I was worked around the house when i got this idea.
Nommies can cloak and they can jump long distances in space right? AAAaaand we gonna get many shiny new things in 4.86 one of them is the jumpdrive right? So what i'm thinking about is some sort of nomad
jump flee/strike force/thing. Now how they work: A mixed mid siezed fleet of nommies jump in a random system and start a party there as they normally do...shooting everyone in to pieces. After they're in (system name here) a system wide message appers to everyone something like:
Warning nomad fleet detected. Any civilian vessel leave the system ASAP. All military personel report to their superiors for further order.
This may can add some new taste to the game. Any thougts, it's good or bad or anything else?
I think it can be made with some FLhook magic...but i'm just a fellow player with some madness in his head.
yeah....well....also if it happen when in X system, Number Of players..is Above 8 or 7..but....just 3 or 2 systems Cuz we must remember the LAG matter too...!
lets give it a Try and see what happens?...
If that's player-flown Nomad ships, I sense a gank of unimaginable proportions. It gives players a huge amount of freedom to strike anywhere with little RP basis. Regardless, I don't think that kind of attack is really the Nomads' style.
Edit: Also, from what little I know, Jump Drives won't just let you attack anywhere, at any time. For example, if it gives the freedom to jump between systems that are already linked by Jump Gates or Holes, then perhaps there might be a significant cooldown after use; or maybe it might cost something?
' Wrote:If that's player-flown Nomad ships, I sense a gank of unimaginable proportions. It gives players a huge amount of freedom to strike anywhere with little RP basis. Regardless, I don't think that kind of attack is really the Nomads' style.
Edit: Also, from what little I know, Jump Drives won't just let you attack anywhere, at any time. For example, if it gives the freedom to jump between systems that are already linked by Jump Gates or Holes, then perhaps there might be a significant cooldown after use; or maybe it might cost something?
Of course Its Just For NPC Nomads......nothing Else....Otherwise....i Disagree with it,,,cuz Of Above Reasons....
Hell yeah. Imagine that: You fly peacefully in your ship somewhere in space and you so happy you start siging: Aaaye aaaye yuppi yuppi yaay...oooops...not here xD so you fly in a random part of space and a nomad fleet hop in to that system to PPAAAARRTTTIIE. And you find yourself in the middle of that fleet. Your first thought is gonna be something like: Holly *beep* and right after that the second is gonna be like: Activete O.S.H.I protocol...
anyways: nomnom shooting is fun for the whole family...
sorry...my brain working only on 50% and i'm in a funny mood.