Alright, so being an AGS-U guy and also an active one I was all very happy to see the new Arbeiter, it's improvement and all that. But then I actually saw the ID and the lack of common sense hit me so hard it still hurts.
But to get to the point. Now small time pirate factions have their ZOI listed in it for where the faction can operate aggressively and all that (Also known as "May engage pirates, terrorists, lawfuls in...."). So our ID reads:
Can engage pirates, terrorists and lawfuls in Rheinland and the Independent Systems bordering Rheinland.
And now to get the list of our bases:
Pacifica in Bering
Wedel in Hamburg
Leipheim in Munich
Krefeld in Koeln <-- New System between Stuttgart, Hamburg and Duesseldorf
So basically we're more north to east Rheinland pirate faction with a base 1 system away from Texas. But if we technically make this 1 single jump we're taking the risk of getting sanctioned for being out of our ZOI and causing mischief. Now on the other hand we can go to Omega-7, hardcore Hessian zone where Unioners don't really have anything to do and actually be 100% legit rule wise. Not to mention this little access to Liberty is something unique and giving Unioners a different taste then the rest of the Rheinland pirate factions.
So this raises the question:
Would common sense still equal in sanctions just because we engaged Bob the Gunboat in Texas without waiting for him to get an enemy force big enough to totally outgun us?
Would we be able to pirate there without Joe the 5K transport going into sanction mode because we stole 2 million credits off him?
Would there be a chance for the ID to actually be sorta fixed, considering common sense about Unioner ZOI?
Obviously you're free to discuss, list other IDs with similar problems, rant on AGS and etc, etc.
Not including Texas into this ID takes away quite a part of the Unioners ZOI, it also terminates any possible base for further cooperation with the LR in Liberty.
Noted. Makes sense since they have a base one jump away, to include that system.
[Edit] Just don't expect the rogues to be happy with you 2milordaiing at their turf - that's their job:D
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From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
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