"Open Program: Log" Log Opened; Specify Date and Entry
"Date: 12/10/07, Entry: 001" Begin Entry 001
"As I sit here shaking I want to take a look back at how my life has gone and how I ended up here...
I never knew my father, mostly because my mother never knew who he was. Yeah, she was a prostitute, get over it. She hated me, and because of that hate she turned me out when I was 8 years old. 8!! How is an 8 year old supposed to survive on the streets of Manhattan? I don't really know how but I did, mostly by grabbing food from ladies after they finished grocery shopping. Don't worry, I only stole from the rich ones. For all I know I stole from my own father! Anyway, I stole until I could find a job at 14. It was greasy work, scrubbing some rich dude's kitchen down after each meal, I don't know why he wanted it scrubbed, he never went in there. But it provided me with a little income, and if the head butler was lazy, a warm place to spend the night.
At 16 I started bussing tables at 2 local restaurants and I managed to get myself a small, and I mean small apartment, but it had a bed and a door and a roof, so I was happy.
And that's how I thought my life would be, bussing tables.
Until my 21st Birthday. A few guys that I knew from various jobs took me out to a seedy pub. As we were sitting there drinking ourselves into a stupor there is a commotion at the bar.
"Hey buddy, pay up or ill take a few fingers as payment" from the bartender. Nothin unusual, just some drunk refusing to pay his due. But then another man joined in.
"You jerk, pay the man and give him a 30% tip for his trouble" what? some dude in a suit, must have thought he was HeroMan or something...
The first man took one look at him and payed the bartender. As his right hand flips the credit chit his left hand materializes a 7in spike that he drives into HeroMan's throat. "Ok, I paid" and walks out.
Now killings aren't uncommon in that part of town, but everybody is shocked at how smooth this stranger is. And he killed without a seconds hesitation, like he was used to it. Like he did this everyday, multiple times a day... eerie.
Slowly everyone returned to their drinks. My buddy Mike is bouncin in his seat though, sorta like he's gotta piss real bad. "Mike, what are you doing?!?" I asked.
"That guy, the dead one, ... I've seen him before, he parked his spaceship at the docking station where I work. Its a little puddle-hopper. I heard him mutter something about nobody missing him..." he stops to think... "Victor, guess what we got you for your birthday?! A spaceship!!"
"Guys, you can't just take this guys ship, won't people get suspicious?"
"Nah, you take it just long enough to make some REAL cash."
"And then you sell it before it gets hot" chimed in Ben.
So me and a buddy acted like we worked there, took the guy out back, and emptied his pockets. Yep, there was the docking pass and the keycard for a ship. Get this! He had 94,000 credits in cash on him. Who does that?
So we used 500 credits to pay our bill and leave a nice big tip, and there was enough left for 8500 credits for each of us.
We hurried over to the spaceport and I used the guy's pass to get in and see my new ship."
"End log, I will continue later" Log Program Closed, Will open LATER
Log Program Opened, begin entery 002
"What?!? No, why did you start the log program? It Is LATER
"Terminate Log Program" Log Program Terminated...LATER?
"Open Program: Log" Log Opened; Specify Date and Entry
"Date: 12/10/07, Entry: 002" Begin Entry 002
"Humph, I couldn't sleep, still a little too jittery about what happened today...
Anyway... Where was I? oh, I get to see my spaceship...
Or rather, what it wasn't. When Mike said it was a puddle-hopper I didn't think he meant puddles that I could hop over, but there it was, a StarFlier. Not even big enough for me. Well, maybe just big enough...
"So guys, what do you think?"
I turned around to find that they had all disappeared. Some friends. They're probably all glad that they didn't get this ship for their birthday.
Well, I had it, may as well use it...
I got permission from the portmaster and took off. As the atmosphere faded away I saw the stars clearly for the first time, and oh Boy were they beautiful!!! And ships and stations and the planet beneath me. Wow, no matter how terrible the ship, space is always amazing. And to make up for its small size, the StarFlier is AGILE!! I took her to the space station Newark and weaved in and out of the superstructure. I felt so free...
"If you are done prancing around I have something serious for you to do." WTF!!! A very angry LSF captain suddenly appeared in my cockpit! Bastard. It took me a few seconds to realize it was a hologram. A few more seconds to figure out he was talking to me. And then I realized he wanted an answer. *gulp*
"ummm, yes sir, I am done prancing sir, sorry sir."
"Do you want the job or no?" I thought quickly, I had taken off from all 3 jobs tomorrow anticipating a major hangover, so I was free to make more money.
"Ummm, sure. what do I do?" I swear that question made me very glad he was a hologram, and still he almost chocked me to death.
"Go down to the planet and get some decent weapons and a shield, but hurry!!!"
Yip! I went to the planet and outfitted myself with 3 new weapons and the best shield I could find.
As I went back into space the Captain again appeared and growled his approval. "Now follow my ship"
Ok, I could follow. Unfortunately, he didn't want me to JUST follow. It turns out that the captain's name was Rodevo and all he needed was someone for the Rouges to shoot at so they wouldn't shoot at his men. I don't think any of my shots landed that first engagement I was so scared. I DID get a wing blown off and I ejected in panic. The LSF men recovered my Flea and my escape pod and laughed at me all the way back to Manhattan. But Captain Redevo paid me 5,000 credits for my excellent job of distracting the Rouges. 5,000 credits!! that's more then I make in 6 months!!
I decided right then and there to quit my 2 jobs and fly for the LSF as a freelancer. So I went in and insulted all 3 bosses and got myself fired. :) Now I could fly full time."
"End Log" Log Ended LATER?
//Please PM me with any critiques or laughter, feedback encouraged!!!//
"Open Program: Log" Log Opened; Specify Date and Entry
"Date: 12/10/07, Entry: 003" Begin Entry 003
Ok, you want to hear more of the story? I'll give you more...
I enjoyed flying those first few missions, but they got tedious. Fortunately, I was a freelancer and could say no when the LSF tried to send me on suicide missions.
It was still dangerous though, and I wasn't making the millions I thought I would, so I stopped taking jobs and started mining silver. My fighters cargo hold wasn't that big so I didn't make much per run, but even with the Xenos attacks it was still safer then deliberately flying at a Rouge base solo. I purchased a fighter with an upgraded cargo hold and managed to make some decent money that way, but I was still based in Manhattan which was boring.
So I decided to go toward the Galactic North and see what was up in that region of space.
Along the way I ran into trouble. More Rouges, apparently they don't like you after you blow up their base. I managed to evade most of them and kill the rest, and continue on my way. Because of this, I found out that the Bounty Hunters on Deshima station would pay large sums of cash for these pilots. Ca-ching!! I wanted to explore a little more so I went over the the Battleship Nago, they let me dock and I laid my eyes on the most beautiful ship I have ever seen. Her name was the Dragon. But she cost way to much for me, so I took on more assignments, this time from the Kyurshia Navy. I eventually earned enough to pay for me to have a Dragon, and after a few more missions to get some money to outfit her I kept going North. I finally came to New Tokyo and BOY what a place, busy like Manhattan but busier. And WAY more exotic. I spent 3 nights just wandering the streets. By this time I was feeling a little homesick (I had been gone for 6 months by this point) so I decided to make my way home. Along the way I stopped by a little planet being terriformed and noticed this ship. She looked decent, had a larger cargo hold, more turrets but less guns... I figured out that with her larger cargo hold I could make 4 Million Credits in one year from mining silver. After that I could retire comfortably on any planet I wanted. So I traded in my beautiful Dragon and got the stupid, bloody, annoying, X-ship. That ship was uglier then my StarFlea, had NO turning ability, and all the turrets were in the wrong spot. But... all she had to do was mine silver right?
HA!! On the way home I stopped in the Colorado Silverton fields to pick up my first real load of silver before going to Manhattan. As soon as I dropped out of the Trade Lane 2 Xenos attacked me. I managed to destroy them both and started going toward the jump hole between Colorado and New York that I had found. This was standard procedure for me.
Just as I got to the Jump Hole 8 Xenos jumped me. My stupid x-ship was unable to maneuver or really fight back so all I could do was make a run for the JH. After a few seconds my shields collapsed and they started pounding on my hull. Just as my superstructure was beginning to collapse under their bombardment I made it to the JH.
On the other side I immediately engaged my cruise engines and hoped that no Xeno would follow me. I swore then and there that I would make war upon any Xeno I met. To this day I stop and engage them no matter what I am doing. As I limped in to Manhattan I called all my old friends. It had only been 7 months since I had left...why couldn't they wait for me?
None of them wanted to hang out, they all had different lives now.
No one was happy I was still alive.
None were interested in me.
No one wanted to be my friend anymore.
None cared about me.
I figured out right then and there that my home would be among the stars.
After unloading my precious silver the loadmaster handed me my credits.
As I sat there I realized I had traded my friends for a handful of credits.
As I sat there I knew that I had abandoned them long before they abandoned me.
"Open Program: Log" Log Opened; Specify Date and Entry
"Date: 12/11/07, Entry: 004" Begin Entry 004
Boy did I learn my lesson, I miss those guys. Never put profits in front of people...
After a nice long nap I went out and did 2 more silver runs. Boring stuff that you don't want to hear...
After launching from Manhattan the second time a guy with a ship named Damion_Wolf invited me to join a convoy with him and some other traders. It was a great convoy, 2 gunships, and 4 traders. Mine was the smallest ship there and I made millions in profit. I got to see Rheinland and Bertonia... strange ships they have there...The run took 3 days to complete, thats how immense it was. At the end of it I had formed lifelong friendships with some of the guys. Maybe more important: I got a better ship. 10x as maneuverable as my x-ship with a larger cargo hold and more weapon slots. I think that I am the only person flying it though... The Turanic Raiders Freighter. It's my baby.
After that trade run I took a break from mining and went exploring. I visited all the major planets in all the houses, and most of the boarder ones too. I've been through the Omicrons, and the Sigmas... Very beautiful and deadly places. I have fought Nomads and their human brethren, the Wild. I have eve visited a few Unknown systems. Now THOSE are hard to navigate, and I couldn't have done it without a few VERY good friends.
After going from one end of the sector to the other I found myself coming back to one place over and over. Rheinland.
Rheinland seems to be the armpit of Sirius right now, pirates everywhere, a battered military, rumors of civil unrest, corrupt corporations, I mean, EVERYONE ships their prisoners to New Berlin! Comon. But you know what else?
There are good people here, who are trying to make a difference. They have a purpose: make Rheinland great again. And for a man as purposeless as I am, that sounds like a pretty good cause. So now I liaison with the Rheinland Military and Republic Express and try and make this nation better.
I hunt pirates and Wild that haunt the area around New Berlin. To pay for my ship and my apartment I sell the pirates I capture on Deshima station, and make trading runs with old buddies. I still am friendly with the Corsairs and have other friends who went pirate that I stay in contact with. But right now this is my purpose. Right now this is my cause.
Which leads me to why I am sitting in my cockpit shacking instead of in my apartment asleep. But right now I am getting very sleepy and my pillow is all I can think about. Goodnight.
End Log
Log Ended
LATER LATER LATER LATER LATER LATER LATER power supply interuppted, shutting down...
"Open Program: Log" Log Opened; Specify Date and Entry
"Date: 12/11/07, Entry: 005" Begin Entry 005
You JERK! You shut me off!!
sush, I'm telling a story here.
So anyway, to the incidents that happened yesterday...
For the past 2 months or so I have gone out and tried to keep the Sigma-13 JH in Hazerfield by New Berlin safe for traders. That means destroying Wild, Red Hessians, and the occasional LWB fighter.
Yesterday was a VERY (I think I got 2 kills in an hour) slow day, until I heard: To all units in New Berlin, pirates spotted in-system
Breaking off my patrol I engaged cruise engines to get to New Berlin. As soon as I got in sensor range I knew this would be trouble. The first ship I saw was Tinky [TBH] who, in my opinion, deserves the deadly reputation he has. The other sign of trouble was MONSTER.bird, a lesser-known pirate, but still, not someone to be trifled with lightly. It appeared that both were attacking =CR=Panonnia. As I was about 7k away something happened that I couldn't see and Tinky was forced to withdraw. And then I noticed that MONSTER.bird's shields were already gone and I thought that this might not be as deadly anymore. When bird saw me coming he changed course and we did one jousting pass. He won, he stripped my shields and I just managed to get the bats activated in time to avoid hull damage. I'm not sure if any of my shots hit him.
Realizing that my shields couldn't stand up to him I tried to outmanuver him, but I think he was in something quicker then me. Sensors identified it as a Blood Dragon Bomber whatever that is. He managed to slip around behind me and strip my shields again. Activating the last of my bots (to get a paltry 15% of my shield back...) I made for The Ring. By this time [RM] Walter Krupinski showed up with a wing of fighters and they proceeded to harass bird as I led him on a merry chase through The Ring's superstructure. Unfortunately, he kept pestering my shields refusing to let them regenerate and I was out of batteries. It was only a matter of time before he wore them down and started eroding my hull....
I thought of entering Turret mode and shooting back but that would leave me a sitting target and within 5 shots a dead target. And then Panonnia sent me a trade request. NOW!?!?! And then I realized he was sending me batteries for my shields. Gratefully I let their power flow into my shields. Bird decided that I was going to be a tough nut to crack weaving as I was with a full amount of shields so he went after Panonnia. Between Panonnia going into turret mode and Herr Krupinski and myself chasing him his goose was cooked. Herr Krupinski finished him off and I repaid Panonnia.
I will never forget that feeling of knowing I was going to be blown apart and there was nothing I could do to stop it. After the battle it took me 15 minutes to let go of the control stick and after that I was shaking the rest of the day.
Unfortunately for my nerves my day wasn't about to end quietly. I docked and refilled on batteries on New Berlin, and just as I launched a trader called asking for help by the Sigma-13 JH. Seems that while I was away playing with MONSTER.bird the Wild had come out to harass the traders. I went out there with the notion this trader was being pessimistic and that 2 or 3 Wild wouldn't destroy his ship, just rattle him a bit. I got there to find 8 Wild attacking this one trader. His shields were almost gone and he was still almost 1k away from the JH. His cries for help were pitiful, and still, every part of me wanted to turn around. All I could think of was them slowly nibbling away my shields and then letting me asphyxiate in my escape pod. I was ready to turn my ship around when they spotted me. I knew at that point they would not voluntarily let me live so I might as well give this trader a fighting chance...
I dove into their furball and managed to divert the group's attention long enough for him to get to the JH. I have no idea if he survived or if there were more waiting for him on the other side...
Since they couldn't have the trader's blood they wanted mine. On my first pass I had managed to strip one of the enemy's shield away so I concentrated on him. It is almost impossible to catch a Wild in your crosshairs, and when you do their hull is so tough that it takes persistent pounding to crack open. I didn't have a lot of time but I managed to get one of them to die under my guns. I knew I was dead but I wasn't going down without a fight. One down, seven to go...
The furball moved out of the asteroid field because the Wild like the long passes from multiple sides. I got another before they took down my shield. After regenerating it I had 12 batteries left... Another thing about the Wild is that they don't drop batteries or nanobots like Hessians do, the Wild get to use them all before I destroy them.
BAM! My little Turanic was spinning out of control, the joystick was not responsive, what had happened? I think that a Wild slammed into me and completely disoriented my ship's gyroscope for a moment. It turns out this was a good thing as 4 Wild shredded the space where I just was with laserfire.
After that it was a blur. I remember taking down my 4th fighter, and I remember sitting there just after destroying the last one. I know that it was the best I have ever flown, and I know that it drained me completely.
Somehow I managed to make it back to New Berlin. No more Wild appeared after that.
After landing I sat in my cockpit for 2 hours shaking. 2 times today I have cheated Death. Lets hope 3 isn't his lucky number.
I need a drink (or 5) I'll write what I did today at another time.
"Open Program: Log" Log Opened; Specify Date and Entry
"Date: 12/11/07, Entry: 006" Begin Entry 006
ok, I've had a few drunks, I mean drinks...:)I am ready to begin todays entry.
Today started out with me getting jumped by 4 Hessians! Feisty little buggers, they can't really hurt me though my shields but still...
I then found a [LLJK] member by the name of Orb by the Sig-13 JH. Apparently he was trying to keep it open for some of his trader ships. For the last week or so the Wild and Hessians have been quiet making my job easy. Not so today. Every time we turned around there were 4 more vectoring in on us. My ship was fine, its pilot was getting a little testy about not getting any break between skirmishes but Orb and I started up a friendly banter. His ship wasn't quite heavy enough to crack the Wild's hull open but he tried. Generally we were in good spirits and we had just started working on getting him some of my surplus Nomad Blasters at a fair price (he was stripped for cash, but all he had were light, quick weapons and I felt sorry for him.)
Then I think that our enemies organized to take us out because we got hit with 2 Wild Valkyries, 2 Hessian Scimitars, and 4 LWB fighters. Not a huge problem but one that required our attention. I shredded one Hessian on the first pass and then turned my attention toward the Wild pilots. Our battle moved about 3k away from the JH. Just as I destroyed the last Wild Orb got the last LWB and between us the Hessian didn't survive for 5 seconds. And then Tinky [TBH] came out of the JH. I called for reinforcements and RepEx-Security|Helios and Orion responded as did [RM] Hans Kreiger. Our victory was assured except the coward Tinky fled back through the JH. RepEx Security members and I pursued but he had a head start and escaped.
I bid farewell to the security team and returned to New Berlin to unload all the cargo I had pillaged during the fight. On my return to the Sig-13 JH I found 4 Wild and an Outcast pilot that went by the call-sign Frosty dancing together. I assessed the situation and presumed that Frosty was my biggest threat. Closing on him I opened fire and managed to strip his shields and hammer his hull before he broke away. Evading the Wild I fired a few more shots but my aim was off and he got his shields back to full health. He paused his fancy flying for just a second and I collapsed his shield bubble again. He again started evasive maneuvers and recharged his shield. He then sent a message essentially saying that we should work together to fight the Wild. I took this as a sign of desperation and closed on him. Just as I had him in my sights he slammed into a large asteroid at full thruster. I winced in sympothy. This had the positive result for him of knocking of my aim. Blast!! He took my being off-aim as an excuse to run and he engaged cruise engines before I could get off a Cruise Disruptor. As he was leaving he told me I wouldn't like it if he shot unprovoked at me while he was in his gunboat, and I told him he wouldn't if he wanted to survive.
The 4 Wild were finished off rather rapidly after that.
About that time [LLJK] Orb returned from repairs (I think Tinky got a few shots off at him) and we continued to patrol the area around the JH. At one point we got separated and an Outcast by the name of Oblivion took the opportunity to charge at Orb. As they jousted I came in from the side and hammered at Oblivion's shield then hull. Orb got credit for the kill though... humph.
Since it was quiting down Orb and I finalized a deal where he could get 2 Nomad Blasters in exchange for all the pilots he collected today. Just as I was about to do the transfer 6 Wild appeared. Orb and I concentrated our firepower on one and destroyed it in the first pass. About this time apparently there was a fallout between [LLJK] and [RM]. I don't know the details because the Wild were demanding my attention rather strongly. I do know that at one point Orb insulted the Rhineland Military in such a manner that I was repulsed to be around him. I canceled our deal and after finishing off the Wild flew to the Junker base in Sig-13 to unload a bunch of items I had pillaged from the Hessians...
That was today, and now it is tomorrow, so I will go to bed.
"Open Program: Log" Log Opened; Specify Date and Entry
"Date: 12/12/07, Entry: 007" Begin Entry 007
"Ah, I couldn't sleep, and then I went and had an adventure so that even if I wanted to sleep, first I have to dictate it to YOU."
"You want to hear it? Ok, here goes..."
"I couldn't sleep. My small apartment on New Berlin is nice, a little cramped though. All I really need is a Pillow, 2 blankets, a bathroom with a shower, and a kitchen with a sink, a refrigerator, a stove, a toaster, and a microwave. I even have a toaster oven and a bedroom and a mattress, yes sir, I'm livin the high life. Blah.
Anyway, even with the mattress I couldn't sleep, so I went out to play tag with some Hessians. I won.
Oh!! and I passed 1000 kills. :)
Anywho, remember that debacle between [LLJK] and [RM]? Well I received word that because of it [LLJK] was no longer allowed in Rheinland space until they straightened a few things out... whatever. I'm not in charge, so I just go with what they tell me. As I am heading toward the Sig-13 JH I notice a certain [LLJK]Kerc sitting there. I inform him that he is to leave posthaste and after a short skirmish with some Wild he listened. Good thing too cause he was in a big ship that didn't look like he would be intimidated by me. And there were none of my friends in the RM out on patrol to call as backup. Bah. Also, a Corsair tagged trader came through and I told him to leave and that he wasn't allowed back until he got his tag fixed.
Gosh, I feel all proper now.
Did you like the story? Good, now I'm going to bed."
"Open Program: Log" Log Opened; Specify Date and Entry
"Date: 12/13/07, Entry: 008" Begin Entry 008
"Stupid crazy pirates. Its even worse when they have better ships/weapons then me.
Ok, ok, I'll start from the beginning.
I went on a quick run to New York to see if I could unload these Nomad blasters that are filling up my cargo hold. After that I went to Deshima Station, I had over 100 Hessians tied up in my hold. I didn't realize it until the [RM] pointed it out. Nice guys.
It netted me over 800,000 Credits. I know, not a lot but still, enough to pay for the fuel that keeps the weapons humming...
As I entered New Berlin I looked at my long-range scanners and a [Hacker] Sans.Seraph (Interesting note, a Seraph was an Old Earth angel. Sans means without. Without Angel, possibly Without God, very interesting.)
I found out that he was by the Sigma-13 JH and informed the RM. We moved to engage but there were about 10 Hessians/LWB/Wild flying around. Both the RM pilot and myself were flying fighters and the guy was in a gunboat of some sort. We were just barely able to nick his shields. Between the pirates and the gunboat the RM pilot went down. I managed to grab his escape pod and later returned it to New Berlin. Anyway, Sans.Seraph and I danced for a bit, but I was just maneuverable enough that he couldn't hit me, and unlike the RM pilot my shields held against the pirates' attacks. But while I was maneuverable enough to avoid him, I wasn't powerful enough to take down his shields. We hit a stalemate so he withdrew through the JH. I eliminated several pirate vessels and then withdrew to New Berlin. It was weird though, he informed me that he was going to take down the whole RM and then asked me why I risked my life for them.
After that I launched from The Ring to find a certain Alexander Kalashnikov entering New Berlin space. I informed him that since he was Bunschuach tagged he had to leave. His first volley shredded my shields. I managed to get behind him and recharge my shields but I decided I didn't feel like having my ship blown apart so I fled to the planet. No traders were in sight and he told me he was leaving anyway, I just got in his way. Stupid gunboat captains...
"End Log"
Log Ended
You ran away? You were my hero!!
"No, you're just saying that to make me feel bad. Power off..."
"Open Program: Log" Log Opened; Specify Date and Entry
"Date: 12/14/07, Entry: 009" Begin Entry 009
"Sorry its been so long since I've added an entry...."
"Shut up and listen"
No. Alright alright, don't erase my code...
"I went out and got myself a Rheinland Gunboat because I was sick of the enemy GBs blowing me apart in 2 shots. Guess what? They still do... Seems I have to blance my weapons better. I have a crew for myself now though. Good men and women, but I made sure that they don't have families....I take them into dangerous situations and more then once we have had to use the escape pods and I don't want to tell a greiving mother that I killed her son or daughter.
I have had several altercations with pirates...but business is going well... It is much easier to kill Wild and Hessians in the GB as apposed to the Turanic. Although I still miss it's manuverability.
I also went out and got myself a day job. I am now a part of RepEx. RepEx*BT|Victory to be exact. I just got my guy all outfitted and everything. He's in a Wraith HF. A good ship."
"What for?
For leaving me alone for so long
"Shut up
I also entered the RepEx Codname competition. I have turned a bunch in so far. Go me.
Yesterday as I launched my GB Just Cause I met up with RepEx*BT|Orion in his Rheinland GB. We heard there was a pirate in Sigma-13 so we went there to make sure the traders were safe. We jumped in and saw the Corsair Templar there in his own GunBoat. We engaged and managed to take his shields down so he fled into Sigma-19. We pursuied but he seemed to have an endless supply of bots and bats. We had him down to a sliver of health but he somehow regened and blew up Orion. And then me. Humph. A trader picked up our escape pods and returned us to New Berlin. My ship is in dry-dock for a couple of weeks.
"Open Program: Log" Log Opened; Specify Date and Entry
"Date: 1/5/08, Entry: 010" Begin Entry 010
Long time no see.... I feel alone
"Hush, I've been busy, stupid Rheinland Tax Department, trying to take all my money....
I have exciting news though. I have a crew nowadays. 20 men under my command, making sure the ship runs smooth. I feel powerful.
Unfortunately today after I filled up my hold with Niobium stripped from Wild ships I ran to Dresdan where I encountered 2 pirates. Feeling powerful in my new gunboat I engaged the pirates. They had this Anti-matter cannon or something on board and it stripped my shields in 2 shots. I managed to escape but I used up all my bats and bots. After that I went back to the Sig-13 JH where a Military Cruiser was blasting Wilds, I joined him for about 20 minutes. He had some other business to attend to so he left. I hunted Wild for about 10 more minutes and all of a sudden on scanners I see my 2 pirate buddies. I was still low on bats/bots and since there were no traders around to protect I hightailed it out of there with them taking potshots at me the whole time. I managed to get to NB just a tad before them and I docked on the planet to get me and my crew a drink.
Then a trader by the name of "Vachel_Spirit_Wolf" called out for help so I rounded up my crew and went to investigate. Guess who was there. Yep. The trader designated me as his escort and the 2 pirates immediately turned and attacked me. This time I was unable to get away and they shattered my hull. Most of the crew got to their escape pods in time but 2 Engineers did not. Trivial in comparison, but I lost 9 Nomad Blasters and all the cargo I had accumulated. Of course, right after I eject the RM shows up and tractors my ship into dry dock and they are even offering to repair it for free because they were not around to take care of the pirates. I have not heard from Vachel_Spirit_Wolf since then but a huge Ion storm has been ravaging the area for quite some time now. Memorial services for the 2 lost crewmen are later today. None of my crew has a family, I made sure just for situations like this. But still, it hurts. Just Cause is expected to be out of dry dock on Monday afternoon.