successfully managed to transport the shipment of gold from Dublin to Syros.
This was despite the attempts of a wing of IMG ships that tried to capture the cargo and the transport for themselves.
The transport suffered significant damage at the hands of the IMG, which resulted in it being dead in the water for a period whilst the battle between the escorts and the attackers raged around it.
Running repairs were eventually made once the attackers had been driven off by the escort and the transport and its escorts were able to continue on the journey home.
It should be noted that a number of the escorts sustained not insignificant levels of damage, but fortunately no one was forced to eject.
This cargo will be used to help complete the project that is currently ongoing at the Syros shipyard.
It seems that we were not to have everything our own way. I have just received reports of our pilots being forced to retreat as a result of an encounter with the IMG.
A small wing of Benitez pilots who were en-route to the New London jump hole in Cambridge were attacked by a similar sized group of IMG pilots in an asteroid field not too far from the Cardiff Mining Facility.
Despite the efforts of our pilots it seems that they were forced to withdraw. However, all pilots that were forced to eject into the life pods have been successfully extracted and are currently back at home with their families.
In light of these recent events, I'd like to suggest that all IMG vessels are treated with extreme caution, and that their activities are monitored closely.
Received comm
Security level: low
from: Planet Crete mooring fixture, Omicron Gamma
ID: "Vespertinum", Pilgrim Liner class
cpt. James "the gouty"
Corsairs Guard ID
Greetings Benitez,
I've received note from our pilot, Jorge.Ramirez, about a scum that sometimes give a "visit" in Gamma and near systems: Jorge.Ramirez chased him up to Omicron Theta.
Ship registered as "Captain_Longcat" (eagle), appear to have zoner iff and freelancer ID. he takes onboard some salamanca (unmounted) and some artfacts. At the right command to download our weapons, taking advantage of the arrival of a ship patrol nomad, and fled without a trace.
As well I had to do with this pilot (previously had "police" iff), it is my duty to report it.
I send this message in order to request permission to be allowed to stay docked at planet Crete and/or Tripoli Shipyard. Some of your "Soldati" and hermanos knows me, particularly those who works as planet crete traffic control.
I made this request because normally your logistic protocols let me stay for several hours docked, while the food and fertilitzants are unloaded and your appreciated "souvenirs" are loaded. But sometimes the high radiation leves from Omegas systems or hostile vessels damages our vessel hull. So the possibility to be docked not for several hours but for periods of one or two days will be so helpful for my crew and me.
Aditionally i would like to inform that your fleet behavior is admirable so they escort me throught your neighbors systems when I request it, and also i have received some economic benefit from "Benitez food Foundation" from some of your high rank Caballeros.
With anyting more to add, i'll wait for your respond.
Little Roger, Captain of the Rusty Herring Vessel.
After I finished up with the initiation challenge, and went to get a tour around Omicron 94,
word got around about another band of Renegades in our home, trying to make a mess.
The tour was abandoned, and Damario, Jose, Valeria and myself went to track every
single one of them down. With great results. No Corsair ships were destroyed at all.
Not long after I finished getting some rest on Tinos, some sentries in Gamma
reported a fleet of Bounty Hunter Core ships. Three Makos and a Tresher to be precise.
After hearing this, not just me, but every hermano and hermana scrambled
to get rid of this incursion. Even though one of our Osiris and Legates suffered
heavy damage, the Core ships were destroyed in a quick instant thanks to our
present Naval defense fleet and obvious superior technology.
After that, Tiberio contacted me that he would make a run to Gran Canaria in
Omega 49 to drop off some cargo, but more importantly, bring back some
supplies to Crete. I offered to escort him there to ensure his safe arrival. On
our way there, and back, we didn't run into anything, though, and the following
goods made it to Crete.
An Outcast fleet invaded our home, right at the moment where I was taking
care of some Bounty Hunter Hammerheads in Theta, all of their fleet jumped
in from Eta. They didn't seem to hesitate a moment, and attacked me on sight.
I didn't think of running and attacked them head on, taking out a bomber
and reported the fleet to mi hermanos in Gamma, then tried to hold them off long
enough for them to form a defensive fleet. All the time during their attack, I was,
along with CDF|HF-Mario.Del.Puzo and Defiant|Sails, holding off their snub
reinforcements in Theta, effectively taking out about a half dozen of them.
Soon, the defenders in Gamma got the whole capital Outcast fleet running back to
Alpha, resulting in a great victory for Crete, once again.
Nothing much happened this day for me. A single Renegade tried to pick a fight with me in Theta, and a few Bounty Hunters that were roaming around Gamma in the afternoon got chased down to Kappa. I lost any guncams and records of this, but all three bounty hunters (a Mako, Moray and Manta) were damaged heavily. Especially the Mako, which suffered a few explosions as well, thanks to the Talos, while the snubs were sent running further away in the Omicrons. So a few jobs well done, if I may say so.
After setting out to space for once again, it didn't take long to get a distress call from fellow
Corsairs out in Omega 3 that they needed backup. Me, Trueno and xXPrototypeXx set out in
fighters right away. Once we arrived there, it turned out a few wings of IMG, Hessian and
Coalition bombers and fighters were harassing a few Corsairs, along with a lone Bounty
Hunter bomber, close to the Freeport, but not close enough for the fight to be inside the
no fire zone. We engaged right away, eventually securing our hermanos, with the only
loss being Trueno getting unluckily hit by a supernova. He was returned safely, however,
and every single IMG, Hessian, Coalition and the Hunter either fled or was shot down,
proving once again that not even a combined force of four groups can stand up against the
greatness of our empire. The following two ships were destroyed by my hand;
[font=Arial]Comm ID: Jose Benitez
Location: Battleship Delos
Attention :- All Benitez
Senors and Senorinas,
It seems that the recent hard work and effort that has been put into combat training is about to be put to good use.
I'm sure that you are all well aware of the ongoing tensions between the Corsairs and certain groups of Zoners.
In recent times these tensions have been made worse by the apparent reluctance of some of the Administrators of certain Zoner bases to restrict access to the facilities that their bases offer to sworn enemies of the Corsair Empire.
This cannot be permitted to continue.
There will be a transmission made by the Corsair Council in the near future that will outline the Empires requirements and expectations of the Zoners operating those bases.
Please be aware that the transmission from the Council will apply to very specific groups of Zoners, and not Zoners at large.
In anticipation of this declaration I am cancelling all shore leave for the foreseeable future and moving our state of readiness to level 2.